project QadFinancials > class BCInvoice > method CreatePostingCalculateTotInvAmount
This method calculates total invoice amount including taxes. It can be used when option "Tax excluded" flag is set to true. Then we are getting from the UI invoice amount without taxes (base tax amount).
iiCInvoiceId | input | integer | |
icCurrencyCode | input | character | |
ilCInvoiceIsTaxExcluded | input | logical | |
tApiCInvoiceVat | input | temp-table | |
icCInvoiceRowid | input | character | |
icCInvoiceType | input | character | |
idExchangeRate | input | decimal | |
idExchangeRateScale | input | decimal | |
bdInvoiceAmountTC | input-output | decimal | |
bdInvoiceAmountLC | input-output | decimal | |
bdInvoiceAmountCC | input-output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/bcinvoice.p)
/* ====================================================================================== *
* Method : CreatePostingCalculateTotInvAmount *
* Description : This method calculates total invoice amount including taxes. It can be *
* used when option "Tax excluded" flag is set to true. Then we are *
* getting from the UI invoice amount without taxes (base tax amount). *
* ====================================================================================== */
do on error undo, throw:
/* Pre-validation block */
if ilCInvoiceIsTaxExcluded <> true then leave MAIN_BLOCK.
/* cumulate values posting on VAT */
assign vdVatTC = 0
vdVatCC = 0
vdVatLC = 0.
for each tApiCInvoiceVat where
tApiCInvoiceVat.tc_ParentRowid = icCInvoiceRowid and
tApiCInvoiceVat.tc_Status <> "D":U:
/* TC */
if icCInvoiceType = {&INVOICETYPE-INVOICE} or
then assign vdVatTC = vdVatTC + tApiCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatDebitTC - tApiCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatCreditTC.
else assign vdVatTC = vdVatTC + tApiCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatCreditTC - tApiCInvoiceVat.CInvoiceVatVatDebitTC.
/* LC */
if icCurrencyCode = vcCompanyLC
then assign vdVatLC = vdVatTC.
else assign vdVatLC = <M-20 RoundAmount
(input vdVatTC * idExchangeRate * idExchangeRateScale (idUnroundedAmount),
input viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID),
input vcCompanyLC (icCurrencyCode)) in BApplicationProperty>.
/* CC */
if bdInvoiceAmountCC <> 0 and bdInvoiceAmountCC <> ?
then do:
if viCompanyCCId = viCompanyLCId or
vcCompanyCC = vcCompanyLC
then assign vdVatCC = vdVatLC.
else if vcCompanyCC = icCurrencyCode
then assign vdVatCC = vdVatTC.
assign vdExRateCC = bdInvoiceAmountTC / bdInvoiceAmountCC
vdExRateScaleCC = 1
vdVatCC = <M-23 RoundAmount
(input vdVatTC / (vdExRateCC * vdExRateScaleCC) (idUnroundedAmount),
input viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID),
input vcCompanyCC (icCurrencyCode)) in BCInvoice>.
end. /*if idInvoiceAmountCC <> 0 and idInvoiceAmountCC <> ? then */
end. /* for each tApiCInvoiceVat where */
/* Adjust invoice amount */
assign bdInvoiceAmountTC = bdInvoiceAmountTC + vdVatTC
bdInvoiceAmountLC = (if bdInvoiceAmountLC <> 0 and bdInvoiceAmountLC <> ?
then bdInvoiceAmountLC + vdVatLC
else bdInvoiceAmountLC)
bdInvoiceAmountCC = (if bdInvoiceAmountCC <> 0 and bdInvoiceAmountCC <> ?
then bdInvoiceAmountCC + vdVatCC
else bdInvoiceAmountCC).
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */