field name | data type | mnd. | description |
CompanyProperty_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
Company_ID | integer | yes | Link to Company |
BusinessRelation_ID | integer | yes | Mandatory |
Currency_ID | integer | yes | Base Currency |
Unit_ID | integer | no | Time Unit of Measure |
ActCostPostingJournal_ID | integer | no | Daybook Code |
ActSalaryPostingJournal_ID | integer | no | Daybook Code |
CostSafStructure_ID | integer | no | Structure Code |
SalarySafStructure_ID | integer | no | Structure Code |
SafConcept_ID | integer | no | SAF Concept Code |
SharedAddNrCompany_ID | integer | no | Entity Code |
CompPropIntercoAPDbGL_ID | integer | no | Link to GL |
CompPropIntercoAPCrGL_ID | integer | no | Link to GL |
CompPropIntercoARDbGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoARDbDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoARDbCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompPropIntercoICDbGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoICDbDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoICDbCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompPropIntercoICCrGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoICCrDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoICCrCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompPropIntercoARCrGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoARCrDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoARCrCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompPropIntercoFADbGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoFADbDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoFADbCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompPropIntercoFACrGL_ID | integer | no | Account |
CompPropIntercoFACrDiv_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account |
CompPropIntercoFACrCc_ID | integer | no | Cost Center |
CompanyPropertyCode | character(20) | no | Entity Code |
CompanyPropertyIsActive | logical | no | Active |
CompanyPropertyIsBudOverCh | logical | yes | Check Budgets on Overlap |
CompanyPropertyPriceNumDec | integer | no | Decimals for Price |
CompanyPropertyQtyNumDec | integer | no | Decimals for Qty |
CompanyPropertyRevRecMinim | decimal(2) | no | Minimum Percentage of Completion |
CompanyPropertyRevRecTresh | decimal(4) | no | Forecasted Revenue Threshold |
CompanyPropertyIsActDurat | logical | no | Allow Duration |
CompanyPropertyActCheckp | character(20) | no | Activity Sheets Checkpoint |
| value list: | | {&COMPANYASCHECKPOINTS} |
CompanyPropertyActConvFact | decimal(8) | no | Conversion Factor to Minutes |
CompanyPropertyIsPrintRem | logical | yes | Print Remittance |
CompanyPropertyIsGlobalTax | logical | yes | Global Tax |
CompanyPropertyIsPLReverse | logical | yes | Reverse P&L Revaluations |
CompanyPropertyIsSalPost | logical | yes | Salary Posting |
CompanyPropertyIsStockMgt | logical | yes | Stock Management |
CompanyPropertyIsDocPerInv | logical | yes | Create Payment per Invoice |
CompanyPropertyIsPrimary | logical | yes | Primary Entity |
CompanyPropertyUppLimit | decimal(4) | no | Invoice Upper Limit |
CompanyPropertyExchTolAP | decimal(10) | no | AP Exchange Tolerance % |
CompanyPropertyExchTolAR | decimal(10) | no | AR Exchange Tolerance % |
CompanyPropertyIsAddNrYrly | logical | yes | Yearly Additional JE Numbering |
CompanyPropertyIsAddGLNbr | logical | yes | Additional GL Numbering |
CompanyPropertyIsConsolid | logical | yes | Consolidation Entity |
CompanyPropertyMirrorSetup | character(20) | yes | Mirror Setup |
CompanyPropertySuspTax | character(20) | no | Suspended Tax |
| value list: | | {&SUSPDELAYTAXS} |
CompanyPropertySusTaxDateType | character(20) | no | Suspended Date Type |
| value list: | | {&TAXDATETYPES} |
CompanyPropertyDelTaxDateType | character(20) | no | Delayed Date Type |
| value list: | | {&TAXDATETYPES} |
CompanyPropertyDelTax | character(20) | no | Delayed Tax |
| value list: | | {&SUSPDELAYTAXS} |
CompanyPropertyOINetRestr | character(20) | yes | Open Item Netting Restriction |
CompanyPropertyIsOICrossCy | logical | yes | Open Item Cross Entity Allowed |
CompanyPropertyIsCompens | logical | yes | Customer/Supplier Compensation allowed |
CompanyPropertyIsWHT | logical | yes | Use Withholding Tax |
CompanyPropertyWHTNextNbr | integer | no | Next WHT Number |
CompanyPropertyIsDelPaid | logical | yes | Delay Until Paid Status |
CompanyPropertyIsSuspPaid | logical | yes | Suspend Until Paid Status |
CompanyPropertyIsGrIncAcc | logical | yes | Gross Income Accounting |
CompanyPropertyAutoBalYEFailAc | character(20) | no | Auto-balance Action |
CompanyPropertyIsAPTaxExcluded | logical | yes | AP Tax Excluded |
CompanyPropertyIsARTaxExcluded | logical | yes | AR Tax Excluded |
CompanyPropertyIsAPUseInvDate | logical | yes | AP Exchange Rate - Use Invoice Date |
CompanyPropertyIsARUseTaxDate | logical | yes | AR Exchange Rate - Use Taxpoint Date |
CompanyPropertyIsShowSEPAMsg | logical | yes | Show SEPA Messages |
CompanyPropertyIsARDiscInInvCy | logical | yes | Apply AR-Discounts in invoicing Entity |
tcCurrencyCode | character(3) | yes | Base Currency |
tcSafConceptCode | character(20) | no | SAF Concept Code |
tcUnitCode | character(20) | no | Time Unit of Measure |
tcActCostPostingJournalCode | character(8) | no | Daybook Code |
tcCompPropIntercoARDbGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcCompPropIntercoARDbDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tcCompPropIntercoARDbCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcCompPropIntercoICDbGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcCompPropIntercoICDbDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tcCompPropIntercoICDbCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcCompPropIntercoICCrGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcCompPropIntercoICCrDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tcCompPropIntercoICCrCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcActSalaryPostingJournalCode | character(8) | no | Daybook Code |
tcSalarySafStructureCode | character(20) | no | Structure Code |
tcCompPropIntercoARCrGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character(20) | yes | Business Relation |
tcCostSafStructureCode | character(20) | no | Structure Code |
tcCompPropIntercoARCrDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tlManhourSurchargeExists | logical | no | Manhour Surcharge |
tcCompPropIntercoFADbCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcCompPropIntercoFACrGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcCompPropIntercoFACrDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tcCompPropIntercoFADbGLCode | character(8) | no | Account |
tcCompPropIntercoARCrCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcCompPropIntercoFADbDivCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account |
tcCompPropIntercoFACrCcCode | character(4) | no | Cost Center |
tcDomainCode | character(8) | no | Domain |
tcSharedAddNrCompanyCode | character(20) | no | Entity Code |
CompanyPropertyIsAPDiscInInvCy | logical | yes | Apply AP-Discounts in invoicing Entity |
CustomShort0 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort1 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort2 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort3 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort4 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort5 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort6 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort7 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort8 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort9 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomCombo0 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo1 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo2 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo3 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo4 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo5 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo6 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo7 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo8 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo9 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomLong0 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomLong1 | character(255) | no | Custom Long Field |
CustomNote | character(2000) | no | Custom Note Field |
CustomDate0 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate1 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate2 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate3 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomDate4 | date | no | Custom Date Field |
CustomInteger0 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger1 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger2 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger3 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomInteger4 | integer | no | Custom Integer Field |
CustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | no | Custom Decimal Field |
CustomShort10 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort11 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort12 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort13 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomShort14 | character(20) | no | Custom Short Field |
CustomCombo10 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo11 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo12 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo13 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
CustomCombo14 | character(20) | no | Custom Combo Field |
LastModifiedDate | date | no | Last Modified Date |
LastModifiedTime | integer | no | Last Modified Time |
LastModifiedUser | character(20) | no | Last Modified User |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | no | empty string |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |