project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > dataset tApiDInvoiceBank

copy of class table tDInvoiceBank

table tApiDInvoiceBank

field namedata typedescription
DInvoiceBankToPayTCdecimal(4)TC Payment Amount. This field displays the payment amount in the transaction currency.
tcOwnBankNumbercharacterOwn Bank Number. This field displays the account number that receives payments from this customer.
This number is defined on the customer record, and is normally the default bank account number for the entity you are currently working in.
tcPayFormatTypeCodecharacterPayment Format. The payment format you have defined for payments from your bank to this customer.
The value of the field can only be the formats initially defined for the account.
This field is calculated by the system.
tlDInvoiceIsReferencedlogicalReferenced. This field indicates if other invoices have linked to this invoice.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcPayFormatTypePayInstrumentcharacterPayment Instrument. The payment instrument defined for payments to this customer from your bank account.
This field is calculated by the system.
tlValidatePaymentlogicalValidate the payment when the dinvoicebank amount is changed : when you come from payment selection it is false, otherwise true.
tcBankNumbercharacterBank Number. The customer bank account number. This field is mandatory when the payment instrument for the customer is electronic.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcBankNumberExtensioncharacterExtension. This field indicates the bank number extension. The extension defines the currency when an account has amounts in multiple currencies.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcBankNumberFormattedcharacterFormatted Number. This field displays the customer bank account number, formatted according to the validation you applied.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcBankNumberSwiftCodecharacterSWIFT Code. This field displays the SWIFT code of the bank.
SWIFT (the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a banking network for world-wide payments between banks. Also known as the BIC or Bank Identifier Code.
This field is calculated by the system and can be blank.
tcBankNumberValidationcharacterValidation. This field identifies the bank format validation for the customer bank account.
Account number validation ensures that the account number is formatted according to the regulations of the national banking system.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcBusinessRelationCodecharacterBusiness Relation Code. This field displays the business relation for the customer's bank, and contains bank addressing information.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcCompanyCodecharacterEntity Code. This field identifies the entity in which you are working in.
tcOwnGLCodecharacterOwn Gl Account.The default customer bank account configured for the customer.
If you have configured multiple accounts for this customer, you can add these account details by inserting a new row for each account. You can use a maximum of three bank accounts to make the invoice payment,specifying the bank reference and amounts to be paid per account in each case. The total of the separate amounts must equal the total invoice amount.
This field is calculated by the system.
QADC01characterunused QAD reserved field
QADC02characterunused QAD reserved field
QADT01dateunused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)unused QAD reserved field

Internal usage

method BDInvoice.ApiStdMaintainTT
method BDInvoice.CreateDIBank
method BDInvoice.DefaultValuesBank
method BDInvoice.DefaultValuesGeneralInfo
method BDInvoice.StdMaintainTT