field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCInvoice_ID | integer | CInvoiceVat.CInvoice_ID | Link to CInvoice |
tiDomain_ID | integer | Vat.Domain_ID | Domain |
tcDomainCode | character | Domains.DomainCode | Domain |
tcTxclTaxCls | character | CInvoiceVat.TxclTaxCls | Tax Class. This field default from the supplier, and can be modified. |
tcTxenvTaxEnv | character | CInvoiceVat.TxenvTaxEnv | Tax Environment. This field is automatically calculated based on the supplier and ship-to address details, and can be modified. |
tcTxuTaxUsage | character | CInvoiceVat.TxuTaxUsage | Tax Usage. These fields default from the supplier, and can be modified. |
tiVat_ID | integer | CInvoiceVat.Vat_ID | Domain |
tcVatCode | character | Vat.VatCode | Tax Code |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(CInvoiceVat),rowid(Vat),rowid(Domains) |