ilStart1 | input | logical | is query DInvoiceByDebtStatusCurr already started or not ? |
ilStart2 | input | logical | Is query DebtorByIdAllInfo already started or not ? |
ilStartGLForInvoice | input | logical | is query GLForInvoice already started or not ? |
ilStartCostCentreWithSafs | input | logical | is query CostCentreWithSafs already started or not ? |
ilStartProjectWithSafs | input | logical | is query ProjectWithSafs already started or not ? |
ilStartPayFormatCodeByGroupID | input | logical | is query PayFormatCodeByGroupID already started or not ? |
ilStartDebtorShipToPrim | input | logical | is query DebtorShipToPrim already started or not ? |
ilStartLsMstrByAddrDomainType | input | logical | is query LsMstrByAddrDomainType already started or not ? |
ilStartMfgTaxCodeByTaxCode | input | logical | is query MfgTaxCodeByTaxCode already started or not ? |
ilStartCompPropBySuspDelTax | input | logical | is query CompPropBySuspDelTax already started or not ? |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
if ilStart1 then do: <Q-1 run DInvoiceByDebtStatusCurr (Stop) in BDInvoice > end. if ilStart2 then do: <Q-2 run DebtorByIDAllInfo (Stop) in BDebtor > end. if ilstartGLForInvoice then do: <Q-4 run GLForInvoiceVal (Stop) in BGL > end. if ilstartCostCentreWithSafs then do: <Q-5 run CostCentreForInvoiceVal (Stop) in BCostCentre > end. if ilstartProjectWithSafs then do: <Q-6 run ProjectForInvoiceValidation (Stop) in BProject > end. if ilStartPayFormatCodeByGroupID then do: <Q-7 run PayFormatCodebyGroupID (Stop) in BPaymentFormat > end. if ilStartDebtorShipToPrim then do: <Q-8 run DebtorShipToPrim (Stop) in BDebtorShipTo > end. if ilStartLsMstrByAddrDomainType then do: <Q-9 run LsMstrByAddrDomainType (Stop) in BMfgAddressListDetail > end. if ilStartMfgTaxCodeByTaxCode then do: <Q-10 run MfgTaxCodeByTaxCode (Stop) in BMfgTaxCode > end. if ilStartCompPropBySuspDelTax then do: <Q-11 run CompanyPropertyBySuspDelTax (Stop) in BCompanyProperty > end.