Validate all COA elements
tCOAValidation | input | temp-table | Temptable containing the COA elements and combinations |
tCOAErrorMessages | output | temp-table | Error messages from the COA validation |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bcoavalidation.p)
/* =========================================================== */
/* Validate the COA elements in the input tCOAValidation */
/* temptable. The validation should validate all of the COA */
/* elements as if they were being used in a Journal Entry */
/* Validate the following */
/* 1. Domain Code is valid */
/* 2. Account/Cost Centre/SubAccount/Project is Valid */
/* 3. Account/Cost Centre/SubAccount/Project is Active */
/* 4. GL analysis limitation */
/* 4. GL Mask Validation */
/* =========================================================== */
/*================================================================================= */
/* Iterate through the incoming table, batch by domain and company so if */
/* either are invalidno more transactions in that domain/company are validated */
/*================================================================================= */
for each tCOAValidation break by tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode by tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode
on error undo, throw:
assign vlCOAElementError = false.
if first-of(tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode)
then do:
assign vlIsValidDomain = false.
if tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode <> "" or
tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-51 run DomainsByCode (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input ?, (DomainID)
input tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
output dataset tqDomainsByCode) in BDomain>
find tqDomainsByCode where
tqDomainsByCode.tcDomainCode = tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode no-lock no-error.
if available tqDomainsByCode
then do:
if tqDomainsByCode.tlDomainIsActive <> true
then do:
vlIsValidDomain = false
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-50'The selected domain is not active':100(31731)T-50#)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
/* ==================================================================== */
/* don't do other validation on this line if the domain code is invalid. */
/* ==================================================================== */
end. /* if tqDomainsByCode.tlDomainIsActive <> true */
assign vlIsValidDomain = true.
end. /* if available tqDomainsByCode */
else do:
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-22'The domain code &1 cannot be found.':75(31228)T-22#, trim(tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode) )).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
/* ==================================================================== */
/* don't do other validation on this line if the domain code is invalid. */
/* ==================================================================== */
end. /* else do */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode <> "" or tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode <> ? */
end. /* if first-of(tCOAValidation.tcDomainCode) */
if vlIsValidDomain = false
then next.
/* ========================= */
/* Get the Company ID */
/* ========================= */
if first-of(tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode)
then do:
assign viCurrentCompanyID = 0.
if tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-25 run CompanyPrim (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input ?, (LookupCompanyId)
input tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode, (CompanyCode)
output dataset tqCompanyPrim) in BCompany>
find tqCompanyPrim where
tqCompanyPrim.tcCompanyCode = tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode no-lock no-error.
if available tqCompanyPrim
then assign viCurrentCompanyID = tqCompanyPrim.tiCompany_ID.
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode <> "" */
if viCurrentCompanyID = 0
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-15'Entity code (&1) not found.':200(1341)T-15#, trim(tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode) )).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
/* don't do other validation on this line if the company code is invalid. */
end. /* if viCurrentCompanyID = 0 */
end. /* if first-of(tCOAValidation.tcCompanyCode) */
/* ========================================================= */
/* don't do other validation if the company code is invalid. */
/* ========================================================= */
if viCurrentCompanyID = 0 or viCurrentCompanyID = ?
then next.
/* ==================================== */
/* Validate the GL Account */
/* ==================================== */
if tCOAValidation.tcGLCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcGLCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-92 run GLForPostingLineCreation (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyID)
input tCOAValidation.tcGLCode, (GLCode)
input ?, (GLId)
output dataset tqGLForPostingLineCreation) in BGL>
find first tqGLForPostingLineCreation where tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLCode = tCOAValidation.tcGLCode no-lock no-error.
if not available tqGLForPostingLineCreation
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = substitute(#T-95'GL account (&1) is not defined in the system.':200(868)T-95#, tCOAValidation.tcGLCode).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if not available tqGLForPostingLineCreation*/
else if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsActive = false
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = #T-12'The GL account is not active.':100(2730)T-12#.
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsActive = false */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcGLCode <> "" */
/* ======================================================= */
/* can't do the combination testing without a gl account */
/* ====================================================== */
assign vlCOAElementError = true.
/* ========================= */
/* Validate the Cost Centre */
/* ========================= */
if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-86 run CostCentreByCode (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode, (Code)
output dataset tqCostCentreByCode) in BCostCentre>
find first tqCostCentreByCode where tqCostCentreByCode.tcCostCentreCode = tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode no-error.
if not available tqCostCentreByCode
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = substitute(#T-31'Invalid Cost Center: &1':255(71054)T-31#,tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if not available tqCostCentreByCode */
else if tqCostCentreByCode.tlCostCentreIsActive = false
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = trim(#T-76'Cost Center is not active.':100(232836886)T-76#).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* tqCostCentreByCode.tlCostCentreIsActive = false */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> "" */
/* ========================= */
/* Validate the Sub Account */
/* ========================= */
if tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-66 run DivisionByCodeIsActive (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode, (DivisionCode)
input ?, (IsActive)
output dataset tqDivisionByCodeIsActive) in BDivision>
find first tqDivisionByCodeIsActive where tqDivisionByCodeIsActive.tcDivisionCode = tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode no-error.
if not available tqDivisionByCodeIsActive
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = substitute(#T-55'Invalid Sub-Account: &1':255(71051)T-55#,tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if not available tqDivisionByCodeIsActive */
else if tqDivisionByCodeIsActive.tlDivisionIsActive = false
then do:
assign vcMessage = substitute(#T-9'Sub-Account &1 is not active':100(366014490)T-9#,tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqDivisionByCodeIsActive.tlDivisionIsActive = false */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode <> "" */
/* ==================== */
/* Validate Project */
/* ==================== */
if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-63 run ProjectByProjectStatus (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input ?, (ProjectStatusId)
input ?, (ProjectID)
input tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode, (ProjectCode)
output dataset tqProjectByProjectStatus) in BProject>
find first tqProjectByProjectStatus where tqProjectByProjectStatus.tcProjectCode = tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode no-error.
if not available tqProjectByProjectStatus
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = substitute(#T-19'Invalid Project code: &1':255(144664601)T-19# ,tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if not available tqProjectByProjectStatus */
/* ========================================= */
/* System status must be OPEN or CLOSEDCOSTS */
/* ========================================= */
else if tqProjectByProjectStatus.tcProjectStatusSystemStatus <> {&PROJECTSYSTEMSTATUS-OPEN} and
tqProjectByProjectStatus.tcProjectStatusSystemStatus <> {&PROJECTSYSTEMSTATUS-CLOSEDCOSTS}
then do:
vlCOAElementError = true
vcMessage = #T-28'Only projects with system status $1 or $2 are allowed.':250(16566)T-28#
vcMessage = replace(vcMessage, "$", "&").
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* else if tqProjectByProjectStatus.tcProjectStatusSystemStatus <> {&PROJECTSYSTEMSTATUS-OPEN} */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> "" */
/* ================================== */
/* hit next if any of the above fails */
/* ================================== */
if vlCOAElementError = true
then next.
/* ========================== */
/* COA GL Analysis Limitation */
/* ========================== */
/* ================= */
/* Check Cost Centre */
/* ================= */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = true and
(tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = false or
tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-BOTHREQUIRED})
then do:
/* ==================== */
/* Find the CostCentre */
/* ==================== */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = true
then do:
/* ============================================================== */
/* Retrieve cost center from default profile if it's not specified */
/* ============================================================== */
if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ? or
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ""
then do:
if (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiCostCentreProfile_ID <> 0 and
tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiCostCentreProfile_ID <> ?) and
(tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = false or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "":U or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ?)
then do:
<Q-42 run GetCostCentreFromProfile (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiCostCentreProfile_ID, (CostCentreProfileId)
output dataset tqCostCentreFromProfile) in BProfile>
find first tqCostCentreFromProfile no-error.
if available tqCostCentreFromProfile
then assign tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = tqCostCentreFromProfile.tcCostCentreCode.
end. /* (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiCostCentreProfile_ID <> 0 */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = "" */
if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ? or
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ""
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-73'The GL account &1 requires a cost center code.':150(3235)T-73#, tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = "" */
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = true*/
end. /* if tqGLByCode.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount and ... */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = false and
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> ? and
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> ""
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-60'You cannot use a cost center code with GL account &1.':150(65717)T-60#, tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLByCode.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = false */
/* ============= */
/* Check Project */
/* ============= */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = true and
(tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = false or
tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-BOTHREQUIRED})
then do:
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = true
then do:
if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ?
then do:
/* ================================= */
/* get the project from the profile */
/* ================================= */
if (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiProjectProfile_ID <> 0 and
tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiProjectProfile_ID <> ?) and
(tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount = false or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "":U or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ?)
then do:
<Q-59 run GetProjectFromProfile (all) (Read) (Cache)
(input viCurrentCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiProjectProfile_ID, (ProjectProfileID)
output dataset tqProjectFromProfile) in BProfile>
find first tqProjectFromProfile no-error.
if available tqProjectFromProfile
then tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = tqProjectFromProfile.tcProjectCode.
end. /* if (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tiProjectProfile_ID <> 0 and */
if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ?
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-7'The GL account &1 requires a project code.':150(3240)T-7#, tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" */
end. /* if tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" */
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = true */
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = true and... */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = false and
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> ? and
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> ""
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-13'You cannot use a project code with GL account &1.':150(65719)T-13#, tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsProjectAccount = false and */
/* ======================================= */
/* Check Project / Cost Centre combination */
/* ======================================= */
if (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-ATLEASTONE} or
tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-EXCLEACHOTHER}) and
(tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ?) and
(tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ?)
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-33'The GL account &1 requires a cost center or project code.':150(3244)T-33#, tCOAValidation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if (tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-ATLEASTONE} or */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-EXCLEACHOTHER} and
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode <> ? and
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> "" and
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode <> ?
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-79'The GL account &1 requires either cost center or project analysis.':150(3245)T-79#, tCOAValidation.tcGLCode)).
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-EXCLEACHOTHER} and */
/* ===================================================================== */
/* If analysis limitation is ATLEASTCOSTCENTER (aka COSTCENTREREQUIRED) */
/* then throw error if no cost center is defined */
/* ===================================================================== */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-ATLEASTCOSTCENTER} and
( tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode = ? )
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-77'The GL account &1 requires cost center analysis as it is defined with analysis limitation &2':150(599812732)T-77#,
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-ATLEASTCOSTCENTER} and */
/* =================================================== */
/* If analysis limitation is PROJECTREQUIRED */
/* then throw error if no project codeis defined */
/* =================================================== */
if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-PROJECTREQUIRED} and
( tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = "" or
tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode = ? )
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-83'The GL account &1 requires project analysis as it is defined with analysis limitation &2':150(141078291)T-83#,
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = vcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tcGLAnalysisLimitation = {&GLANALYSISLIMITATION-PROJECTREQUIRED} and */
/* =================================================== */
/* Start and open BCOAMask in another transaction. */
/* It will be ClosedAndStopped later. */
/* =================================================== */
if vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = false
then do :
<I-69 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BCOAMask"}>
assign vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = true.
end. /* if vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = false */
<M-16 run ValidateCOAMask
(input tCOAValidation.tcGLCode (icGLCode),
input tCOAValidation.tcSubAccountCode (icDivisionCode),
input tCOAValidation.tcCostCentreCode (icCostCentreCode),
input tCOAValidation.tcProjectCode (icProjectCode),
input tCOAValidation.tcKeyCOA (icRowId),
input viCurrentCompanyID (iiCompanyId),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskDiv),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskDivAll),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskCC),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskCCAll),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskProj),
input ? (ilIsCOAMaskProjAll),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCOAMask>
/* ====================================================== */
/* ignore any error coming back from this method - all */
/* errors will be accumulated from the messages later */
/* ====================================================== */
end. /* for each */
/* ====================================================== */
/* accumulate all the error messages from ValidateCOAMask */
/* ====================================================== */
for each tFcMessages:
create tCOAErrorMessages.
tCOAErrorMessages.tcKeyCOA = tFcMessages.tcFcRowid
tCOAErrorMessages.tcErrorMessage = tFcMessages.tcFcMessage
tCOAErrorMessages.tiErrorCode = -1.
end. /* for each tFcMessages */
/* ======================================== */
/* Stop the BCOAMask instance if opened */
/* ======================================== */
if vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = true
then do :
<I-20 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BCOAMask"}>
assign vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = false.
end. /* if vlClassStartedAndOpenedBCOAMask = false */