field name | data type | db field | description |
tiDDocument_ID | integer | DDocument.DDocument_ID | Record ID |
ttDDocumentDueDate | date | DDocument.DDocumentDueDate | Due Date. The date on which the payment is receivable. |
tlDDocumentIsOpen | logical | DDocument.DDocumentIsOpen | Open. This field indicates if the payment is completely paid already. |
tiDDocumentNumber | integer | DDocument.DDocumentNumber | Document Number. This field hold a unified number for report use. |
tcDDocumentReference | character | DDocument.DDocumentReference | Reference. Reference text for the payment. |
tcDDocumentStatus | character | DDocument.DDocumentStatus | Status. The payment status. The default value for a new record is Initial. |
tcDDocumentSubType | character | DDocument.DDocumentSubType | Subtype. This read-only field indicates that the payment is manual or automatic. You create manual customer payments through the Customer Payment activities, and automatic payments through the Customer Payment Selections. |
tcDDocumentType | character | DDocument.DDocumentType | Payment Instrument. The system displays the payment instrument associated with the payment format linked to the customer bank. |
tiDDocumentYear | integer | DDocument.DDocumentYear | Year/Number. This field displays the accounting year and payment sequence number, which is automatically generated by the accounting year. |
tiDInvoice_ID | integer | DDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID | Link to DInvoice |