project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > method DefaultValuesOwnVatNumber
default the own vat number
ilShipFromCountryIsEUCountry | input | logical | Is the country an EU country for ship from |
icShipFromAddressTaxIdState | input | character | Tax Id State for the ship from address |
icShipFromCountryCode | input | character | country code of the ship from address |
ocOwnVatNumber | output | character | Own Vat Number |
ocOwnVatCountryCode | output | character | Own Vat Country Code |
ocOwnVatCurrencyCode | output | character | Own Vat Currency Code |
icCurrencyCode | input | character | |
odOwnVatExchangeRate | output | decimal | |
odOwnVatExchangeRateScale | output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/bdinvoice.p)
assign ocOwnVatCountryCode = icShipFromCountryCode.
if ilShipFromCountryIsEUCountry = yes
then do:
assign ocOwnVatNumber = icShipFromAddressTaxIdState.
/* CEE VAT Currency ================ */
/* Default Vat declaration currency */
/* ================================= */
if icShipFromCountryCode <> ? and icShipFromCountryCode <> "":U
then do:
<Q-1 run CountryByCountry (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (CountryId)
input icShipFromCountryCode, (CountryCode)
output dataset tqCountryByCountry) in BCountry >
find first tqCountryByCountry where
tqCountryByCountry.tcCountryCode = icShipFromCountryCode
if available tqCountryByCountry
then do:
assign ocOwnVatCurrencyCode = tqCountryByCountry.tcCurrencyCode.
<Q-3 run CurrencyPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input icCurrencyCode, (CurrencyCode)
input ?, (Currency_ID)
output dataset tqCurrencyPrim) in BCurrency >
find first tqCurrencyPrim where
tqCurrencyPrim.tcCurrencyCode = icCurrencyCode
if available tqCurrencyPrim
then do:
if tqCountryByCountry.tiCurrency_ID = tqCurrencyPrim.tiCurrency_ID
then assign odOwnVatExchangeRate = 1
odOwnVatExchangeRateScale = 1.
else do:
<Q-2 run ExchangeRateByCurrencies (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input tqCountryByCountry.tiCurrency_ID, (FromCurrency_ID)
input tqCurrencyPrim.tiCurrency_ID, (ToCurrency_ID)
output dataset tqExchangeRateByCurrencies) in BExchangeRate >
find first tqExchangeRateByCurrencies where
tqExchangeRateByCurrencies.tiFromCurrency_ID = tqCountryByCountry.tiCurrency_ID and
tqExchangeRateByCurrencies.tiToCurrency_ID = tqCurrencyPrim.tiCurrency_ID
if available tqExchangeRateByCurrencies
then assign odOwnVatExchangeRate = tqExchangeRateByCurrencies.tdExchangeRate
odOwnVatExchangeRateScale = tqExchangeRateByCurrencies.tdExchangeRateScale.
end. /* end else tqCountryByCountry.tiCurrency_ID = ... */
end. /* if available tqCurrencyPrim */
end. /* end if available tqCountryByCoutnry */
end. /* if icShipFromCountryCode <> ?... */
end. /* if ilShipFromCountryIsEUCountry = yes */