project QadFinancials > class BCInvoice > method ReverseCInvoiceUpdateLegalDocument


Reverse of supplier invoice


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BCInvoice.ReverseCInvoice

program code (program3/bcinvoice.p)

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Method      : ReverseCInvoiceUpdateLegalDocument                                                    */
/* Desc        : This method updates Legal Document. When all invoices created for certain Legal       */
/*               document are reversed, then Legal document get's unposted.                            */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Params:  (I) SupplierInvoiceID     Reversed Supplier invoice ID                                     */
/* =================================================================================================== */
define variable doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice     as com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.GetLegalDocumentForCInvoice no-undo.
define variable doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails as com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.GetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails no-undo.

do on error undo, leave:
    /* Check version of operational code */
    if viMfgProMajorVersionBCI   > 3 /* Meaning eB3 */ or 
       (viMfgProMajorVersionBCI  = 3 /* Meaning eB3 */ and 
        viMfgProMinorVersionBCI >= 7 /* Meaning SP7 */)
    then do:
        /* First Get the Legal document, from which the invoice is created */
        doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice = new com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.GetLegalDocumentForCInvoice(?, iiCInvoice_ID, ?, ?, ?).
        if doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:Available
        then do:
            assign vlVersion2014 = false.
            /* Determine if the version of the ERP software is QAD2014. This needs to be passed to the data object below. */
            if viMfgProMajorVersionBCI   > 3 /* Meaning eB3 */ or 
               (viMfgProMajorVersionBCI  = 3 /* Meaning eB3 */ and 
                viMfgProMinorVersionBCI >= 14 /* Meaning SP14 */)
            then assign vlVersion2014 = true.
            else do:
                <Q-10 run PendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                    input ?, (OrderNumber)
                    input ?, (OrderLine)
                    input ?, (ExternalReference)
                    input ?, (InternalReference)
                    input ?, (LcCharge)
                    input ?, (PvoID)
                    input ?, (PvodID)
                    input vcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
                    output dataset tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC) in BMfgPendingVoucher>
                 find first tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC where
                            tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC.tcpvo_domain = vcDomainCode                   and
                            (num-entries(tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC.tcpvo_external_ref, '::':U) = 9) and
                            tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC.tcpvo_lc_charge <> '':U                       and
                            tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC.tcpvo_internal_ref_type = '13':U
                 no-lock no-error.
                 if not available tqPendingVoucherForAPIMatchLC 
                 then assign vlVersion2014 = false.
                 else assign vlVersion2014 = true.
            /* If there is available legal document which was used for invoice creation, then also *
             * check, that there are no other not-reversed invoices                                */
            doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails = new com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.GetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails(
            do while doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails:Available:
                if doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails:CInvoice_ID <> iiCInvoice_ID
                then return. /* There is still an unreversed invoices, we don't update Legal document */
            /* If there is no any other invoice then update legal document */    
            /* Adapt the Posted flag on the legal document */   
            create tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.
            assign tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tcDomainCode                 = doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:lgd_domain
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tcLegalDocumentNumber        = doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:lgd_nbr
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.ttLegalDocumentEffectiveDate = doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:lgd_effdate
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tcLegalDocumentShipFrom      = doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:lgd_shipfrom
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tcLegalDocumentShip          = doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice:lgd_ship
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tiCInvoiceID                 = iiCInvoice_ID
                   tLegalDocumentUpdateFromCInv.tlLegalDocumentPostStatus    = false.
        end. /* if doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice.Available */

    end. /* if viMfgProMajorVersionBCI   > 3 Meaning eB3 or  */
    /* free up all memory */                                          
        if valid-object(doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails) then delete object doGetLegalDocumentCInvoiceDetails no-error.
        if valid-object(doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice)     then delete object doGetLegalDocumentForCInvoice no-error.
    end finally.
end. /* if viMfgProMajorVersionBCI  ......*/