project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > method StopExternalInstances
Stop instances that are started in AdditionalUpdates as part of current transaction
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/bdinvoice.p)
/* ============================================================================================================ */
/* We do not stop BJournalEntry because it is used before any validation gets executed and it should persist in */
/* case of errors because otherwise all the posting-info (including the lines) is lost! */
/* We do remove the CA-posting if there is any because this posting is create by submethods of AddtionalUpdates */
/* Similarly, we also remove the posting-lines (created in method CreateDInvoicemovements and its submethods) */
/* that are the originating ones for the requests for the CrossCompany-daemon */
/* ============================================================================================================ */
if viBJournalEntryDIID <> 0 and
viBJournalEntryDIID <> ? and
((vcListDIPostingLinesForQCrossCy <> "":U and
vcListDIPostingLinesForQCrossCy <> ?) Or
(vcListDAPostingsCreatedInAddUpd <> "":U and
vcListDAPostingsCreatedInAddUpd <> ?))
then do:
<I-1 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalEntry"}>
<M-2 run MarkInstanceDataAsDeleted
(input vcListDAPostingsCreatedInAddUpd (icPostingIDToDelete),
input vcListDIPostingLinesForQCrossCy (icPostingLineIDToDelete),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BJournalEntry>
<I-3 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalEntry"}>
/* If - with a previous save that failed because the PostSave returned an error - a posting was made in */
/* method AdditionalUpdates and not by the UI, then the instance data is wrong */
/* for example : when creating a credit note, that results in an error, */
/* the tdinvoicemovement records for the invoice and the credit note are created, we need to remove them */
/* from instance otherwise problems with second save */
/* We need to remove that posting as we would otherwise create a second posting and get stuck with the */
/* first posting that has got no posting-lines */
/* We have to do this here because we cannot call StopExternalInstances from method PostSave because */
/* that would result in problems with the transaction */
for each tDInvoice where
tDInvoice.LinkedDInvoice_ID <> 0 and
tDInvoice.LinkedDInvoice_ID <> ?,
each btDInvoice where
btDInvoice.DInvoice_ID = tDInvoice.LinkedDInvoice_ID :
/* remove movement of invoice from instance */
for each tDInvoiceMovement where
tDInvoiceMovement.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceMovement.tc_Status = "N":U and
tDInvoiceMovement.DInvoiceMovementType = {&MOVEMENTTYPE-MOVEMENT} :
find t_iDInvoiceMovement where
t_iDInvoiceMovement.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceMovement.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceMovement
then delete t_iDInvoiceMovement.
delete tDInvoiceMovement.
/* remove movement of credit note from instance */
for each tDInvoiceMovement where
tDInvoiceMovement.tc_ParentRowid = tDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceMovement.tc_Status = "N":U and
tDInvoiceMovement.DInvoiceMovementType = {&MOVEMENTTYPE-MOVEMENT} :
find t_iDInvoiceMovement where
t_iDInvoiceMovement.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceMovement.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceMovement
then delete t_iDInvoiceMovement.
delete tDInvoiceMovement.
/* remove all related tables for btdinvoice from instance */
for each tDInvoiceBank where
tDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceBank.tc_Status = "N":U:
for each tDInvoiceBankPayCode where
tDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_ParentRowid = tDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_Status = "N":U:
find t_iDInvoiceBankPayCode where
t_iDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceBankPaycode
then delete t_iDInvoiceBankPayCode.
delete tDInvoiceBankPayCode.
find t_iDInvoiceBank where
t_iDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceBank
then delete t_iDInvoiceBank.
delete tDInvoiceBank.
for each tDInvoiceOpInfo where
tDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_Status = "N":U:
find t_iDInvoiceOpInfo where
t_iDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceOpInfo
then delete t_iDInvoiceOpInfo.
delete tDInvoiceOpInfo.
for each tDInvoicePosting where
tDInvoicePosting.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoicePosting.tc_Status = "N":U:
find t_iDInvoicePosting where
t_iDInvoicePosting.tc_Rowid = tDInvoicePosting.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoicePosting
then delete t_iDInvoicePosting.
delete tDInvoicePosting.
for each tDInvoiceStage where
tDInvoiceStage.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceStage.tc_Status = "N":U:
find t_iDInvoiceStage where
t_iDInvoiceStage.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceStage.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceStage
then delete t_iDInvoiceStage.
delete tDInvoiceStage.
for each tDInvoiceVat where
tDInvoiceVat.tc_ParentRowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tDInvoiceVat.tc_Status = "N":U:
find t_iDInvoiceVat where
t_iDInvoiceVat.tc_Rowid = tDInvoiceVat.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoiceVat
then delete t_iDInvoiceVat.
delete tDInvoiceVat.
find t_iDInvoice where
t_iDInvoice.tc_Rowid = btDInvoice.tc_Rowid
if available t_iDInvoice
then delete t_iDInvoice.
delete btDInvoice.
if viBQDInvoiceMovementID <> 0 and
viBQDInvoiceMovementID <> ?
then do:
<I-4 {bFcStopInstance
&CLASS = "BQDInvoiceMovement"}>
assign viBQDInvoiceMovementID = 0.
if viBQCrossCyPostingDIID <> 0 and
viBQCrossCyPostingDIID <> ?
then do :
<I-5 {bFcStopInstance
&CLASS = "BQCrossCyPosting"}>
assign viBQCrossCyPostingDIID = 0.
if viBDebtorFromDIID <> 0 and
viBDebtorFromDIID <> ?
then do :
<I-6 {bFcStopInstance
&CLASS = "BDebtor"}>
assign viBDebtorFromDIID = 0.
end. /* if viBDebtorFromDIID <> 0 and */
if viBPaymentFormatDIID <> 0 and
viBPaymentFormatDIID <> ?
then do :
<I-7 {bFcStopInstance
&CLASS = "BPaymentFormat"}>
assign viBPaymentFormatDIID = 0.
end. /* if viBDebtorFromDIID <> 0 and */