field name | data type | description |
tdAmountDebitTC | decimal(4) | Debit Amount in TC |
tdAmountCreditTC | decimal(4) | Credit Amount in TC |
tdAmountDebitLC | decimal | |
tdAmountCreditLC | decimal | |
tdAmountDebitCC | decimal | |
tdAmountCreditCC | decimal | |
tdRateTCLC | decimal | |
tdScaleTCLC | decimal | |
tdRateTCCC | decimal | |
tdScaleTCCC | decimal | |
tiCInvoiceID | integer | Creditor invoice ID |
tcGLAccountDivisionCode | character | Division code of the GL Code to post on |
tiPostingLine_ID | integer | |
tcPostingRowId | character | Posting Row ID |
tcPostingText | character | |
tdCInvoiceHoldAmountTC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceHoldAmountTC |
tdMovementDiscountTC | decimal(4) | Movement Discount Value |
tlMovementisForDraft | logical | |
tlIsUndoPayment | logical | |
tiCDocumentId | integer | |
tlMovementIsAboutWHT | logical | |
ttPaymentDate | date | |
tiBankNumber_ID | integer | |
tlIsDelTaxAtPartialPayment | logical |