project QadFinancials > class BDebtorShipTo > method Calculate


Add code here to initialize the calculated fields of the class temp-tables after loading existing records from the application database.



Internal usage


program code (program/bdebtorshipto.p)


empty temp-table tDebtorShiptoContact.

for each tDebtorShipTo:   

    if vlDataLoadKeepPrevious and 
       can-find (tAlreadyCalculatedRecords where
                 tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tcTableName = "DebtorShipTo" and
                 tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tc_Rowid    = tDebtorShipTo.tc_Rowid)
    then next.

    /* Get the Businress Relation id for the Debtor and store it in the calculate field */
    <Q-2 run DebtorPrim (all) (Read) (Cache)
       (input viCompanyID, (CompanyId)
        input '', (DebtorCode)
        input tDebtorShipTo.debtor_id, (Debtor_ID)
        output dataset tqDebtorPrim) in BDebtor >

    for first tqDebtorPrim:
        assign tDebtorShipTo.tiDebtorBusinessRelation_ID = tqDebtorPrim.tiBusinessRelation_ID.

     /* store the rowid of the current address if there is one*/
    if tDebtorShipto.Address_id <> 0
    then do:       
        <Q-89 run AddressPrim (all) (Read) (Cache)
           (input ?, (AddressCity)
            input ?, (AddressStreet1)
            input ?, (AddressStreet2)
            input ?, (AddressZip)
            input ?, (AddressTypeCode)
            input tDebtorShipto.address_id, (AddressID)
            input ?, (BusinessRelationID)
            input ?, (BusinessRelationCode)
            input ?, (AddressTypeID)
            input ?, (AddressStreet3)
            output dataset tqAddressPrim) in BBusinessRelation >
        for first tqAddressPrim:
            assign tDebtorShipTo.tcAddress_rowid = tqAddressPrim.tc_rowid.
     /* retrieve all the contacts for this address */
    <Q-13 run ContactByAddress (all) (Read) (Cache)
       (input tDebtorShipto.address_id, (AddressId)
        output dataset tqContactByAddress) in BBusinessRelation >

    /* add the contact to the address if we don't already have it stored */
    for each tqContactByAddress where
             tqContactbyAddress.tiAddress_id = tDebtorShipto.address_id:
        if not can-find(tDebtorShiptoContact where tDebtorShiptoContact.contact_id = tqContactByAddress.ticontact_id)        
        then do:
             create tDebtorShiptoContact.             
             <M-14 run BufferCopy
                (input  buffer tqContactByAddress:handle (ihFrom), 
                 input  buffer tDebtorShiptoContact:handle (ihTo), 
                 output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDebtorShipTo>
           if viFcReturnSuper <  0 or 
              viFcReturnSuper <> 0 and 
              viLocalStatus   =  0
           then assign viLocalStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
             assign tDebtorShiptoContact.tc_ParentRowid = tDebtorShipTo.tcAddress_rowid.
    end. /* end for each contact */   

    /* Populate the tlAddressIsShared field - this indicates if the address is in use by other ship-tos or not */           
    <Q-31 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = DebtorShiptoByAddress (NoCache)
       (input ?, (CompanyId)
        input tDebtorShipto.address_id, (AddressID)
        input tDebtorShipTo.DebtorShipTo_ID, (DebtorShiptoIDDifferentFrom)) in BDebtorShipTo >
    if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable <> no 
       assign tDebtorShipto.tlAddressIsShared = true.    

assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalStatus.