project QadFinancials > class BCOAMaskCC > method CheckCOAMaskCCBeforeDelete
iiCOAMaskCCId | input | integer | |
ocWarningMessage | output | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program8/bcoamaskcc.p)
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
viLocalReturn = 0.
do on error undo, return:
/* ============================================================================================= */
/* Suppose more than two domains share a CostCenter COA Mask but no Divisions linked to it. */
/* If the user will delete the CostCenter CoA Mask, it is allowed now but will pop up a warning. */
/* ============================================================================================= */
do viSharedSetCount = 1 to 3:
assign vcGLSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = '':U
vcDivSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = '':U.
assign viSharedSetCount = 0
ocWarningMessage = '':U.
<Q-3 run COAMaskCCForDelGL (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input iiCOAMaskCCId, (COAMaskCCId)
output dataset tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL) in BCOAMaskCC >
for each tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL
break by tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL.tcSharedSetCode:
if first-of(tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL.tcSharedSetCode)
then do:
assign viSharedSetCount = viSharedSetCount + 1.
case viSharedSetCount:
when 1
then assign vcGLSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL.tcSharedSetCode.
when 2 or when 3
then assign vcGLSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = ", " + tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL.tcSharedSetCode.
when 4
then assign vcGLSharedSetCode[3] = vcGLSharedSetCode[3] + "... ".
otherwise leave.
end case.
end. /* if first-of(tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL.tcSharedSetCode) */
end. /* for each tqCOAMaskCCForDelGL */
if vcGLSharedSetCode[2] <> ''
then assign ocWarningMessage = substitute(#T-5'Deleting this shared mask code will also delete ranges specified for GL SharedSet &1&2&3 that were created for other domains!':255(999890773)T-5#,
vcGLSharedSetCode[1], vcGLSharedSetCode[2], vcGLSharedSetCode[3]).
assign viSharedSetCount= 0.
<Q-4 run COAMaskCCForDelDiv (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
input iiCOAMaskCCId, (COAMaskCCId)
output dataset tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv) in BCOAMaskCC >
for each tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv
break by tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv.tcSharedSetCode:
if first-of(tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv.tcSharedSetCode)
then do:
assign viSharedSetCount = viSharedSetCount + 1.
case viSharedSetCount:
when 1
then assign vcDivSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv.tcSharedSetCode.
when 2 or when 3
then assign vcDivSharedSetCode[viSharedSetCount] = ", " + tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv.tcSharedSetCode.
when 4
then assign vcDivSharedSetCode[3] = vcDivSharedSetCode[3] + "... ".
otherwise leave.
end case.
end. /* if first-of(tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv.tcSharedSetCode) */
end. /* for each tqCOAMaskCCForDelDiv */
if vcDivSharedSetCode[2] <> ''
then assign ocWarningMessage = ocWarningMessage + chr(10) +
substitute(#T-6'Deleting this shared mask code will also delete ranges specified for Sub-Account SharedSet &1&2&3 that were created for other domains!':255(999890774)T-6#,
vcDivSharedSetCode[1], vcDivSharedSetCode[2], vcDivSharedSetCode[3]).
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */
/* Error handling */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturn.