iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiCInvoiceId | integer | ID of the supplier invoice |
ilCInvoiceVatIsSuspDel | logical | Delayed flag |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tdCInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceVatBaseCreditTC | TC Base Amount CR. This field displays the credit base amount in the transaction currency. This field is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tdCInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceVatBaseDebitTC | TC Base Amount DR. This field displays the debit base amount in the transaction currency. This field is calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tdCInvoiceVatCreditTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceVatCreditTC | TC Tax Amount CR. This field displays the credit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tdCInvoiceVatDebitTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceVatDebitTC | TC Tax Amount DR. This field displays the debit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tdCInvoiceVatSuspDelTaxAmtTC | decimal | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatSuspDelTaxAmtTC | Tax Amount on Delayed Account TC. This field display the tax amount in the delayed account of the invoice in Transaction currency. |
tdCInvoiceVatVatCreditTC | decimal | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatCreditTC | TC Tax Amount CR. This field displays the credit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tdCInvoiceVatVatDebitTC | decimal | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatDebitTC | TC Tax Amount DR. This field displays the debit tax amount (TC) calculated by the system using the total invoice amount (TC) and the applicable tax rate code. |
tcCostCentreCode | character | CostCentre.CostCentreCode | Cost Center: A code that identifies the cost center. |
tcNormalTaxDivisionCode | character | Division1.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tcNormalTaxGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tiPostingVat_ID | integer | CInvoiceVat.PostingVat_ID | Link to PostingVat |
tcProjectCode | character | Project.ProjectCode | Project |
tiCompany_ID | integer | CInvoice.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tiCInvoice_ID | integer | CInvoice.CInvoice_ID | Record ID |
tcCInvoiceType | character | CInvoice.CInvoiceType | Invoice Type. This field identifies the invoice type. The value can be Invoice Correction and Credit Note Correction type only when the appropriate daybook types have already been defined. |
ttCInvoiceDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoiceDate | Invoice Date. This field indicates the invoice creation date. The system uses this field with the credit terms to calculate due date and discount date. |
api annotation: | This field defaults from the system date. | ||
tdCInvoiceBalanceCreditTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceBalanceCreditTC | TC Balance Amount CR. This field displays the sum of the credit amounts of all posting lines in transaction currency. |
tdCInvoiceBalanceDebitTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceBalanceDebitTC | TC Balance Amount DR. This field displays the sum of the debit amounts of all posting lines in transaction currency. |
tdCInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | TC Invoice Amount CR. This field displays the credit total invoice amount in the transaction currency. If you modify this field, the system automatically recalculates the exchange rate to ensure that the BC Invoice Amount remains the same. |
tdCInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC | TC AP Amount. This field displays the debit total invoice amount in the transaction currency. If you modify this field, the system automatically recalculates the exchange rate to ensure that the TC Invoice Amount remains the same. |
tcDivisionCode | character | Division2.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tiCInvoiceVat_ID | integer | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVat_ID | Record ID |
tlCInvoiceVatIsSuspDel | logical | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatIsSuspDel | CInvoiceVatIsSuspDel Tax line is for Suspended or Delayed tax. This is a parameter of the tax rate code in GTM. |
tlCInvoiceVatIsTaxable | logical | CInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatIsTaxable | Taxable. This field indicates if the invoice is taxable. This field defaults to true if the supplier is taxable. |