oiCCollectionNumber | output | integer | |
otCDocumentCreationDateFrom | output | date | |
otCDocumentCreationDateTill | output | date | |
otCDocumentDueDateFrom | output | date | |
otCDocumentDueDateTill | output | date | |
olCDocumentIsOpen | output | logical | |
oiCDocumentNumberFrom | output | integer | |
oiCDocumentNumberTo | output | integer | |
oiCDocumentPrePrintedNumberFrom | output | integer | |
oiCDocumentPrePrintedNumberTo | output | integer | |
ocCDocumentReference | output | character | |
ocCDocumentStatus | output | character | |
ocCDocumentSubType | output | character | |
olCDocumentTimesPrinted | output | logical | |
oiCDocumentYear | output | integer | |
ocCreditorCode | output | character | |
ocCurrencyCode | output | character | |
ocPaySelCode | output | character | |
olIncreaseCDocumentTimesPrinted | output | logical | |
olAssignCDocumentPrePrintedNum | output | logical | |
oiStartCDocumentPrePrintedNum | output | integer | |
oiSkipCDocumentPrePrintedNum | output | integer | |
oiBankPayformatID | output | integer | |
ocPrintType | output | character | |
ocCreditorFromBRName | output | character | |
ocCreditorToBRName | output | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/bcdocumentreport.p)
assign ocCDocumentReference = ?
ocCDocumentStatus = ?
ocCDocumentSubType = ?
ocCreditorCode = ?
ocCurrencyCode = ?
ocPaySelCode = ?
ocCreditorFromBRName = ?
ocCreditorToBRName = ?.
for each tFilter:
case tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName:
when "BankPayFormatID":U
then assign oiBankPayformatID = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "PrintType":U
then assign ocPrintType = tFilter.tcParameterValue no-error.
when "CCollectionNumber":U
then assign oiCCollectionNumber = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "CDocumentCreationDate_RANGE":U
then do:
if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
then assign otCDocumentCreationDateFrom = date(int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4, "CHARACTER":U))) no-error.
if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
then assign otCDocumentCreationDateTill = date(int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4, "CHARACTER":U))) no-error.
when "CDocumentDueDate_RANGE":U
then do:
if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
then assign otCDocumentDueDateFrom = date(int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4, "CHARACTER":U))) no-error.
if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
then assign otCDocumentDueDateTill = date(int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2, "CHARACTER":U)), int(substr(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4, "CHARACTER":U))) no-error.
when "CDocumentIsOpen":U
then assign olCDocumentIsOpen = tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(true) or tFilter.tcParameterValue = "true":U.
when "CDocumentNumber_RANGE":U
then do:
if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
then assign oiCDocumentNumberFrom = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
then assign oiCDocumentNumberTo = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "CDocumentPrePrintedNumber_RANGE":U
then do:
if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
then assign oiCDocumentPrePrintedNumberFrom = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
then assign oiCDocumentPrePrintedNumberTo = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "CDocumentReference":U
then assign ocCDocumentReference = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "CDocumentStatus":U
then assign ocCDocumentStatus = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "CDocumentSubType":U
then assign ocCDocumentSubType = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "CDocumentTimesPrinted":U
then assign olCDocumentTimesPrinted = tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(true) or tFilter.tcParameterValue = "true":U.
when "CDocumentYear":U
then assign oiCDocumentYear = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "CreditorCode":U
then assign ocCreditorCode = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "CurrencyCode":U
then assign ocCurrencyCode = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "PaySelCode":U
then assign ocPaySelCode = tFilter.tcParameterValue.
when "IncreaseCDocumentTimesPrinted":U
then assign olIncreaseCDocumentTimesPrinted = tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(true) or tFilter.tcParameterValue = "true":U.
when "AssignCDocumentPrePrintedNumber":U
then assign olAssignCDocumentPrePrintedNum = tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(true) or tFilter.tcParameterValue = "true":U.
when "StartFromCDocumentPrePrintedNumber":U
then assign oiStartCDocumentPrePrintedNum = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "SkipCDocumentPrePrintedNumber":U
then assign oiSkipCDocumentPrePrintedNum = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) no-error.
when "CreditorBRName_RANGE":U
then do:
if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
then assign ocCreditorFromBRName = tFilter.tcParameterValue no-error.
if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
then assign ocCreditorToBRName = tFilter.tcParameterValue no-error.