bcPrimaryKey | input-output | character | The primary key value of the main table of the object. In case of a combined primary key, the different values should be separated with chr(2) |
bcAlternateKey | input-output | character | The alternate key value of the main table of the object. In case of a combined alternate key, the different values should be separated with chr(2) |
bcRowid | input-output | character | The rowid of the main table record of the object. |
biObjectId | input-output | integer | Identity field of the main table of the object. |
ocObjectStatusValues | output | character | chr(2) seperated list of value of object status fields |
ocObjectStatusFieldNames | output | character | Comma seperated list of field name of object status fields |
ocPrimaryKeyFieldNames | output | character | List of primary key fields of the main table of the object. This is a comma separated list. |
ocAlternateKeyFieldNames | output | character | List of alternate key fields (names) of the main table of the object. This is a comma separated list. |
ocAlternateKeyFieldLabels | output | character | List of alternate key fields (translated labels) of the main table of the object. This is a chr(2) separated list. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
<ANCESTOR-CODE> if (bcPrimaryKey <> "":U and bcPrimaryKey <> ?) or (bcAlternateKey <> "":U and bcAlternateKey <> ?) or (bcRowid <> "":U and bcRowid <> ?) or (biObjectId <> 0 and biObjectId <> ?) then do: assign oiReturnStatus = -98 ocPrimaryKeyFieldNames = "tCInvoice.CInvoice_ID":U ocAlternateKeyFieldNames = "tCInvoice.CInvoicePostingYear,tCInvoice.tcJournalCode,tCInvoice.CInvoiceVoucher":U ocAlternateKeyFieldLabels = trim(#T-5'GL Cal Year':11(1116)T-5#) + chr(2) + trim(#T-6'Daybook Code':15(1117)T-6#) + chr(2) + trim(#T-7'Voucher':12(999890235)T-7#). /* column labels */ if num-entries(bcAlternateKey,chr(2)) = 3 then do: <Q-8 run CInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr (all) (Read) (NoCache) (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId) input 0, (CInvoiceId) input integer(entry(1,bcAlternateKey,chr(2))), (PeriodYear) input 0, (JournalId) input entry(2,bcAlternateKey,chr(2)), (JournalCode) input integer(entry(3,bcAlternateKey,chr(2))), (Voucher) output dataset tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr) in BCInvoice > find first tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr no-error. if available tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr then assign bcPrimaryKey = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoice_ID) bcAlternateKey = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiPeriodYear) + chr(2) + tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tcJournalCode + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoiceVoucher) bcRowid = entry (1,tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tc_Rowid) biObjectId = tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoice_ID ocObjectStatusFieldNames = "tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsOpen,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsSelected,tCInvoice.CInvoiceAllocationStatus,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsLockPayment,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInitialStatus":U ocObjectStatusValues = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsOpen) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsSelected) + chr(2) + tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tcCInvoiceAllocationStatus + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsLockPayment)+ chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInitialStatus). end. else do: if bcPrimaryKey <> "" and bcPrimaryKey <> ? then assign biObjectId = integer(bcPrimaryKey) bcRowid = "". if biObjectId <> 0 and biObjectId <> ? then do: <Q-9 run CInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr (all) (Read) (NoCache) (input 0, (CompanyId) input biObjectId, (CInvoiceId) input 0, (PeriodYear) input 0, (JournalId) input '':U, (JournalCode) input 0, (Voucher) output dataset tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr) in BCInvoice > find first tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr no-error. if available tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr then assign bcPrimaryKey = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoice_ID) bcAlternateKey = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiPeriodYear) + chr(2) + tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tcJournalCode + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoiceVoucher) bcRowid = entry (1,tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tc_Rowid) biObjectId = tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tiCInvoice_ID ocObjectStatusFieldNames = "tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsOpen,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsSelected,tCInvoice.CInvoiceAllocationStatus,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsLockPayment,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInitialStatus":U ocObjectStatusValues = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsOpen) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsSelected) + chr(2) + tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tcCInvoiceAllocationStatus + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsLockPayment) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInitialStatus). end. else if bcRowid <> "" and bcRowid <> ? then do: <M-3 run DataLoad (input bcRowid (icRowids), input '' (icPkeys), input '' (icObjectIds), input '' (icFreeform), input no (ilKeepPrevious), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCInvoice> if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper. if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return. find first tCInvoice. assign bcPrimaryKey = string(tCInvoice.CInvoice_ID) bcAlternateKey = string(tCInvoice.CInvoicePostingYear) + chr(2) + tCInvoice.tcJournalCode + chr(2) + string(tCInvoice.CInvoiceVoucher) bcRowid = tCInvoice.tc_Rowid biObjectId = tCInvoice.CInvoice_ID ocObjectStatusFieldNames = "tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsOpen,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsSelected,tCInvoice.CInvoiceAllocationStatus,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsLockPayment,tCInvoice.CInvoiceIsInitialStatus":U ocObjectStatusValues = string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsOpen) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsSelected) + chr(2) + tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tcCInvoiceAllocationStatus + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInvoiceApproved) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsLockPayment) + chr(2) + string(tqCInvoiceByCyIDYearJrnlVchr.tlCInvoiceIsInitialStatus). end. end. end. if oiReturnStatus = -98 then oiReturnStatus = 0.
define temp-table ttContext no-undo field propertyQualifier as character field propertyName as character field propertyValue as character index entityContext is primary unique propertyQualifier propertyName index propertyQualifier propertyQualifier. define dataset dsContext for ttContext. define variable vhContextDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhExceptionDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhServer as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhParameter as handle no-undo. /* Create context */ create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "programName" ttContext.propertyValue = "BCInvoice". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "methodName" ttContext.propertyValue = "ApiGetIdentification". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "applicationId" ttContext.propertyValue = "fin". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "entity" ttContext.propertyValue = "1000". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "userName" ttContext.propertyValue = "mfg". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "password" ttContext.propertyValue = "". /* Connect the AppServer */ create server vhServer. vhServer:connect("-URL <appserver-url>"). if not vhServer:connected() then do: message "Could not connect AppServer" view-as alert-box error title "Error". return. end. /* Run */ assign vhContextDS = dataset dsContext:handle. run program/rpcrequestservice.p on vhServer (input-output dataset-handle vhContextDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhExceptionDS, input dataset-handle vhInputDS by-reference, input-output dataset-handle vhInputOutputDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhOutputDS). /* Handle output however you want, in this example, we dump it to xml */ if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then vhExceptionDS:write-xml("file", "Exceptions.xml", true). if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then vhOutputDS:write-xml("file", "Output.xml", true). /* Cleanup */ vhServer:disconnect(). assign vhServer = ?. if valid-handle(vhInputDS) then delete object vhInputDS. if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then delete object vhOutputDS. if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then delete object vhExceptionDS.