field name | data type | description |
DInvoiceMovement_ID | integer | |
DInvoice_ID | integer | |
PostingLine_ID | integer | |
Company_ID | integer | |
Period_ID | integer | |
Debtor_ID | integer | |
DInvoiceMovementType | character | CInvoiceMovementType. "Initial" indicates that the movement represents the initial creation of the invoice, "movement" stands for all subsequent modifications of the invoice balance (payments, adjustments etc). |
DInvoiceMovementYearPeriod | integer | Year/GL Period. This field indicates the accounting year and period for the invoice's movement. |
DInvoiceMovementDiscountTC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceMovementDiscountTC. The amount of payment discount in TC. |
DInvoiceMovementPostDate | date | Posting Date. The Posting Date of the Invoice's movement. |
DInvoiceMovementIsForDraft | logical | For Draft. This field indicates if the invoice is for draft use. The invoice is initially saved as a draft. Draft invoices do not generate postings when saved, and so do not affect the AP sub-ledger or general ledger. |
CustomShort0 | character | |
CustomShort1 | character | |
CustomShort2 | character | |
CustomShort3 | character | |
CustomShort4 | character | |
CustomShort5 | character | |
CustomShort6 | character | |
CustomShort7 | character | |
CustomShort8 | character | |
CustomShort9 | character | |
CustomCombo0 | character | |
CustomCombo1 | character | |
CustomCombo2 | character | |
CustomCombo3 | character | |
CustomCombo4 | character | |
CustomCombo5 | character | |
CustomCombo6 | character | |
CustomCombo7 | character | |
CustomCombo8 | character | |
CustomCombo9 | character | |
CustomLong0 | character | |
CustomLong1 | character | |
CustomNote | character | |
CustomDate0 | date | |
CustomDate1 | date | |
CustomDate2 | date | |
CustomDate3 | date | |
CustomDate4 | date | |
CustomInteger0 | integer | |
CustomInteger1 | integer | |
CustomInteger2 | integer | |
CustomInteger3 | integer | |
CustomInteger4 | integer | |
CustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
LastModifiedDate | date | |
LastModifiedTime | integer | |
LastModifiedUser | character | |
QADC01 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |