project QadFinancials > class BCInvoiceAPMatching > method ApiEDICInvoiceAPMatchingImportInitialDefaulting


ApiEDICInvoiceAPMatchingImportInitialDefaulting: submethod of ApiEDICInvoiceAPMatchingImport.
This method is called when creating an invoice with its receiver-matching through an API right before the processing of the input.
This method can be used to default field values to the incoming dataset prior to the acctual processing.

Standard-defaulting in this method:
• Default CompanyCode with the current-logged-onto company
• Default DomainCode with the domain of the company
• Default DInvoiceNumber with CInvoiceReference when not specified
• Fill CInvoicePostingDate with CInvoiceDate (and vice versa) and use Today when both empty
• Fill in IsCreateCInvoice with true when not specified
• Fill in CInvoiceIsStatusFinal with true when not specified
• On all Logistic and all Non-logistic matching details of the interface: set the Pvod-Finshed flag to false when unknown so the matched pending-vouchers remain open.


bzCInvoiceAPMatchinginput-outputdataset-handleCInvoiceAPMatching: Handle to dataset where EDI stores all data. The data identified by this handle gets extended with some default values and values that can be derived from the filled fields.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BCInvoiceAPMatching.ApiEDICInvoiceAPMatchingImport

program code (program3/bcinvoiceapmatching.p)

    /* ============================================================================== */
    /* Notes:                                                                         */
    /*  1. No records are available at the moment this method is entered              */
    /*  2. The records that need to be extended are following tables: tEDICInvoice,   */
    /*     tEDIAPMatching and tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge and should be taken from the     */
    /*     input-output dataset-handle and copied into it at the end of this method   */
    /*  3. Exception handling is done via progress itself (on error undo throw)       */
    /*  4. Database is accessed directly and variables are defined manually to:       */
    /*        A. Come to a proper performance                                         */
    /*        B. Ease downgradability                                                 */
    /*        C. Ease installations on released products: This complete peice of code */
    /*           can be copied into the 'before' hook of the parent-method of this    */
    /*           method by using the customization-technology that we have in the Fin */
    /*  Addition: Note that only Financial-tables can be accessed directly - for      */ 
    /*            Operational tables we will have to use dynamic queries!             */ 
    /*  Note: For pre-SP12 versions; Change bzCInvoiceAPMatching into                 */
    /*        izCInvoiceAPMatching when copying this code into the customisations     */
    /* ============================================================================== */
    /* ====================================================== */
    /* Return in case the handle is not correct               */
    /* Copy data to static temporary tables                   */
    /* ====================================================== */
    if bzCInvoiceAPMatching = ? or
       not valid-handle(bzCInvoiceAPMatching)
    then Return.
    if dataset dCInvoiceAPMatching:handle <> bzCInvoiceAPMatching
    then dataset dCInvoiceAPMatching:handle:copy-dataset(bzCInvoiceAPMatching).
    /* ====================================================== */
    /* Go through all invoices that need to be created        */
    /* ====================================================== */
    for each tEDICInvoice on error undo, throw :
        /* ========================================================================================= */
        /* Default CompanyCode with the current-logged-onto company when not specified               */
        /* Default DomainCode with the domain of the companywhen not specified                       */
        /* Default DInvoiceNumber with CInvoiceReference when not specified                          */
        /* Fill CInvoicePostingDate with CInvoiceDate (and vice versa) and use Today when both empty */
        /* Fill in IsCreateCInvoice with true when not specified                                     */
        /* Fill in CInvoiceIsStatusFinal with true when not specified                                */
        /* ========================================================================================= */
        if tEDICInvoice.tcCompanyCode = "":U or
           tEDICInvoice.tcCompanyCode = ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.tcCompanyCode = vcCompanyCode.
        if tEDICInvoice.tcDomainCode = "":U or
           tEDICInvoice.tcDomainCode = ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.tcDomainCode = vcDomainCode.
        if tEDICInvoice.tcDInvoiceNumber = "":U or 
           tEDICInvoice.tcDInvoiceNumber = ? 
        then assign tEDICInvoice.tcDInvoiceNumber = tEDICInvoice.tcCInvoiceReference.
        if tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoiceDate        = ? and  
           tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate = ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate = today.
        if tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoiceDate         = ? and  
           tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate <> ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoiceDate = tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate.
        if tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate  = ? and  
           tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoiceDate        <> ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoicePostingDate = tEDICInvoice.ttCInvoiceDate.
        if tEDICInvoice.tlIsCreateCInvoice = ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.tlIsCreateCInvoice = true.
        if tEDICInvoice.tlCInvoiceIsStatusFinal = ?
        then assign tEDICInvoice.tlCInvoiceIsStatusFinal = true.
        /* =============================================================================================================== */
        /* Go through all Non-logistic matching details of the invoice and set the Pvod-Finshed flag to false when unknown */
        /* =============================================================================================================== */
        for each tEDIAPMatching where 
                 tEDIAPMatching.tc_ParentRowid = tEDICInvoice.tc_Rowid
                 on error undo, throw :
            if tEDIAPMatching.tlIsPvodFinished = ? 
            then assign tEDIAPMatching.tlIsPvodFinished = false.
        end. /* for each tEDIAPMatching where  */
        /* =============================================================================================================== */
        /* Go through all Logistic matching details of the invoice and set the Pvod-Finshed flag to false when unknown     */
        /* =============================================================================================================== */
        for each tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge where 
                 tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge.tc_ParentRowid = tEDICInvoice.tc_Rowid
                 on error undo, throw :
            if tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge.tlIsPvodFinished = ? 
            then assign tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge.tlIsPvodFinished = false.
        end. /* for each tEDIAPMatchingLcCharge where  */
    end. /* for each tEDICInvoice on error undo, throw : */
    /* ============================================================================= */
    /* Copy data from the static temporary tables to the input-output dataset-handle */
    /* ============================================================================= */
    bzCInvoiceAPMatching:copy-dataset(dataset dCInvoiceAPMatching:handle).