iiCOACrossRefID | integer | |
iiCOACrossRefDetID | integer | |
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiAltCOAStruct_ID | integer | AltCOAStructDet.AltCOAStruct_ID | Alternate COA Structure |
tcAltCOAStructDetDescription | character | AltCOAStructDet.AltCOAStructDetDescription | Description |
tcAltCOAStructDetSeq | character | AltCOAStructDet.AltCOAStructDetSeq | Sequence |
tiCOACrossRef_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRef_ID | Cross Reference |
tiCOACrossRefDet_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDet_ID | Cross Reference Detail |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcCCFrom | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcCCFrom | Source Cost Center From |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcCCTo | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcCCTo | Source Cost Center To |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcDivFrom | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcDivFrom | Source Sub-Account From |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcDivTo | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcDivTo | Source Sub-Account To |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcGLFrom | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcGLFrom | Source GL Account From |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcGLTo | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcGLTo | Source GL Account To |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcProjFrom | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcProjFrom | Source Project From |
tcCOACrossRefDetSrcProjTo | character | COACrossRefDet.COACrossRefDetSrcProjTo | Source Project To |
tlCostCentreIsWithSaf | logical | CostCentre.CostCentreIsWithSaf | SAF Enabled: This field indicates if the SAF analysis is enabled. |
api annotation: | This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system. PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false | ||
tcExchangeRateTypeCode | character | ExchangeRateType.ExchangeRateTypeCode | A code identifying an exchange rate type. A number of types are predefined and required by the system. |
tcGLExchangeMethod | character | GL.GLExchangeMethod | This field is filled If this account is used by a domain that is the target of a consolidation. |
tlGLIsCostCentreAccount | logical | GL.GLIsCostCentreAccount | This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType. If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true. |
api annotation: | This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system. | ||
tlGLIsDivisionAccount | logical | GL.GLIsDivisionAccount | Set to true if the account has a sub-account. Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode. |
api annotation: | This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system. | ||
tlGLIsProjectAccount | logical | GL.GLIsProjectAccount | Project Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType. If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true. |
api annotation: | This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system. | ||
tlGLIsSafAccount | logical | GL.GLIsSafAccount | SAF Enabled: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType. If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true. |
api annotation: | This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system. | ||
tlProjectIsWithSaf | logical | Project.ProjectIsWithSaf | SAF Enabled |
tiTargetAltCOAStructDet_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.TargetAltCOAStructDet_ID | Target Alternate COA |
tcTargetAltCOAStructDetCode | character | AltCOAStructDet.AltCOAStructDetCode | Alternate COA |
tiTargetCostCentre_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.TargetCostCentre_ID | Target Cost Center |
tcTargetCostCentreCode | character | CostCentre.CostCentreCode | Cost Center: A code that identifies the cost center. |
tiTargetDivision_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.TargetDivision_ID | Target Sub-Account |
tcTargetDivisionCode | character | Division.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tiTargetGL_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.TargetGL_ID | Target GL Account |
tcTargetGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tiTargetProject_ID | integer | COACrossRefDet.TargetProject_ID | Target Project |
tcTargetProjectCode | character | Project.ProjectCode | Project |
tiUsrDefExchangeRateType_ID | integer | GL.UsrDefExchangeRateType_ID | Consolidation Rate Type |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(COACrossRefDet),rowid(AltCOAStructDet),rowid(CostCentre),rowid(Division),rowid(GL),rowid(ExchangeRateType),rowid(Project) |