field name | data type | description |
tiInvoiceId | integer | Invoice ID |
tcAction | character | |
tcBankNumber | character | Bank Number |
tcBankNumberExtension | character | BankNumberExtention |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | Business Relation Code |
tcCCCurrencyCode | character | CCCurrencyCode |
tiCompanyId | integer | Internal ID of the active company. |
tcCostCentreCode | character | Cost Center Code |
tcCreditorCode | character | Creditor Code |
tcDebtorCode | character | Debtor Code |
tcDivisionCode | character | Sub-Account Code |
tdExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | Exchange Rate Scale |
tdExchangeRateTCLC | decimal(10) | ExchangeRateTCLC |
tdInvoiceAmountCC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceCC |
tdInvoiceAmountLC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceLC |
tdInvoiceAmountTC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceTC |
tdInvoiceHoldAmountTC | decimal | Hold Amount of the invoice in TC |
ttInvoiceDate | date | CInvoiceDate |
tcInvoiceDescription | character | InvoiceDescription |
ttInvoiceDiscountDueDate | date | InvoiceDiscountDueDate |
ttInvoiceDueDate | date | InvoiceDueDate |
tcInvoiceReference | character | CInvoiceReference |
ttInvoiceTaxPointDate | date | CInvoiceTaxPointDate |
tcInvoiceTSMNumber | character | CInvoiceTSMNumber |
tcInvoiceType | character | type |
tiInvoiceVoucher | integer | CInvoiceVoucher |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal Code |
tcKey | character | Key; unique identifier (no part of an index) |
tcLCCurrencyCode | character | LCCurrencyCode |
tcNormalPaymentConditionCode | character | Normal PaymentCondition |
tlOnlyControlAccount | logical | Only posting on a control account |
tcPaymentMeans | character | Payment Means |
tiPeriodPeriod | integer | Accounting Period |
tiPeriodYear | integer | Accounting year of the period |
ttPostingDate | date | PostingDate |
tcPostingText | character | PostingText |
tcPostingType | character | Posting Type |
tcProjectCode | character | |
tcReasonCode | character | Reason Code |
tcTCCurrencyCode | character | TCCurrencyCode |
tcTransferAccountCostCentreCode | character | TransferAccountCostCentreCode |
tcTransferAccountDivisionCode | character | TransferAccountDivisionCode |
tcTransferAccountGLCode | character | GLTransferAccount |
tcTransferAccountProjectCode | character | TransferAccountProjectCode |
tiBankNumber_ID | integer | |
tcOwnBankNumber | character | Own Bank Number |
tcPaymentFormat | character | Payment Format |
tlInvoiceIsERS | logical | Is it a ERS invoice ? |
tcInvoiceBatchNumber | character | Invoice Batch Number |
tdCCExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | |
tdExchangeRateTCCC | decimal(10) | |
tcRoleName | character | |
tcInvoiceCommentNote | character | |
tcDeductionCatCode | character | |
tcDayBookSetCode | character | Day Book Set Code |
tcVatCode | character | |
tcVatInOut | character | |
tcDomainCode | character | The domain code of the domain to which this session is logged in. |
tdWHTFeeDebitTC | decimal | |
tdWHTFeeCreditTC | decimal | |
tdWHTExpenseDebitTC | decimal | |
tdWHTExpenseCreditTC | decimal | |
tcBLWIGroupCode | character | BLWI Group Code |
tcSalesPerson1 | character | Salesperson 1.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | |
tcSalesPerson2 | character | Salesperson 1.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | |
tcSalesPerson3 | character | Salesperson 1.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | |
tcSalesPerson4 | character | Salesperson 1.This field displays the salesperson specified on the order to receive commission and quota credit for the order. |
api annotation: | The commission percentage defaults from the salesperson record. | |
tdDInvoiceCom1 | decimal(2) | Represents DInvoiceComm1 field |
tdDInvoiceCom2 | decimal(2) | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | |
tdDInvoiceCom3 | decimal(2) | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. | |
tdDInvoiceCom4 | decimal(2) | Salesperson Commission. This field displays the commission percentage each salesperson receives. |
api annotation: | For invoices posted from sales orders, this field defaults from the associated sales order. For manually created invoices, commission defaults from Salesperson Commission Detail, if rates have been defined for the customer; otherwise, from the salesperson record. |