project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > method StdMaintainTTWithExtPost
copy the tables, make no di posting : WITHOUT ValidateBC, AddUpd and DataSave
icAction | input | character | |
bcLstReturn | input-output | character | |
bcLstPrimKey | input-output | character | |
bcLstRowId | input-output | character | |
olSaveAsDraft | output | logical | SaveSaDraft |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program7/bdinvoice.p)
/* ========================= */
/* Set default return status */
/* ========================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
/* ================================== */
/* Initialise and Create new instance */
/* Validate the value for the Company */
/* ================================== */
assign vlWarningsFound = false.
<M-48 run DataNew (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
if tApiDInvoice.Company_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.Company_ID <> ? and
tApiDInvoice.Company_ID <> viCompanyId
then do :
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-59'The entity of the customer invoice (&1) must match the current entity (&2).':255(14472)T-59#, string(tApiDInvoice.Company_ID),string(viCompanyId)))
oiReturnStatus = -1
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(-1)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U
vlSaveAsDraft = false.
<M-49 run SetMessage (input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':u (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7176':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.Company_ID <> 0 and */
assign tDInvoice.Company_ID = viCompanyId.
/* =========================================================================================== */
/* Copy all data into the new Dinvoice */
/* Before continuing, we copy the primary-key-fields of the main table to the input parameters */
/* This is just to hold it there so it can be assigned to ocPrimKey if the save succeeds. This */
/* is done because tDInvoice is no longer available after the save. We use ocRowid in stead */
/* =========================================================================================== */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoice
except DInvoice_ID
to tDInvoice.
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoice_ID = tDInvoice.DInvoice_ID
vcDInvoiceRowId = tDInvoice.tc_Rowid
tDInvoice.tcLocalCurrencyCode = vcCompanyLC
tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalTC = if tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalTC <> 0 and tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalTC <> ?
then tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalTC
else if tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-FINANCECHARGE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION}
then tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC
else tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC
tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalLC = if tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalLC <> 0 and tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalLC <> ?
then tDInvoice.tdDInvoiceOriginalLC
else if tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-FINANCECHARGE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION}
then tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC
else tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC
tDInvoice.tdTotalAmountDebitTC = tDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC + tDInvoice.DInvoiceVatDebitTC
tDInvoice.tdTotalAmountCreditTC = tDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC + tDInvoice.DInvoiceVatCreditTC.
/* ======================= */
/* Default unfilled values */
/* ======================= */
assign tDInvoice.DInvoiceIsOpen = true
tDInvoice.DInvoiceIsSelected = false
tDInvoice.DInvoiceIsPaymentAllowed = false
vcCommitNumber = vcCommitNumber + ",":U + tDInvoice.tc_Rowid.
/* If no ship from address is specified the default from the company head-office address */
if ((tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID = 0 or tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID = ?) and
tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = "":U or tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = ?)
then do:
<Q-41 run CompanyPropertyByActBusRelAddr (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
output dataset tqCompanyPropertyByActBusRelAddr) in BCompanyProperty >
find first tqCompanyPropertyByActBusRelAddr no-error.
if available tqCompanyPropertyByActBusRelAddr then do:
<Q-42 run AddressByAddressBusRelType (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (AddressTypeId)
input tqCompanyPropertyByActBusRelAddr.tiBusinessRelation_ID, (BusinessRelationId)
input '':U, (BusinessRelationCode)
input ?, (AddressId)
output dataset tqAddressByAddressBusRelType) in BBusinessRelation >
find first tqAddressByAddressBusRelType no-error.
if available tqAddressByAddressBusRelType then do:
assign tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tiAddress_ID
tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressCity = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressCity
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressState = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressState
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet1
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet2 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet2
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet3 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet3
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressTypeCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressTypeCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressZip = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressZip
tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromCountryCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcCountryCode.
/* Populate the ship from address fields from the id */
if ((tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID <> 0 and tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID <> ?) and
(tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = "":U or tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = ?))
then do:
<Q-43 run AddressByAddressBusRelType (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (AddressTypeId)
input '':U, (AddressTypeCode)
input ?, (BusinessRelationId)
input '':U, (BusinessRelationCode)
input tDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID, (AddressId)
output dataset tqAddressByAddressBusRelType) in BBusinessRelation >
find first tqAddressByAddressBusRelType no-error.
if available tqAddressByAddressBusRelType then
assign tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressCity = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressCity
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressState = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressState
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet1
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet2 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet2
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet3 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet3
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressTypeCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressTypeCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressZip = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressZip
tDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipFromCountryCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcCountryCode.
/* Populate the ship to address fields from the id */
if ((tDInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID <> 0 and tDInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID <> ?) and
(tDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = "":U or tDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = ?))
then do:
<Q-44 run AddressByAddressBusRelType (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (AddressTypeId)
input '':U, (AddressTypeCode)
input ?, (BusinessRelationId)
input '':U, (BusinessRelationCode)
input tDInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID, (AddressId)
output dataset tqAddressByAddressBusRelType) in BBusinessRelation >
find first tqAddressByAddressBusRelType no-error.
if available tqAddressByAddressBusRelType then do:
assign tDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressCity = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressCity
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressState = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressState
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet1
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet2 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet2
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet3 = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressStreet3
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressTypeCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressTypeCode
tDInvoice.tcShipToAddressZip = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcAddressZip
tDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDInvoice.tcShipToCountryCode = tqAddressByAddressBusRelType.tcCountryCode.
/* ===================== */
/* Add the Stage details */
/* ===================== */
for each tApiDInvoiceStage where
tApiDInvoiceStage.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
by tApiDInvoiceStage.tc_Rowid:
<M-47 run AddDetailLine (input 'DInvoiceStage':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoiceStage
except tApiDInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStage_ID
to tDInvoiceStage.
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceStage where */
/* ===================== */
/* Add the VAT details */
/* ===================== */
for each tApiDInvoiceVat where
tApiDInvoiceVat.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
by tApiDInvoiceVat.tc_Rowid :
/* replace unknown values */
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditTC = 0.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitTC = 0.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatNTBaseDebitTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatNTBaseDebitTC = 0.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatNTBaseCreditTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatNTBaseCreditTC = 0.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatCreditTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatCreditTC = 0.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatDebitTC = ? then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatDebitTC = 0.
/* Create a new DInvoiceVat and copy all data */
<M-46 run AddDetailLine (input 'DInvoiceVat':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoiceVat
except DInvoiceVat_ID
to tDInvoiceVat.
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceVat where */
/* ======================= */
/* Add the DI-Bank details */
/* ======================= */
for each tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
by tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid :
<M-53 run AddDetailLine (input 'DInvoiceBank':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoiceBank
except tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBank_ID
to tDInvoiceBank.
/* ======================= */
/* Add the DI-BankPayCode details */
/* ======================= */
for each tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode where
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid
by tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_Rowid :
<M-61 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DInvoiceBankPayCode':U (icTable),
input tDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode
except tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCode_ID
to tDInvoiceBankPayCode.
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode where */
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* ======================= */
/* Add the OpInfo details */
/* ======================= */
for each tApiDInvoiceOpInfo where
tApiDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
by tApiDInvoiceOpInfo.tc_Rowid:
<M-45 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DInvoiceOpInfo':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoiceOpInfo
except tApiDInvoiceOpInfo.DInvoiceOpInfo_ID
to tDInvoiceOpInfo.
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceOpInfo where */
/* ============================================ */
/* Add DInvoicePosting details (ControlAccount) */
/* ============================================ */
<Q-52 run DebtorByDebtor (first) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input tDInvoice.Debtor_ID, (DebtorId)
input if tDInvoice.Debtor_ID = 0 then tDInvoice.tcDebtorCode else '':U, (DebtorCode)
output dataset tqDebtorByDebtor) in BDebtor >
find first tqDebtorByDebtor NO-error.
if available tqDebtorByDebtor
then do:
assign viControlGLProfileId = if tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-PREPAYMENT}
then tqDebtorByDebtor.tiPrePayControlGLProfile_ID
else if tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-FINANCECHARGE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION}
then tqDebtorByDebtor.tiInvControlGLProfile_ID
else tqDebtorByDebtor.tiCnControlGLProfile_ID.
<Q-54 run ProfileLinkByGL (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viControlGLProfileId, (GlProfileId)
input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
output dataset tqProfileLinkByGL) in BProfile >
find first tqProfileLinkByGl no-error.
if available tqProfileLinkByGl
then assign vcControlGLCode = tqProfileLinkByGL.tcGLCode.
assign tDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = vcControlGLCode.
end. /* if available tqDebtorByDebtor */
find first tApiDInvoicePosting where
tApiDInvoicePosting.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
if available tApiDInvoicePosting
then do:
/* Create a new DInvoicePosting and copy all data */
<M-50 run AddDetailLine (input 'DInvoicePosting':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
buffer-copy tApiDInvoicePosting
except DInvoicePosting_ID DInvoice_ID tc_rowid tc_ParentRowid tc_status
to tDInvoicePosting.
/* fill in the dinvoice voucher, search in instance */
<M-51 run GetPostingInfoByPostingId (input tDInvoicePosting.Posting_ID (iiPostingId),
input vcControlGLCode (icGLCode),
output viDummy (oiPostingPeriodYear),
output vcDummy (ocPostingJournalCode),
output tDInvoice.DInvoiceVoucher (oiPostingVoucher),
output viDummy (oiPostingPeriodPeriod),
output viControlPostingLineId (oiPostingLineId),
output vdControlPostingDebitTC (odPostingLineDebitTC),
output vdControlPostingCreditTC (odPostingLineCreditTC),
output vdControlPostingDebitLC (odPostingLineDebitLC),
output vdControlPostingCreditLC (odPostingLineCreditLC),
output vdControlPostingDebitCC (odPostingLineDebitCC),
output vdControlPostingCreditCC (odPostingLineCreditCC),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BJournalEntry>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
assign olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
else assign vlWarningsFound = true.
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
/* =============================================== */
/* Create a new DInvoiceMovement and copy all data */
/* =============================================== */
assign vlControlPostingError = false.
if viControlPostingLineId <> ? and viControlPostingLineId <> 0
then do:
/* if (tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-FINANCECHARGE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION}) and vdControlPostingDebitLC = 0
then assign vlControlPostingError = true.
if (tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTE} or tDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTECORRECTION}) and vdControlPostingCreditLC = 0
then assign vlControlPostingError = true.*/
<M-55 run AddDetailLine (input 'DInvoiceMovement':U (icTable),
input tDInvoice.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then assign vlControlPostingError = true.
assign tDInvoiceMovement.DInvoiceMovementType = {&MOVEMENTTYPE-INITIAL}
tDInvoiceMovement.PostingLine_ID = viControlPostingLineId.
end. /* if viControlPostingLineId <> ? and viControlPostingLineId <> 0 */
else assign vlControlPostingError = true.
/* posting must be on control account, and on right side */
if vlControlPostingError = true
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = -1
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-60'The posting must be on control account (&1): for &2 or &3 on &4, for &5 or &6 on &7.':255(13948)T-60# , vcControlGLCode, {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE-TR}, {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION-TR}, {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT-TR}, {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTE-TR}, {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTECORRECTION-TR}, {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-CREDIT-TR} ))
olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(-1)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
<M-40 run SetMessage (input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':u (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-7175':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
end. /* if vlControlPostingError = true */
/* Validate DInvoiceOriginalAmount with ControlPosting */
if tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> vdControlPostingCreditTC or
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC <> vdControlPostingCreditLC or
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditCC <> vdControlPostingCreditCC or
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> vdControlPostingDebitTC or
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC <> vdControlPostingDebitLC or
tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitCC <> vdControlPostingDebitCC
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = -1
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-81'The posting amount on control account (&1) must be same as customer invoice original amount':255(43859033)T-81# , vcControlGLCode ))
olSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE})
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + string(-1)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
<M-953 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-330111':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDInvoice>
end. /* if tDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> vdControlPostingCreditTC or */
end. /* if available tApiDInvoicePosting */
/* =================================================== */
/* This is where it ends if only SaveAsDraft is needed */
/* =================================================== */
if vlSaveAsDraft
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = -1
bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + "-1":U
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U.
end. /* if vlSaveAsDraft */
/* ============================================ */
/* Indicate that everything was saved correctly */
/* Set return status = OK */
/* ============================================ */
assign bcLstReturn = bcLstReturn + chr(4) + (if vlWarningsFound = true then "1":U else "0":U)
bcLstPrimKey = bcLstPrimKey + chr(4) + string(tApiDInvoice.DInvoice_ID)
bcLstRowid = bcLstRowid + chr(4) + vcDInvoiceRowId
oiReturnStatus = (if vlWarningsFound = true then 1 else 0).