PostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID = PostingHist.PostingSafCombined_ID AND
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCostCentre1Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentre1Saf_ID | Link to CostCentre-SAF1 |
tiCostCentre2Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentre2Saf_ID | Link to CostCentre-SAF2 |
tiCostCentre3Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentre3Saf_ID | Link to CostCentre-SAF3 |
tiCostCentre4Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentre4Saf_ID | Link to CostCentre-SAF4 |
tiCostCentre5Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentre5Saf_ID | Link to CostCentre-SAF5 |
tiCostCentreSafStructure_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.CostCentreSafStructure_ID | Link to SafStructure |
tiGL1Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GL1Saf_ID | Link to GL-SAF1 |
tiGL2Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GL2Saf_ID | Link to GL-SAF2 |
tiGL3Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GL3Saf_ID | Link to GL-SAF3 |
tiGL4Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GL4Saf_ID | Link to GL-SAF4 |
tiGL5Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GL5Saf_ID | Link to GL-SAF5 |
tiGLSafStructure_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.GLSafStructure_ID | Link to SafStructure |
tiPostingHist_ID | integer | PostingHist.PostingHist_ID | Record ID |
tiPostingSafCombined_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID | Record ID |
tiProject1Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.Project1Saf_ID | Link to Project-SAF1 |
tiProject2Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.Project2Saf_ID | Link to Project-SAF2 |
tiProject3Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.Project3Saf_ID | Link to Project-SAF3 |
tiProject4Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.Project4Saf_ID | Link to Project-SAF4 |
tiProject5Saf_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.Project5Saf_ID | Link to Project-SAF5 |
tiProjectSafStructure_ID | integer | PostingSafCombined.ProjectSafStructure_ID | Link to SafStructure |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(PostingHist),rowid(PostingSafCombined) |