This method is to process recurring entries.
iiPeriodYear | input | integer | GL Period Year |
iiPeriodPeriod | input | integer | GL Period Period |
icFile | input | character | |
ocConCheckLineDetResult | output | character | |
otConCheckLineDetStartDate | output | date | |
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime | output | integer | |
oiConCheckLineDetDuration | output | integer | |
oiErrorNumbers | output | integer | |
iiCompanyID | input | integer | |
ocConCheckLineDetVersion | output | character | |
icAppVersion | input | character | |
icSumFile | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program7/bclosingpostingsreport.p)
/* ==================================================================== */
/* This method is called by ConCheckProcessor to call recurring entries */
/* and log the result. */
/* ==================================================================== */
assign vdStartEtime2 = etime(no).
assign otConCheckLineDetStartDate = now
oiConCheckLineDetStartTime = time
oiErrorNumbers = 0
ocConCheckLineDetVersion = icAppVersion + '.1'.
empty temp-table tFilter.
empty temp-table tqRecurringEntries.
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'PeriodYear':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '='
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(iiPeriodYear).
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'PeriodPeriod':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '='
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(iiPeriodPeriod).
<Q-47 run CompanyPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiCompanyID, (LookupCompanyId)
input ?, (CompanyCode)
output dataset tqCompanyPrim) in BCompany >
find first tqCompanyPrim no-error.
if available tqCompanyPrim
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'Company_CANDO':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '='
tFilter.tcParameterValue = tqCompanyPrim.tcCompanyCode.
<M-9 run RecurringEntriesDet
(output dcrRecurringEntries (dcrRecurringEntries),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BClosingPostingsReport>
/* check pass or fail status */
if can-find(first tqRecurringEntries where tqRecurringEntries.tiExceptionNbr = -1)
then assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-PASSED}.
else assign ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}.
/* try to get header information */
for each tqText:
case tqText.tcCode:
when 'coLblRecEntryCode':U
then assign vcRecurringEntry = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblPostingTemplateCode':U
then assign vcPostingTemplateCode = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblJournalCode':U
then assign vcDaybookCode = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryStartDate':U
then assign vcRecEntryStartDate = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryEndDate':U
then assign vcRecEntryEndDate = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryFreq':U
then assign vcRecEntryFreq = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryAmountLC':U
then assign vcRecEntryAmountLC = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryLineCode':U
then assign vcRecEntryLineCode = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryLinePostingDate':U
then assign vcRecEntryLinePostingDate = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryLineAmountLC':U
then assign vcRecEntryLineAmountLC = tqText.tcText.
when 'coLblRecEntryLineStatus':U
then assign vcRecEntryLineStatus = tqText.tcText.
/* set validation execution duration */
assign oiConCheckLineDetDuration = etime - vdStartEtime2.
/* open log file stream */
output stream sCloseOut to value(icFile) append.
/* to format the total duration time */
assign viMilliSecs2 = oiConCheckLineDetDuration.
assign viSecs2 = TRUNCATE (oiConCheckLineDetDuration / 1000, 0).
assign viMilliSecs2 = viMilliSecs2 mod 1000.
assign vcTotalTime2 = string(viSecs2, 'HH:MM:SS') + '.' + string(viMilliSecs2).
put stream sCloseOut unformatted ' 'skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '##### Recurring Entries #####' skip.
PUT STREAM sCloseOut unformatted 'Version: ' ocConCheckLineDetVersion skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted 'Validation Start At: ' string(now, '99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS') skip.
/* log errors if validation failed */
if ocCOnCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}
then do:
/* Header Info */
put stream sCloseOut unformatted vcRecurringEntry at 1
vcPostingTemplateCode at 30
vcDaybookCode at 60
vcRecEntryStartDate at 80
vcRecEntryEndDate at 100
vcRecEntryFreq at 120
vcRecEntryAmountLC at 150 skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted vcRecEntryLineCode at 5
vcRecEntryLinePostingDate at 35
vcRecEntryLineAmountLC at 55
vcRecEntryLineStatus at 95 skip.
/* Detail Info */
for each tqRecurringEntries
where tqRecurringEntries.tiExceptionNbr <> -1
break by tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryCode:
assign oiErrorNumbers = oiErrorNumbers + 1.
/* output group info */
if first-of(tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryCode)
then do:
put stream sCloseOut unformatted tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryCode at 1
tqRecurringEntries.tcPostingTemplateCode at 30
tqRecurringEntries.tcJournalCode at 60
tqRecurringEntries.ttRecEntryStartDate at 80
tqRecurringEntries.ttRecEntryEndDate at 100
tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryFreq at 120
tqRecurringEntries.tdRecEntryAmountLC at 150 skip.
/* output line info */
put stream sCloseOut unformatted tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryLineCode at 5
tqRecurringEntries.ttRecEntryLinePostingDate at 35
tqRecurringEntries.tdRecEntryLineAmountLC at 55
tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryLineStatus at 95 skip.
/* output a blank line when group changed */
if last-of(tqRecurringEntries.tcRecEntryCode)
then do:
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '' skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted 'Execution Duration: ' vcTotalTime2 skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted 'Execution Result: ' ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '<Error Count:> ' oiErrorNumbers skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '**********************************************************************' skip.
/* close log file stream */
output stream sCloseOut close.
/* Store summary result into the text file */
output stream sCloseOut to value(icSumFile) append.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted ' ':U skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted {&CONCHECKLINEDETTYPE-RECURENTRY-TR} skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '-----------------' skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted trim(#T-4'Execution Result':255(510391963)T-4#) + ': ':U + ocConCheckLineDetResult skip.
if ocConCheckLineDetResult = {&CONCHECKRESULT-WARNING}
then put stream sCloseOut unformatted trim(#T-93'Total number of pending recurring entries':150(470268380)T-93#)+ ': ':U + string(oiErrorNumbers) skip.
put stream sCloseOut unformatted '____________________________________________________________' skip.
output stream sCloseOut close.