field name | data type | description |
tcBLWIGroupCode | character | BLWI Group Code |
tiBLWIGroupId | integer | BLWI Group ID |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | Business Relation Code |
tiBusinessRelationId | integer | Business Relation ID |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | Business Relation Name1 |
tcCostCentreCode | character | |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency Code |
tiCurrencyId | integer | |
tcDAJournalCode | character | |
tiDAVoucher | integer | CA Voucher |
tcDebtorPaymentMeans | character | |
tcDebtorVatNumber | character | Debtor Vat Number |
tiDebtorVatNumberId | integer | Debtor VAT Number ID |
tcDebVatBusinessRelationCode | character | Business Relation Code for Debtor Vat Number |
tcDebVatCountryCode | character | Country Code of Debtor VAT Number |
ttDInvoiceDate | date | Invoice Date. This field indicates the invoice creation date.This field is normallly prior to the posting date and within the same accounting period as the posting date. The date must be within the upper and lower date limits of an open GL period. The system uses the invoice date with the credit terms to calculate due date and discount date. |
api annotation: | This field defaults to the DInvoicePostingDate. | |
ttDInvoiceDiscountDueDate | date | Discount Due Date |
tcDInvoiceDIText | character | CI Text |
ttDInvoiceDueDate | date | Due Date |
tdDInvoiceExchangeRate | decimal(10) | Exchange Rate of Debtor Invoice |
tdDInvoiceExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | |
tdDInvoiceGAccountPercentage | decimal | |
tlDInvoiceIsTaxable | logical | Is the DInvoice Taxable ? |
tlDInvoiceIsWithGAccount | logical | |
tdDInvoiceManhourPercentage | decimal | |
tdDInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | decimal(4) | Original Credit TC Amount |
tdDInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | decimal(4) | Original Debit TC Amount |
tdDInvoiceOriginalLC | decimal(4) | Invoice Amount in LC |
tdDInvoiceOriginalTC | decimal(4) | Invoice Amount in TC |
ttDInvoicePostingDate | date | posting date |
ttDInvoiceTaxPointDate | date | tax point date |
tiDInvoiceVoucher | integer | Voucher of debtor invoice |
tcDiscountPaymentConditionCode | character | Discount Payment Condition Code |
tiDiscountPaymentConditionId | integer | Discount Payment Condition ID |
tcDivisionCode | character | Sub-Account Code |
tiDivisionId | integer | Division ID |
tlGLIsDivisionAccount | logical | |
tcJournalCode | character | Daybook Code |
tiJournalId | integer | Journal ID |
tcLinkedInvoiceVatCurrencyCode | character | |
tiLinkedInvoiceVatCurrencyId | integer | |
tdLinkedInvoiceVatExchangeRate | decimal | |
tdLinkedInvoiceVatRateScale | decimal | |
tcNormalPaymentConditionCode | character | Normal Payment Condition Code |
tiNormalPaymentConditionId | integer | Normal Payment Condition ID |
tcNormalPaymentConditionPayType | character | |
tcOwnVatBusinessRelationCode | character | Own Vat BusinessRelation Code |
tcOwnVatCountryCode | character | Own Vat Country Code |
tiOwnVatCountryId | integer | |
tcOwnVatCurrencyCode | character | |
tiOwnVatCurrencyId | integer | |
tiOwnVatCurrencyNumDec | integer | |
tcOwnVatNumber | character | Own Vat Number |
tiOwnVatNumberId | integer | Own Vat Number ID |
tiPeriodPeriod | integer | GL Period |
tiPeriodYear | integer | Period Year |
tcProjectCode | character | |
tcReasonCode | character | Reason Code |
tiReasonId | integer | Reason ID |
tcTransactionEndCountryCode | character | Transaction End Country Code |
tiTransactionEndCountryId | integer | Transaction End Country ID |
tcTransactionStartCountryCode | character | TransactionStartCountryCode |
tiTransactionStartCountryId | integer | Transaction start country ID |
tcTxclTaxCls | character | Tax Class |
tcTxenvTaxEnv | character | Tax Environment |
tcTxuTaxUsage | character | Tax Usage |
tcVatCode | character | Tax Code |
tdVatExchangeRate | decimal(10) | Exchange Rate: This number is specified as the amount by which you multiply a single unit of a From Currency to reach the equivalent number of the To Currency units. |
tiVatId | integer | VAT id |
tdVatRateScale | decimal(10) | Scale Factor: A number used in the exchange rate calculation to adjust the amount of the From Currency. Typically used in hyperinflationary environments when the differences between currency values is large. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to 1.0000000 . | |
tiVatCurrencyNumDec | integer |