tcBusinessFieldName | tcDataType | tcOperator |
iiCompanyId | i | |
tDCollection.DCollectionBalanceCC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionBalanceLC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionBalanceTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionBankFileFormat | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDCollection.DCollectionCreationDate | t | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionCreationTime | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionIncSelCodeList | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDCollection.DCollectionIsAutomatic | l | =,<> |
tDCollection.DCollectionIsExecuted | l | =,<> |
tDCollection.DCollectionName | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDCollection.DCollectionNumber | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitCC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitLC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitTC | d | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionReference | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tDCollection.DCollectionRequestedDate | t | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDCollection.DCollectionYear | i | =,>=,>,<>,<=,< |
tDPaySel.DPaySelStatus | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tGL.GLCode | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
tUsr.UsrName | c | =,>=,>,<>,<=,<,begins,can-do,matches |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCompany_ID | integer | DCollection.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tiCreationUsr_ID | integer | DCollection.CreationUsr_ID | Link to Usr |
tiDCollection_ID | integer | DCollection.DCollection_ID | Record ID |
tdDCollectionBalanceCC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionBalanceCC | SC Balance |
tdDCollectionBalanceLC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionBalanceLC | BC Balance |
tdDCollectionBalanceTC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionBalanceTC | TC Balance |
tcDCollectionBankFileFormat | character | DCollection.DCollectionBankFileFormat | Bank File Format |
ttDCollectionCreationDate | date | DCollection.DCollectionCreationDate | Creation Date |
tiDCollectionCreationTime | integer | DCollection.DCollectionCreationTime | Creation Time |
tcDCollectionIncSelCodeList | character | DCollection.DCollectionIncSelCodeList | Customer Payment Selection Code |
tlDCollectionIsAutomatic | logical | DCollection.DCollectionIsAutomatic | Automatic |
tlDCollectionIsExecuted | logical | DCollection.DCollectionIsExecuted | Executed |
tcDCollectionName | character | DCollection.DCollectionName | Name |
tiDCollectionNumber | integer | DCollection.DCollectionNumber | Number |
tdDCollectionOrigDebitCC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitCC | SC Original Debit |
tdDCollectionOrigDebitLC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitLC | BC Original Debit |
tdDCollectionOrigDebitTC | decimal | DCollection.DCollectionOrigDebitTC | TC Original Debit |
tcDCollectionReference | character | DCollection.DCollectionReference | 1099 Box Reference |
ttDCollectionRequestedDate | date | DCollection.DCollectionRequestedDate | Requested Date |
tiDCollectionYear | integer | DCollection.DCollectionYear | Year/Customer Payment Selection Code |
tcDPaySelStatus | character | DPaySel.DPaySelStatus | Status |
tcDPaySelStatusTR | character | calculated | |
tiGL_ID | integer | DCollection.GL_ID | GL Account |
tcGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tcUsrName | character | Usr.UsrName | User Name |
DCollectionCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
GLCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
UsrCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
DPaySelCustom | character | calculated | custom fields |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(DCollection),rowid(DPaySel),rowid(GL),rowid(Usr) |