project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > dataset tApiDInvoiceVat

copy of class table tDInvoiceVat

table tApiDInvoiceVat

field namedata typedescription
DInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitLCdecimal(4)BC Base Amount DR. This field displays the debit base amount in the base currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Base Amount DR and the Exchange rate.
DInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditLCdecimal(4)BC Base Amount CR. This field displays the credit base amount in the base currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Base Amount CR and the Exchange rate.
DInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitTCdecimal(4)TC Base Amount DR. This field displays the debit base amount in the transaction currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditTCdecimal(4)TC Base Amount CR. This field displays the credit base amount in the transaction currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitCCdecimal(4)SC Base Amount DR. This field displays the debit base amount in the statutory currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Base Amount DR and the SC rate.
DInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditCCdecimal(4)SC Base Amount CR. This field displays the credit base amount in the statutory currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Base Amount CR and the SC rate.
DInvoiceVatVatDebitLCdecimal(4)BC Tax Amount DR. This field displays the debit tax amount in the base currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Tax Amount DR and the Exchange rate.
DInvoiceVatVatCreditLCdecimal(4)BC Tax Amount CR. This field displays the debit tax amount in the base currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Tax Amount CR and the Exchange rate.
DInvoiceVatVatDebitTCdecimal(4)TC Tax Amount DR. This field displays the debit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatVatCreditTCdecimal(4)TC Tax Amount CR. This field displays the credit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatVatDebitCCdecimal(4)SC Tax Amount DR. This field displays the debit tax amount in the statutory currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Tax Amount DR and the SC rate.
DInvoiceVatVatCreditCCdecimal(4)SC Tax Amount CR. This field displays the credit tax amount in the statutory currency.
This field is calculated by the system using the TC Tax Amount CR and the SC rate.
DInvoiceVatIsTaxablelogicalTaxable. This field indicates if the invoice is taxable.
api annotation:This field defaults to true if the customer is taxable.
DInvoiceVatIsUpdAllowlogicalUpdate Tax Allowed. When this is field is true, you can modify the base and tax credit and debit amounts during transaction entry.
This field is useful for overriding the system if there is a need to match amounts on manually issued documents. In some environments, tax authorities require that you cannot modify the calculated tax amounts.
DInvoiceVatIsAbsRetlogicalRetained. This field indicates that the tax rate in use has been configured to retain taxes for payment directly to the government.
DInvoiceVatIsAccrRcpUslogicalAccrue at Receipt/Usage. Tax is accrued at receipt. This is a parameter of the tax rate code in GTM.
DInvoiceVatTaxTrTypecharacterTax transaction type. This is a parameter of the tax rate code in GTM.
DInvoiceVatIsRevChargelogicalReverse Charge.This field indicates if the invoice tax is of type Reverse Charge.
DInvoiceVatSequenceintegerSequence.The sequentiel number of the tax line on the invoice.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to 1
DInvoiceVatNTBaseDebitTCdecimal(4)TC Base Debit Non-taxable. This field displays the Non-taxable debit base amount in the transaction currency.
This is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatNTBaseCreditTCdecimal(4)TC Base Credit Non-taxable. This field displays the Non-taxable credit base amount in the transaction currency.
This is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code.
DInvoiceVatIsSuspDellogicalCInvoiceVatIsSuspDel Tax line is for Suspended or Delayed tax. This is a parameter of the tax rate code in GTM.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false
DInvoiceVatSuspDelTaxAmtTCdecimal(4)Tax Amount on Delayed Account TC. This field display the tax amount in the delayed account of the invoice in Transaction currency.
TxuTaxUsagecharacterTax Usage. When taxes are defined to accrue at receipt for this receiver, this field indicates the tax usage being applied, if any. Select a different tax class if necessary.
api annotation:This field defaults from the customer,and can be modified.
TxenvTaxEnvcharacterTax Environment. This field is automatically calculated based on the customer and ship-to address details, and can be modified.
TxclTaxClscharacterTax Class. When taxes are defined to accrue at receipt for this receiver, this field indicates the tax class being applied, if any.
api annotation:This field default from the customer, and can be modified.
TxtyTaxTypecharacterTax Type. This field displays the tax type, which defaults from the tax environment.
tdDInvoiceVatVatBaseDebitVCdecimal(4)This field is obsoleted.
tdDInvoiceVatVatBaseCreditVCdecimal(4)This field is obsoleted.
tdDInvoiceVatVatDebitVCdecimal(4)This field is obsoleted.
tdDInvoiceVatVatCreditVCdecimal(4)This field is obsoleted.
tlIsRecalculateTaxlogicalRecalc. When you change the tax class, tax usage, tax environment, or the Taxable fields or modify one of the base amounts, this field is automatically set to true,and the system recalculates the amounts when you have completed the line in the grid. You can also manually set this field to true or false.
tcDomainCodecharacterDomain. This field displays the doamin of the invoice (the current domain).
tcVatInOutcharacterTax In/Out. Indication if the tax in Input (tax on purchases) or Output (tax on sales).
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to output
tcVatCodecharacterTax Code. This field displays the code of the tax rate, based on the tax environment for the combination of customer and ship-to address.
tcNormalTaxGLCodecharacterNormal Tax Account. This field indicates the Gl account for tax use.
The Tax accounts are defined for the current domain in Domain/Account Control.
tcNormalTaxDivisionCodecharacterNormal Tax Sub-Account. This field indicates the sub-account if the customer control account is defined with sub-account analysis.
tcAbsRetTaxGLCodecharacterRetained Tax Account. This field indicates the GL account used to retain the tax.
When you have selected the Retained/Absorbed options.
This field is defined in Tax Rate Maintenance.
tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCodecharacterRetained Tax Sub-Account.This field indicates the sub- Account used to retain the tax.
When you have selected the Retained/Absorbed options.
This field is defined in Tax Rate Maintenance.
tcSuspDelTaxGLCodecharacterDelayed Tax Account. This field indicates the GL account used to handle the delayed tax.
tcSuspDelTaxDivisionCodecharacterDelayed Tax Sub-Account. This field indicates the sub-account used to handle the delayed tax.
tlIsAvataxTaxLinelogicalIs the tax line a Avatax tax line i.e. using tax method 40
QADC01characterunused QAD reserved field
QADC02characterunused QAD reserved field
QADT01dateunused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)unused QAD reserved field

Internal usage

method BDInvoice.ApiStdMaintainTT
method BDInvoice.CreateDIPosting
method BDInvoice.DefaultValuesGeneralInfo
method BDInvoice.StdMaintainTT