project QadFinancials > class BCMask > method DefaultValuesJournal
This method retrieves additional details needed on UI to display all information about Daybook
bcJournalCode | input-output | character | |
oiJournal_ID | output | integer | |
ocJournalDescription | output | character | |
ocLayerCode | output | character | |
ocLayerDescription | output | character | |
ocJournalTypeCode | output | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bcmask.p)
define buffer bSharedSet for SharedSet.
define buffer bCompanySharedSet for CompanySharedSet.
define buffer bJournal for Journal.
define buffer bLayer for Layer.
assign oiJournal_ID = ?
ocJournalDescription = "":U.
/* Input paramters normalization */
if bcJournalCode = "":U then assign bcJournalCode = ?.
/* Precondition */
if bcJournalCode = ?
then return.
/* Get daybook details */
for each bSharedSet fields (SharedSetTypeCode SharedSet_ID) no-lock where
bSharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-JOURNAL},
first bCompanySharedSet fields (SharedSet_ID Company_ID) no-lock where
bCompanySharedSet.SharedSet_ID = bSharedSet.SharedSet_ID and
bCompanySharedSet.Company_ID = viCompanyId,
first bJournal fields (SharedSet_ID Journal_ID Layer_ID JournalCode JournalDescription JournalTypeCode) no-lock where
bJournal.SharedSet_ID = bCompanySharedSet.SharedSet_ID and
bJournal.JournalCode = bcJournalCode on error undo, throw:
assign bcJournalCode = bJournal.JournalCode
oiJournal_ID = bJournal.Journal_ID.
if vlObjectTranslationsActive
then do:
run GetTranslationForObject /* in componentpool */
(input bJournal.Journal_ID,
input current-language,
input bJournal.JournalDescription,
input "JournalDescription",
output ocJournalDescription,
output viFcReturnSuper).
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then return.
else ocJournalDescription = bJournal.JournalDescription.
if bJournal.Layer_ID <> 0
then for first bLayer fields (Layer_ID LayerCode LayerDescription) no-lock where
bLayer.Layer_ID = bJournal.Layer_ID on error undo, throw:
assign ocLayerCode = bLayer.LayerCode.
if vlObjectTranslationsActive
then do:
run GetTranslationForObject /* in componentpool */
(input bLayer.Layer_ID,
input current-language,
input bLayer.LayerDescription,
input "LayerDescription",
output ocLayerDescription,
output viFcReturnSuper).
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then return.
else ocLayerDescription = bLayer.LayerDescription.
/* calculate the journal type */
assign vcJournalTypes = {&JOURNALTYPES}.
do viCounter = num-entries(vcJournalTypes, chr(2)) to 1 by -2:
if entry(viCounter, vcJournalTypes, chr(2)) = bJournal.JournalTypeCode
then do:
assign ocJournalTypeCode = entry(viCounter - 1, vcJournalTypes, chr(2)) no-error.
end. /* if entry */
end. /* do viCounter */
end. /* Get daybook details */