tcBusinessFieldName | tcDataType | tcOperator |
iiCompanyId | i | |
icSalespersonFrom | c | >= |
icSalespersonTo | c | <= |
itPaymentStartDate | t | >= |
itPaymentEndDate | t | <= |
icTransactionCurrency | c | = |
tCurrency1.CurrencyCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tCurrency2.CurrencyCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDDocument.DDocumentCreationDate | t | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocument.DDocumentExchangeRate | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocument.DDocumentNumber | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocument.DDocumentRateScale | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDDocument.DDocumentType | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDDocument.DDocumentYear | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDebtor.DebtorCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceComm1 | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceComm2 | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceComm3 | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceComm4 | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceDate | t | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceExchangeRate | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceMarginAmountTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoiceMovement.DInvoiceMovementType | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoiceOpInfo.DInvoiceOpInfoCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoiceOpInfo.DInvoiceOpInfoType | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceRateScale | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceSalesAmt | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn1 | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn2 | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn3 | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn4 | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceType | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDInvoice.DInvoiceVoucher | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDomains.DomainCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tJournal.JournalCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icSalespersonFrom | character | Salesperson to start with |
icSalespersonTo | character | Salesperson to end with |
itPaymentStartDate | date | Payment date to start with |
itPaymentEndDate | date | Payment date to end with |
icTransactionCurrency | character | transaction currency code |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency1.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tcCurrencyCode2 | character | Currency2.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
ttDDocumentCreationDate | date | DDocument.DDocumentCreationDate | Creation Date.This field indicate the payment creation date. This field is read-only. |
tdDDocumentExchangeRate | decimal | DDocument.DDocumentExchangeRate | Exchange Rate. This field holds the exchange rate applying to the transaction currency. |
tdDDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTC | decimal | DDocumentInvoiceXref.DDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTC | TC Allocated Amount. This field indicates the invocie amount already Allocated in transaction currency. |
tdDDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTC | decimal | DDocumentInvoiceXref.DDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTC | TC Discount Amount. This field indicates the discount amount of the invoice already allocated by transaction currency. |
tiDDocumentNumber | integer | DDocument.DDocumentNumber | Document Number. This field hold a unified number for report use. |
tdDDocumentRateScale | decimal | DDocument.DDocumentRateScale | Scale Factor. This field indicates the scaling factor applying to the transaction currency. |
tcDDocumentType | character | DDocument.DDocumentType | Payment Instrument. The system displays the payment instrument associated with the payment format linked to the customer bank. |
tiDDocumentYear | integer | DDocument.DDocumentYear | Year/Number. This field displays the accounting year and payment sequence number, which is automatically generated by the accounting year. |
tcDebtorCode | character | Debtor.DebtorCode | A code (maximum eight characters) that identifies a customer. If the code you specify matches an existing supplier code, a warning message displays. You can choose to ignore the warning, and create the record. However, when a supplier and customer share the same code, they must reference the same business relation. |
api annotation: | If you leave the Customer Code field blank, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Customer Autonumber Create. | ||
tdDInvoiceComm1 | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceComm1 | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | ||
tdDInvoiceComm2 | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceComm2 | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | ||
tdDInvoiceComm3 | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceComm3 | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | ||
tdDInvoiceComm4 | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceComm4 | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | ||
ttDInvoiceDate | date | DInvoice.DInvoiceDate | Invoice Date. This field indicates the invoice creation date.This field is normallly prior to the posting date and within the same accounting period as the posting date. The date must be within the upper and lower date limits of an open GL period. The system uses the invoice date with the credit terms to calculate due date and discount date. |
api annotation: | This field defaults to the DInvoicePostingDate. | ||
tdDInvoiceExchangeRate | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceExchangeRate | Exchange Rate. The accounting exchange rate used by the invoice. The BC Invoice Amount is calculated based on the exchange rate. If user modify the TC Invoice Amount, the BC invoice amount is automatically adjusted. |
tdDInvoiceMarginAmountTC | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceMarginAmountTC | Margin Amount. This field is not used in Financial's module. It is updated in Operational (Invoice post and print and is equal to Line total + discount amount - total extended cost). |
tcDInvoiceMovementType | character | DInvoiceMovement.DInvoiceMovementType | CInvoiceMovementType. "Initial" indicates that the movement represents the initial creation of the invoice, "movement" stands for all subsequent modifications of the invoice balance (payments, adjustments etc). |
tcDInvoiceOpInfoCode | character | DInvoiceOpInfo.DInvoiceOpInfoCode | Identifier. This field identifies an opinfo record. |
tcDInvoiceOpInfoType | character | DInvoiceOpInfo.DInvoiceOpInfoType | Type. The type of the OpInfo Records. ValuesList: SALESORDER, SHIPPER. |
tdDInvoiceOriginalCreditLC | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC | BC Invoice Amount(CR). This field displays the credit total invoice amount in the base currency. This field is calculated by the system using the TC Invoice Amount(CR) and the Exchange rate. |
tdDInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | TC Invoice Amount CR. This field displays the credit total invoice amount in the transaction currency. If you modify this field, the system automatically recalculates the exchange rate to ensure that the BC Invoice Amount remains the same. |
tdDInvoiceOriginalDebitLC | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC | BC Invoice Amount(DR). This field displays the debit total invoice amount in the base currency. This field is calculated by the system using the TC Invoice Amount(DR) and the Exchange rate. |
tdDInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | TC AP Amount. This field displays the debit total invoice amount in the transaction currency. If you modify this field, the system automatically recalculates the exchange rate to ensure that the TC Invoice Amount remains the same. |
tiDInvoicePostingYear | integer | DInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear | Year.This field indicates the accounting year for the invoice. If you modify these fields, the posting and tax dates are changed correspondingly. |
api annotation: | This field defaults to the accounting year associated with the posting date. | ||
tdDInvoiceRateScale | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceRateScale | Scale Factor.This field indicates the scale factor applying to the exchange rate in use for foreign currency payments. The exchange rate is multiplied by the scale factor to determine the actual exchange rate. |
api annotation: | The value for the scale factor defaults from the exchange rate definition, but it can be modified. | ||
tdDInvoiceSalesAmt | decimal | DInvoice.DInvoiceSalesAmt | Sales Amount. This field indicates the amount for which the salespersons should receive commission credit. This is normally the invoice total minus any non-commissioned charges such as freight or tax. |
api annotation: | This defaults from the order and is the only field that can be modified in this tab. | ||
tcDInvoiceSlsPsn1 | character | DInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn1 | Salesperson 1.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | ||
tcDInvoiceSlsPsn2 | character | DInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn2 | Salesperson 2.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | ||
tcDInvoiceSlsPsn3 | character | DInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn3 | Salesperson 3.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | ||
tcDInvoiceSlsPsn4 | character | DInvoice.DInvoiceSlsPsn4 | Salesperson 4.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | ||
tcDInvoiceType | character | DInvoice.DInvoiceType | Invoice Type. This field displays the invoice type. Invoice Correction and Credit Note Correction display as choices only when the appropriate daybook types have already been defined. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to Invoice | ||
tiDInvoiceVoucher | integer | DInvoice.DInvoiceVoucher | Voucher.This field displays the numeric identifier assigned to the posting. When the daybook of the journal entry is charged(after transfer), the voucher is cleared. Voucher must be unique in one GL period. When the user input is zero, the system automatically assign a value not used yet for this field. |
tcDomainCode | character | Domains.DomainCode | Domain |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
DInvoiceCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DomainsCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
Currency1Custom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DDocumentInvoiceXrefCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DDocumentCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
Currency2Custom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DebtorCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DInvoiceMovementCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DInvoiceOpInfoCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
JournalCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(DInvoice),rowid(Company),rowid(Domains),rowid(Currency1),rowid(DDocumentInvoiceXref),rowid(DDocument),rowid(Currency2),rowid(Debtor),rowid(DInvoiceMovement),rowid(DInvoiceOpInfo),rowid(Journal) |
define temp-table ttContext no-undo field propertyQualifier as character field propertyName as character field propertyValue as character index entityContext is primary unique propertyQualifier propertyName index propertyQualifier propertyQualifier. define dataset dsContext for ttContext. define variable vhContextDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhExceptionDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhServer as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhParameter as handle no-undo. /* Create context */ create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "programName" ttContext.propertyValue = "BDInvoice". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "methodName" ttContext.propertyValue = "DInvoiceBySlspsnByPayment". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "applicationId" ttContext.propertyValue = "fin". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "entity" ttContext.propertyValue = "1000". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "userName" ttContext.propertyValue = "mfg". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "password" ttContext.propertyValue = "". /* Create input dataset */ create dataset vhInputDS. vhInputDS:read-xmlschema("file", "xml/bdinvoice.dinvoicebyslspsnbypayment.i.xsd", ?). vhParameter = vhInputDS:get-buffer-handle("tParameterI"). vhParameter:buffer-create(). assign vhParameter::icRange = "A" vhParameter::icRowid = "" vhParameter::iiRownum = 0 vhParameter::iiNumber = 5 /* Number of records to read */ vhParameter::icSortColumns = "" vhParameter::ilCountOnly = false vhParameter::ilForwardRead = true vhParameter::iiMaximumBrowseRecordsToCount = 0. vhParameter = vhInputDS:get-buffer-handle("tFilter"). vhParameter:buffer-create(). assign vhParameter::<field-name-1> = <field-value-1> vhParameter::<field-name-2> = <field-value-2> ... /* Connect the AppServer */ create server vhServer. vhServer:connect("-URL <appserver-url>"). if not vhServer:connected() then do: message "Could not connect AppServer" view-as alert-box error title "Error". return. end. /* Run */ assign vhContextDS = dataset dsContext:handle. run program/rpcrequestservice.p on vhServer (input-output dataset-handle vhContextDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhExceptionDS, input dataset-handle vhInputDS by-reference, input-output dataset-handle vhInputOutputDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhOutputDS). /* Handle output however you want, in this example, we dump it to xml */ if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then vhExceptionDS:write-xml("file", "Exceptions.xml", true). if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then vhOutputDS:write-xml("file", "Output.xml", true). /* Cleanup */ vhServer:disconnect(). assign vhServer = ?. if valid-handle(vhInputDS) then delete object vhInputDS. if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then delete object vhOutputDS. if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then delete object vhExceptionDS.