project QadFinancials > class BDDocument > dataset tDDocumentPossibleAllocations

copy of class table tDDocumentInvoiceXref

table tDDocumentPossibleAllocations

field namedata typedescription
DDocumentInvoiceXrefAlloTCdecimal(4)TC Allocated Amount. This field indicates the invocie amount already Allocated in transaction currency.
DDocumentInvoiceXrefDiscTCdecimal(4)TC Discount Amount. This field indicates the discount amount of the invoice already allocated by transaction currency.
tcAllocAmountCrDtcharacterAllocateAmountCrDt. This field indicates that the payment is a credit or debit.
tcBusinessRelationCodecharacterBusiness Relation.The business relation code linked to the customer.
This field is calculated by the system using the customer code.
tcDInvoiceBalanceCrDtcharacterInvoice Balance DR/CR. This field indicates that the customer invocie is a credit or debit before the payment.
tcDInvoiceReferencecharacterReference. An alphanumeric reference to help identify the invoice in the system.
This reference is typically the ID number of the invoice received from the customer.
tcShipperCodecharacterShipper. A shipper number to select invoices related to a specific shipment. This field applies to automatically created salesrelated invoices.
tcDInvoiceTypecharacterInvoice Type. This field identifies the invoice type.
tcCompanyCodecharacterEntity Code. This field identifies the entity of the invocie.
tcCurrencyCodecharacterCurrency Code.This filed identifies the currency used by the customer invoice.
tcNewBalanceCrDtcharacterNew Invoice Balance DR/CR. This field indicates that the customer invocie is a credit or debit after the payment.
tdDInvoiceBalancedecimal(4)Invoice Balance. This field holds the balance of the customer invoice before the payment.
tdDiscountPercentagedecimal(2)Discount Percentage. When the invoice is paid before the discount due date, this is the discount percentage that can be given.
tdNewBalancedecimal(4)Invoice Balance. This field holds the balance of the customer invoice after the payment.
tlUIFullAllocationlogicalFull. This field indicates if the payment is already completely paid or not.
ttDInvoiceDatedateInvoice Date. This field indicates the invoice creation date.
ttDInvoiceDiscountDueDatedateDiscount Due Date.This field indicates the last date a discount applies, calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date.
ttDInvoiceDueDatedateDue Date.This field indicates the date when payment become due.
This field can be modified without affecting the credit terms.
This field is calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date.
tdDefaultDiscountAmountdecimal(4)Default discount Amount. This field holds the discount amount of the customer invoice calculated using the default discount rate.
tdDefaultPaymentAmountdecimal(4)Default payment Amount. The Default payment Amount of the invoice.
tcDebtorCodecharacterCustomer Code. The code that identifies the customer to be paid with this invoice.
This field is calculated by the system.
tcDivisionCodecharacterSub-Account Code. This field displays the code of sub-account if the customer control account is defined with sub-account analysis.
This sub-account applies to all invoice posting lines.
This field can be blank.
tdVatBaseTCdecimal(4)if tdDInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC <> 0 =>tdDInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC
if tdDInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC = 0
tdVatTCdecimal(4)if tdDInvoiceVatDebitTC <> 0 => tdDInvoiceVatDebitTC if tdDInvoiceVatDebitTC = 0 => tdDInvoiceVatCreditTC
tcVatBaseCrDtcharacterVatBaseCrDt. This field indicates if the Tax base amount is a credit or debit.
tcVatCrDtcharacterTax CR/CR. This field indicates if the Tax amount of the customer invoice is a credit or debit.
tiDInvoicePostingIdintegerInvoice Posting ID. This field hold the posting ID(s) which handle(s) the payment of the invoices.
tcVatCountryCodecharacterInvoice Tax Country Code. This field indicates the tax Country of the invoice.
tlDiscountTaxAtPaymentlogicalDiscount Tax at payment. This field holds the discount tax amount when the invoice is paid.
tcCostCentreCodecharacterCost Center Code. The cost center to which this invoice is to be posted.
tcProjectCodecharacterProject. The project to which this invoice is to be posted.
tcCorporateGroupCodecharacterGroup Name. This field indicates the group the corporation belongs to.
tcBusinessRelationName1characterBusiness Relation Name.The business relation name associated with the customer.
tcDInvoiceDITextcharacterLegacy Invoice Number
tdDDocumentInvoiceXrefPaidTCdecimal(4)Obsolete field (replaced by CDocumentInvoiceXrefPayTC)
tdNonDiscAmtTCdecimal(4)Invoice Non Discountable Amount. This field display the invoice amount without discount in transaction currency.
tdLCExchangeRatedecimal(10)Exchange Rate. The exchange rate used by the invoice.
tdLCExchangeRateScaledecimal(10)Scale Factor. This field indicates the scale factor applying to the exchange rate in use for foreign currency payments.
tdCCExchangeRatedecimal(10)SC Rate. The statutory exchange rate used by the invoice.
tdCCExchangeRateScaledecimal(10)Scale Factor. This field indicates the scale factor applying to the SC rate in use for foreign currency payments.
tcDeductionCatCodecharacterDeduction Catagory Code
tcDInvoiceTSMNumbercharactercontains the customer TSM Number
QADC01characterunused QAD reserved field
QADC02characterunused QAD reserved field
QADT01dateunused QAD reserved field
QADD01decimal(10)unused QAD reserved field

Internal usage

method BDDocument.GetPossibleAllocationsByBank