project QadFinancials > class BDDocument > method AdditionalUpdatesDPay
iiPostingLineId | input | integer | |
ilGLIsDivisionAccount | input | logical | |
icDivisionCode | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bddocument.p)
/* Create DPay records */
if ilGLIsDivisionAccount
then for each tDDocumentInvoiceXref where
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.tcDivisionCode = icDivisionCode and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.tc_ParentRowid = tDDocument.tc_Rowid and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.tc_Status <> "":U and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID <> 0 and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID <> ?:
create tApiDPayDDoc.
assign viRowIdDDoc = viRowIdDDoc - 1
tApiDPayDDoc.DDocument_ID = tDDocument.DDocument_ID
tApiDPayDDoc.DInvoice_ID = tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID
tApiDPayDDoc.DPayTypeCode = tDDocument.DDocumentStatus
tApiDPayDDoc.PostingLine_ID = iiPostingLineId
tApiDPayDDoc.tc_Rowid = string(viRowIdDDoc).
else for each tDDocumentInvoiceXref where
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.tc_ParentRowid = tDDocument.tc_Rowid and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.tc_Status <> "":U and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID <> 0 and
tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID <> ?:
create tApiDPayDDoc.
assign viRowIdDDoc = viRowIdDDoc - 1
tApiDPayDDoc.DDocument_ID = tDDocument.DDocument_ID
tApiDPayDDoc.DInvoice_ID = tDDocumentInvoiceXref.DInvoice_ID
tApiDPayDDoc.DPayTypeCode = tDDocument.DDocumentStatus
tApiDPayDDoc.PostingLine_ID = iiPostingLineId
tApiDPayDDoc.tc_Rowid = string(viRowIdDDoc).