field name | data type | db field | description |
tiActCostPostingJournal_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.ActCostPostingJournal_ID | Daybook Code |
tiActSalaryPostingJournal_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.ActSalaryPostingJournal_ID | Daybook Code |
tiBusinessRelation_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.BusinessRelation_ID | Mandatory |
tiCompany_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tiCompanyProperty_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompanyProperty_ID | Record ID |
tcCompanyPropertyActCheckp | character | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyActCheckp | Activity Sheets Checkpoint |
tdCompanyPropertyActConvFact | decimal | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyActConvFact | Conversion Factor to Minutes |
tcCompanyPropertyCode | character | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyCode | Entity Code |
tlCompanyPropertyIsActDurat | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsActDurat | Allow Duration |
tlCompanyPropertyIsActive | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsActive | Active |
tlCompanyPropertyIsAddGLNbr | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsAddGLNbr | Additional GL Numbering |
tlCompanyPropertyIsAddNrYrly | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsAddNrYrly | Yearly Additional JE Numbering |
tlCompanyPropertyIsAPUseInvDate | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsAPUseInvDate | AP Exchange Rate - Use Invoice Date |
tlCompanyPropertyIsARUseTaxDate | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsARUseTaxDate | AR Exchange Rate - Use Taxpoint Date |
tlCompanyPropertyIsBudOverCh | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsBudOverCh | Check Budgets on Overlap |
tlCompanyPropertyIsCompens | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsCompens | Customer/Supplier Compensation allowed |
tlCompanyPropertyIsGlobalTax | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsGlobalTax | Global Tax |
tlCompanyPropertyIsOICrossCy | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsOICrossCy | Open Item Cross Entity Allowed |
tlCompanyPropertyIsPLReverse | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsPLReverse | Reverse P&L Revaluations |
tlCompanyPropertyIsPrimary | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsPrimary | Primary Entity |
tlCompanyPropertyIsPrintRem | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsPrintRem | Print Remittance |
tlCompanyPropertyIsSalPost | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsSalPost | Salary Posting |
tlCompanyPropertyIsShowSEPAMsg | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsShowSEPAMsg | Show SEPA Messages |
tlCompanyPropertyIsStockMgt | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsStockMgt | Stock Management |
tlCompanyPropertyIsWHT | logical | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyIsWHT | Use Withholding Tax |
tcCompanyPropertyOINetRestr | character | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyOINetRestr | Open Item Netting Restriction |
tiCompanyPropertyPriceNumDec | integer | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyPriceNumDec | Decimals for Price |
tiCompanyPropertyQtyNumDec | integer | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyQtyNumDec | Decimals for Qty |
tdCompanyPropertyRevRecMinim | decimal | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyRevRecMinim | Minimum Percentage of Completion |
tdCompanyPropertyRevRecTresh | decimal | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyRevRecTresh | Forecasted Revenue Threshold |
tiCompanyPropertyWHTNextNbr | integer | CompanyProperty.CompanyPropertyWHTNextNbr | Next WHT Number |
tiCompPropIntercoARCrCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARCrCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoARCrDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARCrDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoARCrGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARCrGL_ID | Account |
tiCompPropIntercoARDbCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARDbCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoARDbDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARDbDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoARDbGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoARDbGL_ID | Account |
tiCompPropIntercoFACrCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFACrCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoFACrDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFACrDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoFACrGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFACrGL_ID | Account |
tiCompPropIntercoFADbCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFADbCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoFADbDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFADbDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoFADbGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoFADbGL_ID | Account |
tiCompPropIntercoICCrCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICCrCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoICCrDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICCrDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoICCrGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICCrGL_ID | Account |
tiCompPropIntercoICDbCc_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICDbCc_ID | Cost Center |
tiCompPropIntercoICDbDiv_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICDbDiv_ID | Sub-Account |
tiCompPropIntercoICDbGL_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CompPropIntercoICDbGL_ID | Account |
tiCostSafStructure_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.CostSafStructure_ID | Structure Code |
tiCurrency_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.Currency_ID | Base Currency |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo0 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo1 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo2 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo3 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo4 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo5 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo6 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo7 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo8 | Custom Combo Field |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomCombo9 | Custom Combo Field |
ttCustomDate0 | date | CompanyProperty.CustomDate0 | Custom Date Field |
ttCustomDate1 | date | CompanyProperty.CustomDate1 | Custom Date Field |
ttCustomDate2 | date | CompanyProperty.CustomDate2 | Custom Date Field |
ttCustomDate3 | date | CompanyProperty.CustomDate3 | Custom Date Field |
ttCustomDate4 | date | CompanyProperty.CustomDate4 | Custom Date Field |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal | CompanyProperty.CustomDecimal0 | Custom Decimal Field |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal | CompanyProperty.CustomDecimal1 | Custom Decimal Field |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal | CompanyProperty.CustomDecimal2 | Custom Decimal Field |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal | CompanyProperty.CustomDecimal3 | Custom Decimal Field |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal | CompanyProperty.CustomDecimal4 | Custom Decimal Field |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | CompanyProperty.CustomInteger0 | Custom Integer Field |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | CompanyProperty.CustomInteger1 | Custom Integer Field |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | CompanyProperty.CustomInteger2 | Custom Integer Field |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | CompanyProperty.CustomInteger3 | Custom Integer Field |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | CompanyProperty.CustomInteger4 | Custom Integer Field |
tcCustomLong0 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomLong0 | Custom Long Field |
tcCustomLong1 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomLong1 | Custom Long Field |
tcCustomNote | character | CompanyProperty.CustomNote | Custom Note Field |
tcCustomShort0 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort0 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort1 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort1 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort2 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort2 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort3 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort3 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort4 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort4 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort5 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort5 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort6 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort6 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort7 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort7 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort8 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort8 | Custom Short Field |
tcCustomShort9 | character | CompanyProperty.CustomShort9 | Custom Short Field |
ttLastModifiedDate | date | CompanyProperty.LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date |
tiLastModifiedTime | integer | CompanyProperty.LastModifiedTime | Last Modified Time |
tcLastModifiedUser | character | CompanyProperty.LastModifiedUser | Last Modified User |
tiSafConcept_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.SafConcept_ID | SAF Concept Code |
tiSalarySafStructure_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.SalarySafStructure_ID | Structure Code |
tiSharedAddNrCompany_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.SharedAddNrCompany_ID | Entity Code |
tiUnit_ID | integer | CompanyProperty.Unit_ID | Time Unit of Measure |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(CompanyProperty) |