field name | data type | description |
tcDebtorCode | character | |
tcAddressCity | character | City. The city for this address. This field can be used to decide the tax zone of the address. |
tcAddressFax | character | Fax. This field indicates the fax or telex number to use when sending documents to this address. This field can be balnk. |
tcAddressStreet1 | character | Address: Line one of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressStreet2 | character | Address.Line two of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressTelephone | character | Telephone. The telephone number for calling this business relation address. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressZip | character | Zip. The postal code or US zip code associated with this address. This field is used to decide the tax zone for the address. This field can be blank. |
tcContactPhone | character | |
tcContactName | character | Name. The full name of the contact. This field is mandatory. |
tcContactMobile | character | |
tcContactEmail | character | E-mail. The E-Mail address of the contact. This field can be blank. |
tcBusinessRelationName2 | character | Second Name. An extended name when the Name field is not large enough to contain all information. This fielsd can be blank. |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | Name: The full name of the business relation. This field sets the default name for linked addresses such as customers and suppliers. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to the BusinessRelationCode. | |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | Business Relation. A code to identify the business relation. If this field does not have a input from the user, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Business Relation Autonumber Create. |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date |
field name | data type | description |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
ti_Sequence | integer | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables. |
tcDebtorCode | character | |
tiDebtor_ID | integer | Debtor ID |
tcCurrencyCode | character | |
tcGLDescription | character | A description of the GL account. |
tcGLCode | character | A code identifying the GL account. |
tcGLType | character | |
tcJournalCode | character | |
tcJournalTypeCode | character | |
ttDInvoiceDate | date | DInvoiceDate |
ttDInvoiceDiscountDueDate | date | Discount Due Date. This field displays the last date a discount applies, calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date. You can modify the due date without affecting the credit terms. If the credit terms have a base date specified, this is used in the due date calculations rather than the invoice creation date. |
ttDInvoiceDueDate | date | Due Date. This field displays the date when payment is due, calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date. User can modify the due date without affecting the credit terms. If the credit terms have a base date specified, this is used in the due date calculations rather than the invoice creation date. |
tcDInvoiceDIText | character | |
tiCurrencyNumberOfDecimals | integer | |
tlInitialWithinPeriod | logical | |
tiPeriodYear | integer | |
tiPeriodPeriod | integer | |
ttPostingDate | date | |
tiPostingVoucher | integer | |
tiPostingLineSequence | integer | |
tcPostingLineText | character | |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to blank. Note: if a new record is created through the user interface, the default value is as same as the value of "PostingText" of tPosting. | |
tcPostingText | character | |
tcPostingInvoiceReferenceText | character | When the posting is part of an invoice posting, then this field contains the invoice number (Year/Daybook/Voucher extended with supplier invoice Reference in case of a supplier invoice). Used for information purpose on reports and browsers. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to blank | |
tcSortKey | character | |
tcActivityKey | character | |
tcInvoiceKey | character | |
tdOpeningBalanceTC | decimal(4) | |
tdOpeningBalanceLC | decimal(4) | |
tdOpeningBalanceCC | decimal(4) | |
tdAmountTC | decimal | |
tdAmountLC | decimal | |
tdAmountCC | decimal | |
tcIsInitial | character | |
tcReportingInfo | character | |
tcSummarizationInfo | character | |
tcReportingCurrency | character | |
tcJournalDescription | character | A brief description of the daybook. |
api annotation: | Value for this field defaults to null. | |
tlDebtorPerPageInfo | logical | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tcShipper | character |
field name | data type | description |
ti_Sequence | integer | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables. |
tcBusinessFieldLabel | character | |
tcBusinessFieldName | character | BusinessFieldName |
tcOperator | character | Operator |
tcParameterValue | character | ParameterValue |
field name | data type | description |
tcCompanyCode | character | |
tcCurrLC | character | |
tcDateFormat | character | |
tiDecCC | integer | |
tcDecimalFormat | character | |
tiDecLC | integer | |
tcDecTC | character | |
tiDocLayoutMode | integer | |
tcExtraInfo | character | |
tiFilterMode | integer | |
tiPageBreakMode | integer | |
tcReportTitle | character | |
tiSummaryMode | integer | |
tcUser | character | |
tcDomainCode | character | |
tcCompanyDescription | character | |
tcUserLogin | character | Current User login ID |
tlShadeAltLines | logical |
field name | data type | description |
tcCode | character | |
tcText | character |