project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > method ApiStdMaintainTTInitialDefaulting
This method is called when creating an invoice through an API right before the processing of the input.
This method can be used to default field values to the incoming dataset prior to the acctual processing.
Standard defaulting in this method :
• Default Company_ID with the current company you are logged on to
• Default DInvoiceType with INVOICE
• Default DInvoiceDIText with DInvoiceDescription.
• Default DInvoicePostingDate with DInvoiceDate (and vice-versa so one of them is mandatory).
• Default DInvoiceTaxPointDate with DInvoicePostingDate
• Default DInvoicePostingYear and DInvoicePostingPeriod based upon DInvoicePostingDate
• Default DInvoiceShipToCode and tcSoldToDebtorCode with the DebtorCode
• Default all ShipTo-related fields on the invoice based upon the customer
• Default all ShipFrom-related fields on the invoice based upon the operational-details of the customer
• Default Invoice-status with the default invoice-status of the customer
• Default following fields based upon the invoice-type and the associated default profiles of the customer; ControlGLCode, DivisionCode, CostCentreCode and ProjectCode
• Default Daybook based upon the invoice-type and the daybooks defined in the application
• Default NormalPaymentConditionCode with the defaults of the customer
• Default DInvoiceDueDate and DInvoiceDiscountDueDate based upon a non-staged NormalPaymentConditionCode and DInvoiceDate
• Default complete DInvoiceBank and DInvoiceBankPayCode in case no DInvoiceBank was specified
• Default the VatCurrency with the currency of the invoice
• Default the VatExchangeRate with 1 in case the VatCurrency equals the InvoiceCurrency
• Default the VatExchangeRate with the InvoiceExchangeRate in case the VatCurrency equals the base-currency of the Company
• Default DInvoiceVat.tcDomainCode with the domain of the current company
• Default DInvoiceVat.tcVatInOut with OUTPUT
• Default DInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatSequence with 1
• Default following fields based upon the VatCode and the Domain related to the Company: DInvoiceVatIsUpdAllow, DInvoiceVatIsAbsRet, DInvoiceVatIsAccrRcpUs, DInvoiceVatIsRevCharge and DInvoiceVatIsSuspDel
• Replace unknown-values with an empty-string for these fields in DInvoiceVat: TxuTaxUsage, TxenvTaxEnv and TxclTaxCls
• Default the Taxable flag on the invoice-level based on the same flag on the DInvoiceVat-records
• Default following fields with their normal default-value in case they have the unknown-value: DInvoiceIsExternal, DInvoiceIsWithBankl, DInvoiceIsWithDeduction, DInvoiceIsTaxExcluded, DInvoiceCreationDate, DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtInv, DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtPaym, DInvoiceIsVatDelay, DInvoiceNonDiscAmtTC, DInvoiceNonDiscAmtCC, DInvoiceNonDiscAmtLC, DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC, DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC, DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC, DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC, DInvoiceVatBaseCreditLC, DInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC, DInvoiceVatBaseDebitLC, DInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC, DInvoiceVatCreditLC, DInvoiceVatCreditTC, DInvoiceVatDebitLC, DInvoiceVatDebitTC, DInvoiceBalanceDebitLC, DInvoiceBalanceCreditLC, DInvoiceBalanceDebitTC, DInvoiceBalanceCreditTC, DInvoiceBalanceLC, DInvoiceBalanceTC and DInvoiceBalanceCC
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program9/bdinvoice.p)
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,General-Initiliasation":U,"":U).
/* ============================================================================================================= */
/* Add an include in here so we can easily trace the methods that do direct db-access (or via dynamic querying) */
/* As in this method a lot of different tables are accessed we do not specify the complete list here in the call */
/* ============================================================================================================= */
&READTABLENAMES = "Plenty of Finacials and Operational tables"}>
/* ============================================================================== */
/* Notes: */
/* 0. In this method we will ony do the defaulting that applies to the Invoice */
/* only (and not the associated Posting). The defaulting that applies to the */
/* Invoice should be written in BDInvoiceJournalEntry */
/* 1. No records are available at the moment this method is entered */
/* 2. The records that need to be extended are tApi-tables (eg tApiDInvoice) */
/* 3. Exception handling is done via progress itself (on error undo throw) */
/* 4. Database is accessed directly and variables are defined manually to: */
/* A. Come to a proper performance */
/* B. Ease downgradability */
/* C. Ease installations on released products: This complete peice of code */
/* can be copied into the 'before' hook of the parent-method of this */
/* method by using the customization-technology that we have in the Fin */
/* Addition: Note that only Financial-tables can be accessed directly - for */
/* Operational tables we will have to use dynamic queries! */
/* ============================================================================== */
/* We are naming these manual defined variable with an X to avoid interactions with the normaly defined method-data-items */
define variable viXDebtorSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXGLSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXDivisionSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXCostCentreSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXProjectSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXJournalSharedSetID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXGLProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXDivisionProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXCostCentreProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXProjectProfileID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXGLIsDivisionAccount as logical no-undo.
define variable viXGLIsCostCentreAccount as logical no-undo.
define variable viXGLIsProjectAccount as logical no-undo.
define variable vcXDomainCode as character no-undo.
define variable vcXSalesGLCode as character no-undo.
define variable vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType as character no-undo.
define variable vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate as date no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths as integer no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionSupplDays as integer no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionBaseDays as integer no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionDueDays as integer no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc as integer no-undo.
define variable viXPaymentConditionSupDayDisc as integer no-undo.
define variable vcXPaymentConditionpDiscType as character no-undo.
define variable vtXPaymentConditionStartDate as date no-undo.
define variable viXBankNumberID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXbXBankNumberID as integer no-undo.
define variable viXBankPayFormatID as integer no-undo.
define buffer bXBankNumber for BankNumber.
define buffer bXCurrency for Currency.
define variable vhXQueryCmMstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXBufferCmMstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXBufferLsMstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXBufferSiMstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXBufferAdMstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXBufferTx2Mstr as handle no-undo.
define variable vhXQueryTx2Mstr as handle no-undo.
/* Initialise the object-handles for queries and buffers */
CREATE BUFFER vhXBufferCmMstr FOR TABLE "cm_mstr".
CREATE BUFFER vhXBufferLsMstr FOR TABLE "ls_mstr".
CREATE BUFFER vhXBufferSiMstr FOR TABLE "si_mstr".
CREATE BUFFER vhXBufferAdMstr FOR TABLE "ad_mstr".
CREATE BUFFER vhXBufferTx2Mstr FOR TABLE "tx2_mstr".
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,General-Initiliasation":U,"":U).
/* ====================================================== */
/* Go through all invoices as only new-mode is supported */
/* ====================================================== */
for each tApiDInvoice on error undo, throw :
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Invoice-Initiliasation":U,"":U).
/* ================================================================================================= */
/* Avoid unkown-values as this is not allowed although some interfaces (like QXtend) do pass in this */
/* ================================================================================================= */
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsExternal = no when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsExternal = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsWithBank = yes when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsWithBank = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsWithDeduction = yes when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsWithDeduction = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsTaxExcluded = no when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsTaxExcluded = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceCreationDate = today when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceCreationDate = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtInv = no when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtInv = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtPaym = no when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtPaym = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsVatDelay = no when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsVatDelay = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtCC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtCC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceNonDiscAmtLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseCreditLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseCreditLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseDebitLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseDebitLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatCreditLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatCreditLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatCreditTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatCreditTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatDebitLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatDebitLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatDebitTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatDebitTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceDebitLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceDebitLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCreditLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCreditLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceDebitTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceDebitTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCreditTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCreditTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceLC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceLC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceTC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceTC = ?
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCC = 0 when tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceBalanceCC = ?.
/* ================================================= */
/* Fill in tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid when not specified */
/* Default Company_ID and InvoiceType on the Invoice */
/* ================================================= */
if tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid = ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(tApiDInvoice)).
if tApiDInvoice.Company_ID = ? or
tApiDInvoice.Company_ID = 0
then assign tApiDInvoice.Company_ID = viCompanyID.
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType = ? or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType = "":U
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE}. /* INVOICE */
/* =================================== */
/* Get the DomainCode and SharedSetIDs */
/* =================================== */
For each Company where
Company.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
no-lock ,
first Domains of Company no-lock,
each CompanySharedSet of Company no-lock
on error undo, throw :
Assign vcXDomainCode = Domains.DomainCode.
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DEBTOR} /* DEBTORE */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXDebtorSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-GL} /* GL */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXGLSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DIVISION} /* DIVISION */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXDivisionSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-PROJECT} /* PROJECT */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXProjectSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
on error undo, throw :
assign viXCostCentreSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-JOURNAL} /* JOURNAL */
on error undo, throw :
assign viXJournalSharedSetID = SharedSet.SharedSet_ID.
end. /* For each SharedSet of CompanySharedSet where */
end. /* For each Company where */
if vcXDomainCode = "":U or
vcXDomainCode = ? or
viXDebtorSharedSetID = 0 or
viXDebtorSharedSetID = ? or
viXGLSharedSetID = 0 or
viXGLSharedSetID = ? or
viXDivisionSharedSetID = 0 or
viXDivisionSharedSetID = ? or
viXJournalSharedSetID = 0 or
viXJournalSharedSetID = ?
then Return. /* If this missing then further defaulting makes no sense */
/* ================================================================ */
/* Default InvoicePostingDate, InvoiceDate and InvoiceTaxPointDate */
/* Default InvoiceDescription and DInvoiceDIText */
/* ================================================================ */
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate = ? and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate = ?
then assign tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDate = today.
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate = ? and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate <> ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate.
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate = ? and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate <> ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate.
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceTaxPointDate = ? and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate <> ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceTaxPointDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate.
if tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription = "":U or
tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription = ?
then assign tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription = substring((if tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode <> ?
then tApiDinvoice.tcDebtorCode + " ":U
else "":U) +
(if tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate <> ?
then string(tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate) + " ":U
else "":U) +
string(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC - tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC) + " ":U +
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDIText = "":U or
tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDIText = ?
then assign tApiDinvoice.DInvoiceDIText = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDescription.
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Invoice-Initiliasation":U,"":U).
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Period-Defaulting":U,"":U).
/* =========================================================== */
/* Default AccountingYearPeriod based upon DInvoicePostingDate */
/* =========================================================== */
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate <> ? and
(tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear = 0 or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear = ?) and
(tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingPeriod = 0 or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingPeriod = ?)
then do :
Release Period no-error.
Find Period where
Period.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID and
Period.PeriodStartDate <= tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate and
Period.PeriodEndDate >= tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate and
Period.PeriodTypeCode = {&PERIODTYPECODE-NORMAL} and /* NORM */
Period.PeriodIsPostingGLAllowed = true and
Period.PeriodIsPostingPurchAllow = true
no-lock no-error.
if not available Period
then Find Period where
Period.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID and
Period.PeriodStartDate <= tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate and
Period.PeriodEndDate >= tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate and
Period.PeriodIsPostingGLAllowed = true and
Period.PeriodIsPostingPurchAllow = true
no-lock no-error.
if available Period
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear = Period.PeriodYear
tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingPeriod = Period.PeriodPeriod.
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.DInvoicePostingDate <> ? and */
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Period-Defaulting":U,"":U).
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Ship-From-To":U,"":U).
/* ================================================================= */
/* Find the Debtor record */
/* Fill in Debtor_ID as we need that to default the bank-data etc */
/* Assign the SoldToDebtor and ShipTo equal to the Debtor when empty */
/* ================================================================= */
Release Debtor no-error.
if tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID = ? or
tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID = 0
then do:
if tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode <> ?
then do :
find Debtor where
Debtor.SharedSet_ID = viXDebtorSharedSetID and
Debtor.DebtorCode = tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode
no-lock no-error.
if available Debtor
then assign tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID = Debtor.Debtor_ID.
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.tcDebtorCode <> "":U and */
end. /* if (tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID = ? or */
else find Debtor where
Debtor.Debtor_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID
no-lock no-error.
if not available Debtor
then Return. /* If this missing then further defaulting makes no sense */
if tApiDInvoice.tcSoldToDebtorCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcSoldToDebtorCode = ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcSoldToDebtorCode = Debtor.DebtorCode.
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceShipToCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceShipToCode = ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceShipToCode = Debtor.DebtorCode.
/* ============================================= */
/* Fill in the ShipTo-fields when not specified */
/* ============================================= */
if (tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = ?) and
(tApiDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = ?)
then do :
/* If the Debtor has got only one DebtorShipTo then the data is taken from there */
Find DebtorShipTo where
DebtorShipTo.Debtor_ID = Debtor.Debtor_ID and
DebtorShipTo.SharedSet_ID = Debtor.SharedSet_ID
no-lock no-error. /* do not use the first option as we only want the DebtorShipTo in case there is only one */
if available DebtorShipTo
then do :
/* Read the Address of the DebtorShipTo */
For first Address of DebtorShipTo
first BusinessRelation where
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelation_ID = Address.BusinessRelation_ID
first AddressType of Address
first Country of Address
on error undo, throw :
/* Assign the ShipTo-related fields */
assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressTypeCode = AddressType.AddressTypeCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = Address.AddressStreet1
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet2 = Address.AddressStreet2
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet3 = Address.AddressStreet3
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressZip = Address.AddressZip
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressCity = Address.AddressCity
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToCountryCode = Country.CountryCode
tApiDInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID = Address.Address_ID.
/* Read some optional tables and assign the field */
Find State of Address no-lock no-error.
if available State
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressState = State.StateCode.
end. /* For first Address of DebtorShipTo */
end. /* if available DebtorShipTo */
else do :
/* Read the Address of the DebtorShipTo */
For first BusinessRelation where
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelation_ID = Debtor.BusinessRelation_ID
each Address of BusinessRelation
first AddressType of Address where
first Country of Address
on error undo, throw :
/* Assign the ShipTo-related fields */
assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipToBusinessRelationCode = BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressTypeCode = AddressType.AddressTypeCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = Address.AddressStreet1
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet2 = Address.AddressStreet2
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet3 = Address.AddressStreet3
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressZip = Address.AddressZip
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressCity = Address.AddressCity
tApiDInvoice.tcShipToCountryCode = Country.CountryCode
tApiDInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID = Address.Address_ID.
/* Read some optional tables and assign the field */
Find State of Address no-lock no-error.
if available State
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressState = State.StateCode.
end. /* For first Address of DebtorShipTo */
end. /* if available DebtorShipTo */
end. /* if (tApiDInvoice.tcShipToAddressStreet1 = "":U or */
/* ============================================== */
/* Fill in the ShipFrom-fields when not specified */
/* ============================================== */
if (tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = ?) and
(tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = ?)
then do :
/* Get the address-id that is in operationals linked to the site of the customer */
vhXQueryCmMstr:Query-Prepare("for each cm_mstr where cm_mstr.cm_domain = '" + "21NL" + "' and " + " cm_mstr.cm_addr = '" + "21C1000" + "'," +
" each si_mstr where si_mstr.si_domain = cm_mstr.cm_domain and si_mstr.si_site = cm_mstr.cm_site , " +
" each ls_mstr where ls_mstr.ls_domain = si_mstr.si_domain and ls_mstr.ls_addr = si_mstr.si_site and ls_mstr.ls_type = 'COMPANY' , " +
" each ad_mstr where ad_mstr.ad_addr = ls_mstr.ls_addr and ad_mstr.ad_domain = ls_mstr.ls_domain ").
if valid-handle(vhXBufferAdMstr) and
vhXBufferAdMstr:available and
vhXBufferAdMstr::ad_address_id <> 0 and
vhXBufferAdMstr::ad_address_id <> ?
then do :
/* Get the address based upon the address-id of the customer its site */
For first Address where
Address.Address_ID = vhXBufferAdMstr::ad_address_id
first BusinessRelation of Address
first AddressType of Address
first Country of Address
on error undo, throw :
/* Assign the ShipFrom-related fields */
assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromBusinessRelationCode = BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressTypeCode = AddressType.AddressTypeCode
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = Address.AddressStreet1
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet2 = Address.AddressStreet2
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet3 = Address.AddressStreet3
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressZip = Address.AddressZip
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressCity = Address.AddressCity
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromCountryCode = Country.CountryCode
tApiDInvoice.tlShipFromCountryIsEUCountry = Country.CountryIsEUCountry
tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromTaxZone = Address.TxzTaxZone
tApiDInvoice.ShipFromAddress_ID = Address.Address_ID.
/* Read some optional tables and assign the field */
Find State of Address no-lock no-error.
if available State
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressState = State.StateCode.
end. /* For first Address of DebtorShipTo */
end. /* if valid-handle(vhXBufferAdMstr) and */
end. /* if (tApiDInvoice.tcShipFromAddressStreet1 = "":U or */
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Ship-From-To":U,"":U).
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Accounting-details":U,"":U).
/* =============================================================== */
/* Fill in the Reason when not speified */
/* =============================================================== */
Release Reason no-error.
if tApiDInvoice.tcReasonCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcReasonCode = ?
then do :
Find Reason where
Reason.Reason_ID = Debtor.Reason_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available Reason
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcReasonCode = Reason.ReasonCode
tApiDInvoice.Reason_ID = Reason.Reason_ID.
end. /* if sApiDInvoice.tcReasonCode = "":U or */
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
/* Fill in the Control-GL, Div, CC and Prj-info on the Invoice when not filled */
/* If the Control-GL is enabled for Div/Prj/CC: */
/* 1st: Take the Div/Prj/CC from the input if it is provided */
/* 2nd: If the Div is not yet filled then take the Div from the Debtor-definition (no debtor-default exists for Prj/CC) */
/* 3rd: If the Div/Prj/CC is not yet filled then take the Div/Prj/CC from the Control-GL-definition */
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
assign viXProjectProfileID = 0
viXCostCentreProfileID = 0
viXDivisionProfileID = 0
viXGLIsDivisionAccount = false
viXGLIsCostCentreAccount = false
viXGLIsProjectAccount = false.
if tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = ?
then do :
assign viXGLProfileID = if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType= {&INVOICETYPE-PREPAYMENT} /* PREPAYMENT */
then Debtor.PrePayControlGLProfile_ID
else if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType= {&INVOICETYPE-DEDUCTION} /* DEDUCTION */
then Debtor.DeductionCtrlGLProfile_ID
else if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType= {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or /* INVOICE */
then Debtor.InvControlGLProfile_ID
else Debtor.CnControlGLProfile_ID.
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXGLProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXGLSharedSetID
first GL where
GL.GL_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = GL.GLCode
tApiDInvoice.ControlGL_ID = GL.GL_ID
viXGLIsDivisionAccount = GL.GLIsDivisionAccount
viXGLIsCostCentreAccount = GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount
viXGLIsProjectAccount = GL.GLIsProjectAccount.
if GL.GLIsDivisionAccount = true
then assign viXDivisionProfileID = GL.DivisionProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount = true
then assign viXCostCentreProfileID = GL.CostCentreProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsProjectAccount = true
then assign viXProjectProfileID = GL.ProjectProfile_ID.
end. /* for first ProfileLink where */
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = "":U or */
else do :
Find GL where
GL.SharedSet_ID = viXGLSharedSetID and
GL.GLCode = tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode
no-lock no-error.
if available GL
then do :
assign tApiDInvoice.ControlGL_ID = GL.GL_ID.
if GL.GLIsDivisionAccount = true
then assign viXDivisionProfileID = GL.DivisionProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount = true
then assign viXCostCentreProfileID = GL.CostCentreProfile_ID.
if GL.GLIsProjectAccount = true
then assign viXProjectProfileID = GL.ProjectProfile_ID.
assign viXGLIsDivisionAccount = GL.GLIsDivisionAccount
viXGLIsCostCentreAccount = GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount
viXGLIsProjectAccount = GL.GLIsProjectAccount.
end. /* if available GL */
end. /* Not if tApiDInvoice.tcControlGLCode = "":U or */
/* Default the division when the ControlGL supports divisions */
if viXGLIsDivisionAccount = true and
viXDivisionProfileID <> 0 and
viXDivisionProfileID <> ?
then do :
if (tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = ?) and
Debtor.DivisionProfile_ID <> 0 and
Debtor.DivisionProfile_ID <> ?
then for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = Debtor.DivisionProfile_ID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXDivisionSharedSetID
first Division where
Division.Division_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = Division.DivisionCode
tApiDInvoice.Division_ID = Division.Division_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
if tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = ?
then for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXDivisionProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXDivisionSharedSetID
first Division where
Division.Division_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcDivisionCode = Division.DivisionCode
tApiDInvoice.Division_ID = Division.Division_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
end. /* if viXDivisionProfileID <> 0 and */
/* Default the cost-centre when the ControlGL supports cost-centress */
if viXGLIsCostCentreAccount and
viXCostCentreProfileID <> 0 and
viXCostCentreProfileID <> ? and
(tApiDInvoice.tcCostCentreCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcCostCentreCode = ?)
then do :
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXCostCentreProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXCostCentreSharedSetID
first CostCentre where
CostCentre.CostCentre_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcCostCentreCode = CostCentre.CostCentreCode
tApiDInvoice.CostCentre_ID = CostCentre.CostCentre_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
end. /* if viXCostCentreProfileID <> 0 and */
/* Default the project when the ControlGL supports projects */
if viXGLIsProjectAccount and
viXProjectProfileID <> 0 and
viXProjectProfileID <> ? and
(tApiDInvoice.tcProjectCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcProjectCode = ?)
then do :
for first ProfileLink where
ProfileLink.Profile_ID = viXProjectProfileID and
ProfileLink.SharedSet_ID = viXProjectSharedSetID
first qaddb.Project where
qaddb.Project.Project_ID = ProfileLink.ProfileLinkObject_ID
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcProjectCode = qaddb.Project.ProjectCode
tApiDInvoice.Project_ID = qaddb.Project.Project_ID.
end. /* or first Profile where */
end. /* if viXProjectProfileID <> 0 and */
/* =========================================================================================== */
/* Fill in the Journal-related fields based on the InvoiceType/Debtor when not specified */
/* =========================================================================================== */
if tApiDInvoice.tcJournalCode = ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcJournalCode = "":U.
if tApiDInvoice.tcJournalCode = "":U
for each Journal where
Journal.SharedSet_ID = viXJournalSharedSetID and
Journal.JournalIsActive = true and
Journal.JournalControl = {&JOURNALCONTROL-FINANCIAL} and /* FINANCIAL */
Journal.JournalTypeCode = (if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTE} /* CREDITNOTE */
each JournalType of Journal where
JournalType.JournalTypeIsCorrection = (if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICECORRECTION} or /* INVOICECORRECTION */
then true
else false)
each Layer of Journal where
on error undo, throw:
assign tApiDInvoice.tcJournalCode = Journal.JournalCode.
end. /* for first Profile where */
/* ================================================= */
/* Fill in the Payment Condition when not filled yet */
/* ================================================= */
Release PaymentCondition.
if (tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode = ?) and
Debtor.NormalPaymentCondition_ID <> 0 and
Debtor.NormalPaymentCondition_ID <> ?
then do :
Find PaymentCondition where
PaymentCondition.PaymentCondition_ID = Debtor.NormalPaymentCondition_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available PaymentCondition
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionCode
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionType = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionPaymentTyp.
end. /* if (tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode = "":U or */
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Accounting-details":U,"":U).
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Banking-details":U,"":U).
/* ============================================================ */
/* Fill in the Due-Date and Disc-Due-Date - only for non-staged */
/* ============================================================ */
if (tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = ? or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDiscountDueDate = ?) and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate <> ? and
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode <> ? and
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionType <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionType <> ?
If not available PaymentCondition
then Find PaymentCondition where
PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionCode = tApiDInvoice.tcNormalPaymentConditionCode
no-lock no-error.
if available PaymentCondition and
PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionPaymentTyp = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-NORMAL} /* NORMAL */
then do :
assign vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionPeriodType
vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionBaseDate
viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionDaysMonths
viXPaymentConditionSupplDays = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionSupplDays
viXPaymentConditionBaseDays = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionBaseDays
viXPaymentConditionDueDays = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionDueDays
viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionDayMthDisc
viXPaymentConditionSupDayDisc = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionSupDayDisc
vcXPaymentConditionpDiscType = PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionPdDiscType.
/* === Set Due Date ==== */
assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate.
if vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate <> ?
then do:
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate < vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate.
end. /* if vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate <> ? */
if vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = ? then Leave PAYMENTDATESBLOCK.
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date((viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)) modulo 12 + 1,
int(year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) + (viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) - (viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)) modulo 12) / 12))
vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate - 1
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + viXPaymentConditionSupplDays + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
then do:
if day(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) <= 15
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date(month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate), 15, year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)).
else assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date((month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) modulo 12) + 1, 1, year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) + if month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate - 1.
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + (viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths * 14) + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
end. /* if vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} /* FORTNIGHT */ */
else if vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK} /* WEEK */
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + 7 - weekday(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths * 7 + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
else assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
if vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS} or /* MONTHS */
then do while (tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate) < viXPaymentConditionDueDays:
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - viXPaymentConditionSupplDays - viXPaymentConditionBaseDays + 1
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = date(month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
int(year(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) + (1 + month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) - (1 + month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate)) modulo 12) / 12))
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - 1
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate + viXPaymentConditionSupplDays + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
then do:
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths - viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
if day(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) = 15
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = date(month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
year(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) + if month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - 1.
else assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = date(month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
year(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) + if month(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate) = 12 then 1 else 0).
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate + viXPaymentConditionDaysMonths + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
end. /* if vcXPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} */
else assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate + 7.
end. /* then do while (tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate) < viXPaymentConditionDueDays */
else if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate - tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate < viXPaymentConditionDueDays
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate + viXPaymentConditionDueDays.
/* === Set Discount Due Date === */
assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = if vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate = ?
then tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDate
else vtXPaymentConditionBaseDate.
if vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = ? then Leave PAYMENTDATESBLOCK.
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date((viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)) modulo 12 + 1,
int(year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) + (viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) - (viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)) modulo 12) / 12))
vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate - 1
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDiscountDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + viXPaymentConditionSupDayDisc + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
then do:
if day(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) <= 15
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date(month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate), 15, year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)).
else assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = date((month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) modulo 12) + 1,
year(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) + if month(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate - 1.
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDiscountDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + (viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc * 14) + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
end. /* if vcXPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} */
else if vcXPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK} /* WEEK */
then assign vtXPaymentConditionStartDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + 7 - weekday(vtXPaymentConditionStartDate)
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDiscountDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + (viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc * 7) + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
else assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDiscountDueDate = vtXPaymentConditionStartDate + viXPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + viXPaymentConditionBaseDays.
end. /* if available PaymentCondition */
end. /* if (tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceDueDate = ? or + PAYMENTDATESBLOCK */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Fill in the default bank information if not specified */
/* ===================================================== */
if tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> ? and
not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid)
then do :
/* Read the best applicable banknumber that is related to this Debtor: including Default and CompanyID */
if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid)
then do :
for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
create tApiDInvoiceBank.
assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = BankNumber.BankNumberFormatted
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberExtension = BankNumber.BankNumberExtension
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberValidation = BankNumber.BankNumberValidation
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberSwiftCode = BankNumber.BankNumberSwiftCode
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = /* Assign the value to pay equal to the amount of the invoice */
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> ?
then tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC
else tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(BankNumber)).
end. /* for first BankNumber where */
end. /* if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* Read the second best applicable banknumber that is related to this Debtor: including CompanyID without Default */
if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid)
then do :
for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
create tApiDInvoiceBank.
assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = BankNumber.BankNumberFormatted
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberExtension = BankNumber.BankNumberExtension
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberValidation = BankNumber.BankNumberValidation
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberSwiftCode = BankNumber.BankNumberSwiftCode
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = /* Assign the value to pay equal to the amount of the invoice */
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> ?
then tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC
else tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(BankNumber)).
end. /* for first BankNumber where */
end. /* if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* Read the third best applicable banknumber that is related to this Debtor: including Default without CompanyID */
if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid)
then do :
for first BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true
on error undo, throw :
create tApiDInvoiceBank.
assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = BankNumber.BankNumberFormatted
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberExtension = BankNumber.BankNumberExtension
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberValidation = BankNumber.BankNumberValidation
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberSwiftCode = BankNumber.BankNumberSwiftCode
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = /* Assign the value to pay equal to the amount of the invoice */
if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> ?
then tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC
else tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(BankNumber)).
end. /* for first BankNumber where */
end. /* if not can-find (first tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* ================================================================================================================ */
/* In case we have created a BankNumber by now, we will also create the underlying BankNumberPayCode-records for it */
/* ================================================================================================================ */
Find first tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid and
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> ?
no-lock no-error.
if available tApiDInvoiceBank
then do :
for each BankNumberPayCode where
BankNumberPayCode.BankNumber_ID = tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID
on error undo, throw :
create tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.
assign tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_Rowid = string(rowid(BankNumberPayCode))
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID = BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.PayFormatCode_ID = BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatCode_ID
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = BankNumberPayCode.BankNumberPayCodeValue.
if BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> 0 and
BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> ?
then do :
find PayFormatGroup where
PayFormatGroup.PayFormatGroup_ID = BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available PayFormatGroup
then assign tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tcPayFormatGroupCode = PayFormatGroup.PayFormatGroupCode.
end. /* if BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> 0 and */
if tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = "":U or
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = ?
then do :
find PayFormatCode of BankNumberPayCode
no-lock no-error.
if available PayFormatCode
then do:
assign tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = PayFormatCode.PayFormatCode.
if tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = ? or
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = "":U
then do :
find PayFormatGroup of BankNumberPayCode where
PayFormatGroup.PayFormatGroupDataType = 'LOGICAL':U
no-lock no-error.
if available PayFormatGroup
then assign tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = "false":U.
end. /* if tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = ? or */
end. /* if available PayFormatCode */
end. /* if tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.DInvoiceBankPayCodeValue = "":U or */
end. /* for each BankNumberPayCode where */
end. /* if available tApiDInvoiceBank */
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> 0 and */
/* ======================================================================================================== */
/* Fill tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID: For those tApiDInvoiceBank record where BankNumber_ID is not filled */
/* then we will try to assign it with the banknumber that best matches the filled properties */
/* ======================================================================================================== */
/* This is the logical sequence for finding the correct BankNumber-record in the db: */
/* Case Act OwnBnkNbr BnkNbr Cy Def */
/* 1 Y Y/N Y Y Y */
/* 2 Y Y/N Y Y N */
/* 3 Y Y/N Y N Y */
/* 4 Y Y/N Y N N */
/* 5 Y Y/N N Y Y */
/* 6 Y Y/N N Y N */
/* 7 Y Y/N N N Y */
/* 8 Y Y/N N N N */
/* 9 Y N N N Y */
/* 10 Y N N N N */
/* ======================================================================================================== */
/* While we assign tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID here and we thus have a BankNumber-record available, we */
/* will also assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID and optionally tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode */
/* as well in case we have a BankPayFormat record available next to the BankNumber reocrd. */
/* ======================================================================================================== */
if tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> ?
then for each tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid :
/* Strip-off some formatting characters that are not stored in the db */
assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = replace(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber, " ":U, "":U)
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = replace(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber, ".":U, "":U)
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = replace(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber, "/":U, "":U)
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = replace(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber, "-":U, "":U).
/* Skip record in case the BankNumber_ID is already filled */
if tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> ?
then next.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + chr(10) + "Out: Conversion-option used for bank-number ":U + trim(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber) + " is: ":U.
/* Try to find the correct BankNumber - first reset the IDs of the found records */
Assign viXBankNumberID = 0
viXBankPayFormatID = 0
viXbXBankNumberID = 0.
/* 1 First try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, BankNbr, Company, Default */
for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true and
BankNumber.BankNumber = tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "1":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 2 Second try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, BankNbr, Company */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumber = tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "2":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 3 Third try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, BankNbr, Default */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true and
BankNumber.BankNumber = tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "3":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 4 Fourth try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, BankNbr */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumber = tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "4":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 5 Fifth try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, Company, Default */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "5":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 6 Sixth try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, Company */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
each CompanySharedSet where
CompanySharedSet.CompanySharedSet_ID = bXBankNumber.CompanySharedSet_ID and
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = tApiDInvoice.Company_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "6":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 7 Seventh try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber, Default */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "7":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 8 Eighth try finding with Active, tcOwnBankNumber */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID and
bXBankNumber.BankNumber = (if tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber <> ?
then tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber
else bXBankNumber.BankNumber)
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "8":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 9 Nineth try finding with Active, Default */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsDefault = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "10":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* 10 Tenth try finding with Active */
if viXBankNumberID = 0
then for each BankNumber where
BankNumber.ParentObject_ID = tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID and
BankNumber.BankNumberIsActive = true
each BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
each bXBankNumber where
bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID = BankPayFormat.BankNumber_ID
on error undo, throw :
assign viXBankNumberID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
viXBankPayFormatID = BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID
viXbXBankNumberID = bXBankNumber.BankNumber_ID.
assign vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = vcAdditionalCTLogDetails + "11":U.
end. /* for each BankNumber */
/* Fill tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID and its 'updatable-related key-business-fields' */
if viXBankNumberID <> 0 and
viXBankNumberID <> ?
then do :
Find BankNumber where
BankNumber.BankNumber_ID = viXBankNumberID
no-lock no-error.
if available BankNumber
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID = BankNumber.BankNumber_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiParentObject_ID = BankNumber.ParentObject_ID
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumber = BankNumber.BankNumber
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcBankNumberExtension = BankNumber.BankNumberExtension.
Find BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = viXBankPayFormatID
no-lock no-error.
if available BankPayFormat
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode = BankPayFormat.PayFormatTypeCode.
Find BankNumber where
BankNumber.BankNumber_ID = viXbXBankNumberID
no-lock no-error.
if available BankNumber
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tcOwnBankNumber = BankNumber.BankNumber.
end. /* if viXBankNumberID <> 0 and */
end. /* if tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> 0 and tApiDInvoice.Debtor_ID <> ? then for each tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
/* If there is only a single tApiDInvoiceBank and its amount is empty then default the amount on it from the invoice */
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
Find tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid
no-lock no-error. /* do not use the last or first option as we only want the record to be available in case there is only one for the invoice */
if available tApiDInvoiceBank and
(tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = 0 or
tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = ?)
then if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC <> ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalCreditTC.
else if tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC <> ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.DInvoiceBankToPayTC = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceOriginalDebitTC.
/* ================================================================================================ */
/* Apply some additional defaulting on the tApiDInvoiceBank and the tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode records */
/* ================================================================================================ */
for each tApiDInvoiceBank where
tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_Rowid :
/* Fill tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID */
if tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> ? and
(tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = 0 or
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = ?)
then do :
find BankNumber where
BankNumber.BankNumber_ID = tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available BankNumber
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID = BankNumber.BankPayFormat_ID.
end. /* if tApiDInvoiceBank.BankNumber_ID <> 0 and */
/* Fill tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode */
if tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID <> ? and
(tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode = ?)
then do :
find BankPayFormat where
BankPayFormat.BankPayFormat_ID = tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available BankPayFormat
then assign tApiDInvoiceBank.tcPayFormatTypeCode = BankPayFormat.PayFormatTypeCode.
end. /* if tApiDInvoiceBank.tiBankPayFormat_ID <> 0 and */
/* Go through the underlying tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode */
for each tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode where
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoiceBank.tc_Rowid :
/* Fill tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tcPayFormatGroupCode */
if tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> ? and
(tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tcPayFormatGroupCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tcPayFormatGroupCode = ?)
then do :
find PayFormatGroup where
PayFormatGroup.PayFormatGroup_ID = tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID
no-lock no-error.
if available PayFormatGroup
then assign tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode.tcPayFormatGroupCode = PayFormatGroup.PayFormatGroupCode.
end. /* if BankNumberPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID <> 0 and */
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceBankPayCode where */
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceBank where */
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Banking-details":U,(if vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = ? or
vcAdditionalCTLogDetails = "":U or
length(vcAdditionalCTLogDetails,"character":U) < 2
then "":U
else substring(vcAdditionalCTLogDetails,2,-1,"character":U))).
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("START-SUB,Tax-details":U,"":U).
/* ================================================ */
/* Default the VatCurrency with the InvoiceCurrency */
/* ================================================ */
if tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode = ?
then assign tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode = tApiDInvoice.tcCurrencyCode.
if tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode <> ? and
tApiDInvoice.tcCurrencyCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoice.tcCurrencyCode <> ? and
(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatExchangeRate = 0 or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatExchangeRate = ? or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatRateScale = 0 or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatRateScale = ?)
then if tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode = vcCompanyLC
then /* if VatCurrency=LocalCurrency then the Vat-rate equals the Invoice-rate */
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatExchangeRate = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceExchangeRate
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatRateScale = tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceRateScale.
else if tApiDInvoice.tcVatCurrencyCode = tApiDInvoice.tcCurrencyCode
then /* if VatCurrency=Invoice-Currency then Vat-rate should be 1 */
assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatExchangeRate = 1
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceVatRateScale = 1.
/* ====================================================================== */
/* Fill in defaults in tApiDInvoiceVat records that are in the input */
/* Set the Taxable flag on the invoice-level based on the Vat-records */
/* ====================================================================== */
for each tApiDInvoiceVat where
tApiDInvoiceVat.tc_ParentRowid = tApiDInvoice.tc_rowid
on error undo, throw :
/* Replace empty fields with default fixed values */
if tApiDInvoiceVat.tcDomainCode = "":U or
tApiDInvoiceVat.tcDomainCode = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.tcDomainCode = vcXDomainCode.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatInOut = "":U or
tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatInOut = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatInOut = {&VATINOUT-OUTPUT}. /* OUTPUT */
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatSequence = 0 or
tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatSequence = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatSequence = 1.
/* Replace unknown values with data from the tax-definitions */
if tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatCode <> "":U and
tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatCode <> ?
then do :
vhXQueryTx2Mstr:Query-Prepare("for each tx2_mstr where tx2_mstr.tx2_domain = '" + vcXDomainCode + "' and " +
"tx2_mstr.tx2_tax_code = '" + tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatCode + "'").
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.DatabaseAccess":U
("query Manual query on table tx2_mstr":U + chr(10) +
"Query-prepare: ":U + vhXQueryTx2Mstr:prepare-string + chr(10) +
"Indexes: " + vhXQueryTx2Mstr:index-information(1) + chr(10) +
"record count: " + string(vhXQueryTx2Mstr:num-results) , ?).
if valid-handle(vhXBufferTx2Mstr) and
then do :
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsUpdAllow = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsUpdAllow = vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_update_tax. .
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsAbsRet = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsAbsRet = vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_apr_use.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsAccrRcpUs = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsAccrRcpUs = vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_rcpt_tax_point or vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_usage_tax_point.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsRevCharge = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsRevCharge = vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_reverse_charge.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsSuspDel = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatIsSuspDel = vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_stx_dltx_use.
/* set if this tax method is Avatax or not */
if vhXBufferTx2Mstr::tx2_method = "40":U
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.tlIsAvataxTaxLine = true.
else assign tApiDInvoiceVat.tlIsAvataxTaxLine = false.
end. /* if valid-handle(vhXBufferTx2Mstr) */
end. /* if tApiDInvoiceVat.tcVatCode <> "":U and */
/* Avoid unknown values */
if tApiDInvoiceVat.TxuTaxUsage = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.TxuTaxUsage = "":U.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.TxenvTaxEnv = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.TxenvTaxEnv = "":U.
if tApiDInvoiceVat.TxclTaxCls = ?
then assign tApiDInvoiceVat.TxclTaxCls = "":U.
/* Set the Taxable flag on the invoice-level based on the Vat-records */
if ((tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatDebitTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatDebitTC <> ?) or
(tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatCreditTC <> 0 and
tApiDInvoiceVat.DInvoiceVatVatCreditTC <> ?)) and
(tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsTaxable = ? or
tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsTaxable = false)
then assign tApiDInvoice.DInvoiceIsTaxable = true.
end. /* for each tApiDInvoiceVat where */
/* Additional logging in the CTLog */
publish "Logging.BusinessCode":U ("END-SUB,Tax-details":U,"":U).
end. /* for each tApiDInvoice where */
/* ============================================== */
/* Actions that should be done in ALL cases */
/* ============================================== */
if valid-handle(vhXQueryCmMstr)
then do:
delete object vhXQueryCmMstr.
end. /* if valid-handle(vhXQueryCmMstr) */
if valid-handle(vhXBufferCmMstr)
then delete object vhXBufferCmMstr.
if valid-handle(vhXBufferLsMstr)
then delete object vhXBufferLsMstr.
if valid-handle(vhXBufferSiMstr)
then delete object vhXBufferSiMstr.
if valid-handle(vhXBufferAdMstr)
then delete object vhXBufferAdMstr.
if valid-handle(vhXQueryTx2Mstr)
then do:
delete object vhXQueryTx2Mstr.
end. /* if valid-handle */
if valid-handle(vhXBufferTx2Mstr)
then delete object vhXBufferTx2Mstr.