project QadFinancials > class BCompany > method AdditionalUpdates
This empty method allows to do additional updates on class temp-tables after records were received (and validated) from outside, using method SetPublicTables.
You can start instances of other business classes to do those updates.
- The companyproperty will be updated for each company record.
- Copy initial periods from domain for each new company
- Create default Period Mark records.
- Replicate the company information to the operational table (en_mstr).
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | |
Internal usage
program code (program/bcompany.p)
/* =============================================================================================== */
/* Before we update companyproperty, we make sure that tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyIsActive */
/* corresponds with tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyIsActive */
/* =============================================================================================== */
for each tCompany where
tCompany.tc_Status <> "D":U,
each tCompanyPropertyRef where
tCompanyPropertyRef.Company_ID = tCompany.Company_ID and
(tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyIsActive <> tCompany.CompanyIsActive or
tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyCode <> tCompany.CompanyCode) :
assign tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyIsActive = tCompany.CompanyIsActive
tCompanyPropertyRef.CompanyPropertyCode = tCompany.CompanyCode
tCompanyPropertyRef.tc_ParentRowid = "":U /* Reset this field allthough it was set in method calculate (just to ease the relation between company and companyproperty) */.
if tCompanyPropertyRef.tc_Status = "":U
then assign tCompanyPropertyRef.tc_Status = "C":U.
end. /* for each tCompany, */
/* ========================================================================== */
/* Updates towards CompanyProperty - we first need to assign the tcDomainCode */
/* ========================================================================== */
for each tCompany,
each tCompanyPropertyRef where tCompanyPropertyRef.Company_ID = tCompany.Company_ID:
assign tCompanyPropertyRef.tcDomainCode = tCompany.tcDomainCode.
if tCompanyPropertyRef.tc_Status = "":U
then assign tCompanyPropertyRef.tc_Status = "C":U.
if viBCompanyPropertyID = 0 or
viBCompanyPropertyID = ?
then do:
<I-1 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BCompanyProperty"}>
else do:
<I-4 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BCompanyProperty"}>
<M-3 run UpdateCompanyProperty
(input tCompanyPropertyRef (tCompanyPropertyRefForUpdates),
input vcActivityCode (icActivityCode),
output viReturnRef (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompanyProperty>
<I-2 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BCompanyProperty"}>
if viReturnRef <> 0
then do:
/* error handling */
<M-69 run StopExternalInstances
(output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompany>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* ===================================================== */
/* Copy initial periods from domain for each new company */
/* ===================================================== */
empty temp-table tCompanyList.
for each tCompany where
tCompany.tc_Status = 'N':U:
empty temp-table tGLCalendarRef.
/* Retrieve the GLCalendar records for this domain */
if vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = false
then do:
<Q-50 run GLCalendarByYearPeriod
(Start) in BGLCalendar >
assign vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = true.
end. /* if vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = false */
<Q-49 run GLCalendarByYearPeriod (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input tCompany.Domain_ID, (DomainId)
input 0, (CalendarYear)
input 0, (CalendarPeriod)
input 0, (GLCalendarId)
output dataset tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod) in BGLCalendar >
if not can-find (first tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod where
tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod.tiDomain_ID = tCompany.Domain_ID )
then do :
/* In case there are not GL Calenders defined yet, we keep the company in a temp-table */
/* We will create one PeriodMark directly after this loop */
create tCompanyList.
assign tCompanyList.tiCompanyId = tCompany.Company_ID.
/* Fill temp-table with GLCalendar records */
for each tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod where
tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod.tiDomain_ID = tCompany.Domain_ID
create tGLCalendarRef.
<M-51 run BufferCopy (input buffer tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod:handle (ihFrom),
input buffer tGLCalendarRef:handle (ihTo),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompany>
assign tGLCalendarRef.tc_Status = 'N':U.
end. /* for each tqGLCalendarByYearPeriod where ... */
if not can-find(first tGLCalendarRef)
then next.
/* Replicate records in BPeriod */
if viBPeriodInCompanyID = 0 or
viBPeriodInCompanyID = ?
then do:
<I-52 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriod"}>
end. /* if viBPeriodInCompanyID = 0 or ... */
else do:
<I-53 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriod"}>
end. /* else do */
<M-54 run SynchronizePeriod (input tGLCalendarRef (t_sGLCalendarForPeriod),
input tCompany.Company_ID (iiCompanyId),
input tCompany.tcDomainCode (icDomainCode),
input tCompany.CompanyCode (icEntityCode),
output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod>
<I-55 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriod"}>
if viExternalReturnStatus <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then leave.
end. /* if viExternalReturnStatus <> 0 */
end. /* for each tCompany where tCompany.tc_Status = 'N':U: */
if vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = true
then do:
<Q-58 run GLCalendarByYearPeriod (Stop) in BGLCalendar >
assign vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = false.
end. /* if vlStartGLCalendarByYearPeriod = true */
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do:
<M-68 run StopExternalInstances
(output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompany>
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
/* =============================== */
/* Updates towards PeriodMark */
/* =============================== */
if can-find (first tCompanyList)
then do :
if viBPeriodMarkID = 0 or
viBPeriodMarkID = ?
then do :
<I-60 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriodMark"}>
end. /* if viBPeriodMarkID = 0 or */
else do :
<I-61 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriodMark"}>
end. /* if viBPeriodMarkID <> 0 */
<M-62 run CreateDefaultForNewCompany
(input tCompanyList (tCompanyListPeriodMark),
output viPeriodMarkReturn (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriodMark>
<I-63 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BPeriodMark"}>
if viPeriodMarkReturn <> 0
then do :
assign oiReturnStatus = viPeriodMarkReturn.
/* error handling */
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then do :
<M-67 run StopExternalInstances
(output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompany>
end. /* if oiReturnStatus < 0 */
end. /* if PeriodMarkReturn */
end. /* if available tCompany */
/* ======================= */
/* Updates towards MfgPro */
/* ======================= */
if viBMfgEntityID = 0 or
viBMfgEntityID = ?
then do:
<I-42 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BMfgEntity"}>
end. /* if viBMfgEntityID = 0 or viBMfgEntityID = ? */
else do:
<I-43 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BMfgEntity"}>
end. /* Not if viBMfgEntityID = 0 or viBMfgEntityID = ? */
<M-47 run MaintainData (input tCompany (tCompany),
input tCompanyPropertyRef (tCompanyProperty),
output viLocalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgEntity>
<I-45 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BMfgEntity"}>
if viLocalReturnStatus <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.
if viLocalReturnStatus < 0
then do :
<M-48 run StopMFGInstances (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCompany>
end. /* if viLocalReturnStatus < 0 */
/* ======================== */
/* Set ReturnStatus = OK */
/* ======================== */
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.