project QadFinancials > class BCreditorReport > business logic query CreditorBalanceCHist
This query gives all the chist records which are needed to calculate the balance at the end of the selected period. Note only balance fields ca n be used, no movements fields.
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icCandoBrCode | character | |
icCandoCreditorCode | character | |
icCandoGLCode | character | |
iiEndOfYearPeriod | integer | |
icFromBRCode | character | |
icFromCreditorCode | character | |
icFromGLCode | character | |
icToBRCode | character | |
icToCreditorCode | character | |
icToGLCode | character | |
query condition
each Creditor where
Creditor.SharedSet_Id = vi_CREDITOR_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
Creditor.CreditorCode >= icFromCreditorCode AND
Creditor.CreditorCode <= icToCreditorCode AND
Creditor.CreditorCode can-do icCandoCreditorCode
first BusinessRelation (inner-join) where
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelation_ID = Creditor.BusinessRelation_ID AND
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode <= icFromBRCode AND
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode <= icToBRCode AND
BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode can-do icCandoBrCode
each CHist (inner-join) where
CHist.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
CHist.Creditor_ID = Creditor.Creditor_ID AND
CHist.CHistYearPeriodFrom <= iiEndOfYearPeriod AND
CHist.CHistYearPeriodTill >= iiEndOfYearPeriod
first Currency (inner-join) where
Currency.Currency_ID = CHist.Currency_ID AND
first GL (inner-join) where
GL.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL.GLCode >= icFromGLCode AND
GL.GLCode <= icToGLCode AND
GL.GLCode can-do icCandoGLCode
first Journal (inner-join) where
Journal.SharedSet_Id = vi_JOURNAL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
Journal.Journal_ID = CHist.Journal_ID AND
query resultset tqCreditorBalanceCHist
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode | Business Relation. A code to identify the business relation. If this field does not have a input from the user, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Business Relation Autonumber Create. |
tdCHistBalanceCC | decimal | CHist.CHistBalanceCC | SC Balance |
tdCHistBalanceLC | decimal | CHist.CHistBalanceLC | BC Balance |
tdCHistBalanceTC | decimal | CHist.CHistBalanceTC | TC Balance |
tiCreditor_ID | integer | Creditor.Creditor_ID | Record ID |
tcCreditorCode | character | Creditor.CreditorCode | Supplier Code |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tiCurrencyNumberOfDecimals | integer | Currency.CurrencyNumberOfDecimals | Number of Decimals |
tiGL_ID | integer | GL.GL_ID | Record ID |
tcGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tcGLDescription | character | GL.GLDescription | A description of the GL account. |
tcGLTypeCode | character | GL.GLTypeCode | A code identifying the type of account. |
tiJournal_ID | integer | Journal.Journal_ID | Record ID |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
tcJournalDescription | character | Journal.JournalDescription | A brief description of the daybook. |
| api annotation: | | Value for this field defaults to null. |
tcJournalTypeCode | character | Journal.JournalTypeCode | A daybook type code. |
| api annotation: | | Value for this field defaults to "Journal Entries". |
Internal usage