project QadFinancials > class BClosingPostingsReport > method SetDataItemsBasedOnFilterTTDet


Detail method for SetDataItemsBasedOnFilterTT


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BClosingPostingsReport.AccUnmarkedTransactionsDet
method BClosingPostingsReport.AllocationCheckDet
method BClosingPostingsReport.JournalEntryBalanceDet
method BClosingPostingsReport.RecurringEntriesDet
method BClosingPostingsReport.SetDataItemsBasedOnFilterTT
method BClosingPostingsReport.VoucherCompletenessDet

program code (program1/bclosingpostingsreport.p)

/* Find all filter-parameters and assign them to the correct data-item */
assign vcCPCompanyCodeFilter        = ?
       viPeriodYearFilter           = ?
       viPeriodPeriodFilter         = ?
       viFromPeriodFilter           = 0
       viTillPeriodFilter           = 99
       vcCPCandoJournalCodeFilter   = ?
       vlCPErrorsOnlyFilter         = ?
       vlNotLinkedFilter            = ?
       vlCheckHistoryUpdateFilter   = ?
       vcSortFilter                 = ?
       vcSortFilter1                = ?
       vcSortFilter2                = ?
       vcCPCompanyCodeFilter        = ?.
/* ======================================================== */
/* Translate the FilterValues to the correct data items     */
/* The FilterValues can be found in GetBusinessField method */
/* ======================================================== */
for each tFilter:

    case tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName:

        /* Company */
        when "Company_CANDO":U
        then do:
            if vcCPCompanyCodeFilter = ? then assign vcCPCompanyCodeFilter = "":U.
            do viCount = 1 to num-entries(tFilter.tcParameterValue,",":U):            
                if index(vcCPCompanyCodeFilter, entry(viCount, tFilter.tcParameterValue,",":U)) = 0
                then do:
                    if vcCPCompanyCodeFilter = "":U then assign vcCPCompanyCodeFilter = entry(viCount, tFilter.tcParameterValue,",":U).
                    else assign vcCPCompanyCodeFilter = vcCPCompanyCodeFilter + ",":U +  entry(viCount, tFilter.tcParameterValue,",":U).
            end. /* do viCount = 1 to num-entries(tFilter.tcParameterValue,",":U) */
        end. /* when "Company_CANDO":U */
        /* PeriodYear */
        when "PeriodYear":U
        then assign viPeriodYearFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.

        /* PeriodPeriod */
        when "PeriodPeriod":U
        then assign viPeriodPeriodFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.

        /* PeriodPeriod_RANGE */
        when "PeriodPeriod_RANGE":U
        then do:
            if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
            then assign viFromPeriodFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
            if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
            then assign viTillPeriodFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.

        /* Journal */           
        when "JournalCode_CANDO":U
        then assign vcCPCandoJournalCodeFilter = tFilter.tcParameterValue no-error.

        /* ErrosOnly */
        when "ErrorsOnly":U
        then assign vlCPErrorsOnlyFilter = trim(tFilter.tcParameterValue) = "yes":U or
                                           trim(tFilter.tcParameterValue) = "true":U.

        /* Not Linked */
        when "NotLinked":U
        then assign vlNotLinkedFilter = trim(tFilter.tcParameterValue) = "yes":U or
                                        trim(tFilter.tcParameterValue) = "true":U. 

        /* CheckHistory */
        when "CheckHistory":U
        then assign vlCheckHistoryUpdateFilter = if tFilter.tcParameterValue = "true":U 
                                                 then true 
                                                 else if tFilter.tcParameterValue = "false":U 
                                                      then false 
                                                      else vlCheckHistoryUpdateFilter no-error.
        /* SortBy */
        when "SortBy":U
        then assign vcSortFilter =  tFilter.tcParameterValue.
        /* SortBy1 */
        when "SortBy1":U
        then assign vcSortFilter1 =  tFilter.tcParameterValue.

        /* SortBy2 */
        when "SortBy2":U
        then assign vcSortFilter2 = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
    end case.

/* Change to One period if possible */
if viFromPeriodFilter = viTillPeriodFilter and viFromPeriodFilter <> ?
then assign viPeriodPeriodFilter = viFromPeriodFilter
            viFromPeriodFilter   = ?
            viTillPeriodFilter   = ?.
/* Get Info about Company (number of entries) */
<M-74 run CompanyEntries
   (input  vcCPCompanyCodeFilter (icCPCompanyCodeFilter), 
    output viCompanyEntries (oiCompanyEntries), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BClosingPostingsReport>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then do:
    assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.