project QadFinancials > class BCInvoice > method ValidateComponentPostWHT
validation procedure
This method evaluates all CInvoiceWHT records
iiMfgProMajorVersion | input | integer | |
iiMfgProMinorVersion | input | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bcinvoice.p)
/* ======================================================================== */
/* IMPORTANT: This method is run from ValidateComponentPost */
/* The code in this method is nested within the for each t_sCInvoice */
/* This can only work when both methods are defined in the same segment (5) */
/* ======================================================================== */
assign vdTotalFees = 0
vdTotalExpenses = 0
vdTotalInvoiceAmount = 0
vdTotalFeesAndExpenses = 0
vdTotalTaxAmount = 0.
/* =============================================================== */
/* Only take actions if the INVOICE is enabled for withholding tax */
/* =============================================================== */
if t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceIsWHT
then do :
/* =========================================================== */
/* Only actions if the supplier is enabled for withholding tax */
/* =========================================================== */
<Q-77 run CreditorAllInfo (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input t_sCInvoice.Company_ID, (CompanyId)
input t_sCInvoice.Creditor_ID, (Creditor_ID)
output dataset tqCreditorAllInfo) in BCreditor >
find first tqCreditorAllInfo
where tqCreditorAllInfo.tiCreditor_ID = t_sCInvoice.Creditor_ID no-error.
if available tqCreditorAllInfo
then do:
if tqCreditorAllInfo.tlCreditorIsWHT <> true
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-69'Supplier &1 is not enabled for withholding tax':255(502425280)T-69#, string(tqCreditorAllInfo.tcCreditorCode)))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-11 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input 't_sCInvoice.CreditorCode':U (icFieldName),
input tqCreditorAllInfo.tcCreditorCode (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 1 (iiSeverity),
input t_sCInvoice.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-810317':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if tqCreditorAllInfo.tlCreditorIsWHT <> true */
end. /* if available tqCreditorAllInfo */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Go through all underlaying WHT details of the invoice */
/* ===================================================== */
assign vlManualyEnteredCIWHTExists = false.
for each t_sCInvoiceWHT where
t_sCInvoiceWHT.tc_ParentRowid = t_sCInvoice.tc_Rowid and
t_sCInvoiceWHT.tc_Status <> "D":U:
/* ================================================== */
/* Check if at least on WHT line was entered mnanualy */
/* ================================================== */
if (t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceVat_ID = 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceVat_ID = ?)
/* and tCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTIsOrigFromAPM = false */
then assign vlManualyEnteredCIWHTExists = true.
/* Check tax code exists (Only do this for wht records which have a fee amount) */
if not (t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC = 0 and
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC = 0)
then do:
<Q-87 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = MfgTaxCodeByTaxCode (NoCache)
(input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode, (TaxCode)
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
input ?, (DiscountAtPayment)
input ?, (IsTaxByLine)) in BMfgTaxCode>
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-74'Withholding tax code &1 is not defined in domain &2.':255(65341)T-74#, t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode, t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcDomainCode))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-64 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input 'tCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode':U (icFieldName),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-581455':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false */
if iiMfgProMajorVersion >= 3
and iiMfgProMinorVersion > 6
then do:
/* Check tax type is withholding tax */
<Q-24 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = MfgTaxTypeByTaxTypeV01 (NoCache)
(input t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTTaxType, (TaxTypeCode)
input true, (TaxTypeIsWHT)) in BMfgTaxType>
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(subst(#T-66'Tax type &1 must be a designated withholding tax type':255(600341100)T-66#, t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTTaxType))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-8 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input 't_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTTaxType':U (icFieldName),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTTaxType (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-597106':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false */
end. /* end version check */
end. /* if not t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC = 0 */
/* Fees and expenses cannot all be zero amounts for withholding tax */
/* This message is only for non-initial invoices */
If (t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInitialStatus <> true) and
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC = 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC = ?) and
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC = 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC = ?) and
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseDebitTC = 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseDebitTC = ?) and
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseCreditTC = 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseCreditTC = ?)
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(#T-16'The withholding tax record cannot have zero fees and expenses':255(424491914)T-16#)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-47 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input 't_sCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode':U (icFieldName),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tcVatCode (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input t_sCInvoiceWHT.tc_Rowid (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-363700':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if (t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC = 0 */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Check the type of the invoice against debti-credit */
/* ===================================================== */
if ((t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC <> 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseDebitTC <> 0))
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(#T-75'You cannot have debit wht amounts on an invoice or invoice correction':255(53219512)T-75#)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-48 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-313375':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} */
if ((t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTE} or
(t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC <> 0 or
t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseCreditTC <> 0))
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(#T-70'You cannot have credit wht amounts on a credit note or credit note correction':255(414653977)T-70#)
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-35 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-113216':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-CREDITNOTE} */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Sun the Fees and the Expenses */
/* ===================================================== */
assign vdTotalFees = vdTotalFees + (t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeCreditTC - t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTFeeDebitTC)
vdTotalExpenses = vdTotalExpenses + (t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseCreditTC - t_sCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTExpenseDebitTC).
end. /* for each t_sCInvoiceWHT */
/* ============= */
/* Sum the taxes */
/* ============= */
assign vdTotalTaxAmount = 0.
for each t_sCInvoiceVat where
t_sCInvoiceVat.tc_ParentRowid = t_sCInvoice.tc_Rowid and
t_sCInvoiceVat.tc_Status <> "D":U
no-lock :
assign vdTotalTaxAmount = vdTotalTaxAmount + t_sCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatCreditTC - t_sCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatDebitTC.
end. /* for each t_sCInvoiceVat */
/* ======================================================================================================================================================= */
/* Checks between the WHT-totals and the amounts on the invoice itself; */
/* 1. IF at least one CInvoiceWHT has been entered manually (meaning tCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceVat_ID is emtpy or tCInvoiceWHT.CInvoiceWHTIsOrigFromAPM = true) */
/* and the total-invoice-amount (amount on first tabpage) minus the sum of all taxes of the invoice (tax-amounts in the tax-grid) is less than the sum */
/* of all WHT-Fees and WHT-Expenses on the WHT-grid of the invoice */
/* THEN a warning should be raised */
/* ======================================================================================================================================================= */
assign vdTotalInvoiceAmount = Absolute(t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditTC - t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC)
vdTotalTaxAmount = Absolute(vdTotalTaxAmount)
vdTotalFeesAndExpenses = Absolute(vdTotalFees + vdTotalExpenses).
if vlManualyEnteredCIWHTExists = true and
vdTotalFeesAndExpenses > (vdTotalInvoiceAmount - vdTotalTaxAmount)
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-81'The total fees and expenses for withholding tax &1 cannot exceed the taxable base amount &2 of the invoice (&3).':255(838533439)T-81#,
string(vdTotalFeesAndExpenses), string(vdTotalInvoiceAmount - vdTotalTaxAmount),
string(t_sCInvoice.CInvoicePostingYear) + "/":U + t_sCInvoice.tcJournalCode + "/":U + string(t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceVoucher))) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-80'Invoice original credit TC: &1':255(188695809)T-80#,t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalCreditTC)) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-41'Invoice original Debit TC: &1':255(447126913)T-41#,t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceOriginalDebitTC)) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-5'Total Tax amount: &1':255(337970332)T-5#,vdTotalTaxAmount)) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-22'Fee total: &1':255(313000360)T-22#,vdTotalFees)) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-88'Expense Total: &1':255(130530043)T-88#,vdTotalExpenses)).
/* to be sure that you get an error on banking entry iso warning, because that gives problems */
if oiReturnStatus >= 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = +1.
<M-42 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input if oiReturnStatus = +1 then 'W':U else 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-773886':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice>
end. /* if vlManualyEnteredCIWHTExists = true and */
end. /* if t_sCInvoice.CInvoiceIsWHT */