iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiCInvoicePostingYear | integer | |
icJournalCode | character | |
iiCInvoiceVoucher | integer | |
iiCInvoiceId | integer | |
icCreditorCode | character | |
icCInvoiceReference | character | |
icAddressTypeCode | character | Provide the AddressTypeCode to specify which address of the credtor you wantr to retrieve. If you leave this parameter empty, then the result-set will contain multiple records for a single invoice if the creditor has got multiple addresses linked |
iiCInvoiceRegistrationNr | integer | CInvoiceRegistrationNr |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcAddressTypeCode | character | AddressType.AddressTypeCode | Address Type |
tcBusinessRelationICCode | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationICCode | Intercompany Code. When Intercompany is true, this field is mandatory. The code entered here must match the intercompany code entered for GL accounts in order to generate intercompany reports. The intercompany code must be unique for this business relation. |
tdCInvoiceCCRate | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceCCRate | SC Rate. The statutory exchange rate used by the invoice. The SC Invoice Amount is calculated based on the SC rate. |
tdCInvoiceCCScale | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceCCScale | Scale Factor. This field indicates the scale factor applying to the SC rate in use for foreign currency payments. |
tlCInvoiceIsInitialStatus | logical | CInvoice.CInvoiceIsInitialStatus | Initial Status. This field indicates if the invoice is in initial status. |
api annotation: | This field defaults from the Initial Status field of the Invoice status code. | ||
tiCInvoiceRegistrationNr | integer | CInvoice.CInvoiceRegistrationNr | Registration number. This field displays the sequential number assigned to each invoice upon initial entry in the system. |
tiCreditorAddr_ID | integer | Address2.Address_ID | Record ID |
tiNormalPaymentCondition_ID | integer | CInvoice.NormalPaymentCondition_ID | Credit Terms Code |
tiReplacedCInvoice_ID | integer | CInvoice.ReplacedCInvoice_ID | Link to CInvoice |
tiShipToAddress_ID | integer | CInvoice.ShipToAddress_ID | City |
tlCreditorAddrIsEUCountry | logical | Country2.CountryIsEUCountry | EU Member |
tcCreditorAddrCountryCode | character | Country2.CountryCode | Country Code |
tlCreditorAddrTaxInCity | logical | Address2.AddressIsTaxInCity | Tax in City. This field determines whether the address is in the city limits for taxation purposes. It is used only with the Sales and Use Tax Interface for US and Canadian tax processing. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to true. | ||
tcCreditorAddrTaxIDFederal | character | Address2.AddressTaxIDFederal | Federal Tax. The value of this filed is the tax ID assigned to this address by the federal or national government. If Tax Report is true, the Federal tax ID must be unique; otherwise, related business relations can share an ID. |
tcCreditorAddrTaxIDMisc1 | character | Address2.AddressTaxIDMisc1 | Miscellaneous Tax 1.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tcShipToAddrTaxIDMisc2 | character | Address1.AddressTaxIDMisc2 | Miscellaneous Tax 2.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tcShipToAddrTaxIDMisc3 | character | Address1.AddressTaxIDMisc3 | Miscellaneous Tax 3.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tcShipToAddrTaxIDState | character | Address1.AddressTaxIDState | State Tax. This field is for reference and documentation purposes, the value of the field is either a state or provincial tax identification number or a VAT registration number. |
tiShipToCountry_ID | integer | Address1.Country_ID | Country Format |
tcShipToAddrCountryCode | character | Country1.CountryCode | Country Code |
tcCreditorAddrTaxIDMisc2 | character | Address2.AddressTaxIDMisc2 | Miscellaneous Tax 2.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tcCreditorAddrTaxIDMisc3 | character | Address2.AddressTaxIDMisc3 | Miscellaneous Tax 3.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tcCreditorAddrTaxIDState | character | Address2.AddressTaxIDState | State Tax. This field is for reference and documentation purposes, the value of the field is either a state or provincial tax identification number or a VAT registration number. |
tiCreditorCountry_ID | integer | Address2.Country_ID | Country Format |
tlShipToAddrIsTaxInCity | logical | Address1.AddressIsTaxInCity | Tax in City. This field determines whether the address is in the city limits for taxation purposes. It is used only with the Sales and Use Tax Interface for US and Canadian tax processing. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to true. | ||
tiShipToAddrTaxDeclarat | integer | Address1.AddressTaxDeclaration | This field is mandatory. |
tcShipToAddrTaxIDFederal | character | Address1.AddressTaxIDFederal | Federal Tax. The value of this filed is the tax ID assigned to this address by the federal or national government. If Tax Report is true, the Federal tax ID must be unique; otherwise, related business relations can share an ID. |
tcShipToAddrTaxIDMisc1 | character | Address1.AddressTaxIDMisc1 | Miscellaneous Tax 1.This field is for reference and documentation purposes, its value can be any other tax identification numbers that are useful. This field can be blank. |
tlShipToAddrIsEUCountry | logical | Country1.CountryIsEUCountry | EU Member |
tiCreditor_ID | integer | Creditor.Creditor_ID | Record ID |
tcCreditorCode | character | Creditor.CreditorCode | Supplier Code |
tiBusinessRelation_ID | integer | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelation_ID | Record ID |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationCode | Business Relation. A code to identify the business relation. If this field does not have a input from the user, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Business Relation Autonumber Create. |
tcCurrencyCode | character | Currency.CurrencyCode | Currency Code |
tcCInvoiceAllocationStatus | character | CInvoice.CInvoiceAllocationStatus | Allocation Status.This field indicates whether postings occur and if they affect transient or official layers. User can not delete an invoice which has a non-initial invoice status code. |
tlCInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved | logical | CInvoice.CInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved | Invoice Approved. This field indicates if the invoice is already approved for payment. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false | ||
tlCInvoiceIsLogisticMatching | logical | CInvoice.CInvoiceIsLogisticMatching | Receiver Matching.This field indicates If the Receiver Matching function is enabled. This field is calculated by the system using the invoice status code. |
tcCInvoiceType | character | CInvoice.CInvoiceType | Invoice Type. This field identifies the invoice type. The value can be Invoice Correction and Credit Note Correction type only when the appropriate daybook types have already been defined. |
tiCInvoice_ID | integer | CInvoice.CInvoice_ID | Record ID |
tiCInvoicePostingYear | integer | CInvoice.CInvoicePostingYear | Year.This field indicates the accounting year for the invoice. If you modify these fields, the posting and tax dates are changed correspondingly. |
api annotation: | This field defaults to the accounting year associated with the posting date. | ||
tiCInvoiceVoucher | integer | CInvoice.CInvoiceVoucher | Voucher. This field displays the numeric identifier assigned to the posting. When the daybook of the journal entry is changed (after transfer), the voucher is cleared. Voucher must be unique in one GL period. When the user input is zero, the system automatically assign a value not used yet for this field. |
tiJournal_ID | integer | CInvoice.Journal_ID | Daybook Code |
tdCInvoiceExchangeRate | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceExchangeRate | Exchange Rate. The exchange rate used by the invoice. The BC Invoice Amount is calculated based on the exchange rate. If user modify the TC Invoice Amount, the BC invoice amount is automatically adjusted. |
tdCInvoiceRateScale | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceRateScale | Scale Factor. This field indicates the scale factor applying to the exchange rate in use for foreign currency payments. |
ttCInvoiceDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoiceDate | Invoice Date. This field indicates the invoice creation date. The system uses this field with the credit terms to calculate due date and discount date. |
api annotation: | This field defaults from the system date. | ||
ttCInvoicePostingDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoicePostingDate | Posting Date. This filed indicates the date on which the invoice is to be posted. |
api annotation: | This field defaults from the invoice creation date. | ||
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
tdCInvoiceNonRecTaxAmtTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceNonRecTaxAmtTC | Non-Rev Tax Amount. This field displays the percentage of tax that is not recoverable. Taxes are recoverable whenever your company is eligible to offset a percentage of tax on purchases against tax collected on sales. Recoverable taxes are common in Europe. |
tiCompany_ID | integer | CInvoice.Company_ID | Link to Company |
tcCInvoiceReference | character | CInvoice.CInvoiceReference | Reference. An alphanumeric reference to help identify the invoice in the system. This reference is typically the ID number of the invoice received from the supplier. |
ttCInvoiceDiscountDueDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoiceDiscountDueDate | Discount Due Date.This field indicates the last date a discount applies, calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date. User can modify this field without affecting the credit terms. |
ttCInvoiceDueDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoiceDueDate | Due Date.This field indicates the date when payment become due. This field can be modified without affecting the credit terms. This field is calculated by the system based on the credit terms and the invoice date. |
tdCInvoiceOriginalCreditLC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditLC | BC Invoice Amount(CR). This field displays the credit total invoice amount in the base currency. This field is calculated by the system using the TC Invoice Amount(CR) and the Exchange rate. |
tdCInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | decimal | CInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditTC | TC Invoice Amount CR. This field displays the credit total invoice amount in the transaction currency. If you modify this field, the system automatically recalculates the exchange rate to ensure that the BC Invoice Amount remains the same. |
ttCInvoiceTaxPointDate | date | CInvoice.CInvoiceTaxPointDate | Tax Point Date.This field indicates the date to be used in tax calculations. |
api annotation: | This field defaults from the posting date. | ||
tcDivisionCode | character | Division.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tcCostCentreCode | character | CostCentre.CostCentreCode | Cost Center: A code that identifies the cost center. |
tdPaymentConditionPercentage | decimal | PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionPercentage | Discount Percentage |
tcPaymentConditionCode | character | PaymentCondition.PaymentConditionCode | Credit Terms Code |
tiReason_ID | integer | CInvoice.Reason_ID | Invoice Status Code |