field name | data type | description |
CInvoiceStage_ID | integer | |
CInvoice_ID | integer | |
PaymentConditionStaged_ID | integer | |
CInvoiceStageDueDate | date | Due Date. The date when this stage should end. |
CInvoiceStagePercent | decimal(10) | CInvoiceStagePercent Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The percentage of the invoice total that this stage stands for. |
CInvoiceStageAmountTC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceStageAmountTC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in TC for this stage. |
CInvoiceStageAmountLC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceStageAmountBC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in BC for this stage. |
CInvoiceStageAmountCC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceStageAmountSC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in SC for this stage. |
CInvoiceStageAmtAppliedTC | decimal(4) | CInvoiceStageAmtAppliedTC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount paid in TC for this stage. |
CInvoiceStageDiscDate | date | CInvoiceDiscDate Payment discount due date. When the invoice is paid before this date a payment discount can be given. |
CInvoiceStageDiscPerc | decimal(3) | CInvoiceDiscPerc Payment discount percent. When the invoice is paid before the discount due date, this is the discount percentage that can be given. |
CInvoiceStageTSMNumber | character | |
tcPaymentConditionCode | character | Credit Terms Code. This field idetifies the Credit Term used in this stage. |
tcPaymentConditionDescript | character | Description. This field displays the description of the Credit Term used in this stage. |
tdPaymentConditionPercentage | decimal(3) | Discount Percentage. This field indicates the discount rate used in the stage. This field is calculated using the Credit Term. |
QADC01 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | unused QAD reserved field |
LastModifiedDate | date | |
LastModifiedTime | integer | |
LastModifiedUser | character | |
tc_Rowid | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |