field name | data type | mnd. | description |
CashReport_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
Company_ID | integer | yes | Link to Company |
Usr_ID | integer | yes | Login |
Division_ID | integer | no | Sub-Account Code |
TillPeriod_ID | integer | yes | GL Period |
Currency_ID | integer | yes | Currency Code |
CashReportCode | character(20) | yes | Code |
CashReportDescription | character(40) | no | Description |
CashReportLastSavedDate | date | no | Last Saved Date |
CashReportDaysInterval | integer | yes | Days Interval |
CashReportActualsDate | date | no | Actuals to |
CashReportNumberOfPeriods | integer | yes | Number of GL Periods |
CashReportCurrencyView | character(40) | no | Currency View |
value list: | {&CURRENCYTYPES} | ||
tiPeriodPeriod | integer | yes | GL Period |
tiPeriodYear | integer | yes | GL Calendar Year |
tcDivisionCode | character(8) | no | Sub-Account Code |
tcCurrencyCode | character(3) | yes | Currency Code |
tcUsrLogin | character(20) | yes | Login |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | no | empty string |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |
field name | data type | mnd. | description |
CashReportGL_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
CashReport_ID | integer | yes | Link to CashReport |
GL_ID | integer | no | Cash Group |
Currency_ID | integer | yes | Link to Currency |
CashReportGLIsAccount | logical | yes | GL Account |
CashReportGLIsCumul | logical | yes | Cumul |
CashReportGLAmountLC | decimal(4) | no | BC Amount GL |
CashReportGLCorrAmountLC | decimal(4) | no | BC Correction Amount GL |
CashReportGLActualAmountLC | decimal(4) | no | BC Actuals Amount GL |
CashReportGLDescription | character(40) | no | Description |
CashReportGLCurrencyView | character(40) | no | GL Currency View |
CashReportGLAmountTC | decimal(4) | no | TC Amount GL |
CashReportGLAmountCC | decimal(4) | no | SC Amount GL |
CashReportGLCorrAmountTC | decimal(4) | no | TC Correction Amount GL |
CashReportGLCorrAmountCC | decimal(4) | no | SC Correction Amount GL |
CashReportGLActualAmountTC | decimal(4) | no | TC Actuals Amount GL |
CashReportGLActualAmountCC | decimal(4) | no | SC Actuals Amount GL |
CashReportGLAmountType | character(20) | no | Amount Type |
value list: | {&CASHREPORTGL-AMOUNTTYPES} | ||
tcAccount | character(1) | no | Account Type |
value list: | {&CASHREPORTACCOUNTS} | ||
tcCumul | character(1) | no | (Non) Cumulative |
value list: | {&CASHREPORTCUMULS} | ||
tcCashReportGLCompanyCode | character(15) | no | Entity Code |
tcGLCode | character(8) | no | GL Account |
tcCashGroupCode | character(20) | no | Cash Group |
tlGLIsBalanceAccount | logical | no | Balance Account |
tcGLTypeCode | character(20) | no | GL Type |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | yes | = tCashReport.tc_Rowid |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |
field name | data type | mnd. | description |
CashReportGLLine_ID | integer | yes | Record ID |
CashReportGL_ID | integer | yes | Link to CashReportGL |
Currency_ID | integer | yes | Link to Currency |
CashReport_ID | integer | no | Link to CashReport |
CashReportGLLineSeq | integer | yes | GL Line Seq |
CashReportGLLineDate | date | yes | GL Line Date |
CashReportGLLinePerc | decimal(2) | no | GL Line % |
CashReportGLLineLC | decimal(4) | no | BC Line GL |
CashReportGLLineCurrView | character(40) | no | Line Curr View |
CashReportGLLineTC | decimal(4) | no | Line SC |
CashReportGLLineCC | decimal(4) | no | Line SC |
QADC01 | character(40) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | no | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | no | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | yes | = tCashReportGL.tc_Rowid |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |
field name | data type | description |
tcCustomShort0 | character | |
tcCustomShort1 | character | |
tcCustomShort2 | character | |
tcCustomShort3 | character | |
tcCustomShort4 | character | |
tcCustomShort5 | character | |
tcCustomShort6 | character | |
tcCustomShort7 | character | |
tcCustomShort8 | character | |
tcCustomShort9 | character | |
tcCustomCombo0 | character | |
tcCustomCombo1 | character | |
tcCustomCombo2 | character | |
tcCustomCombo3 | character | |
tcCustomCombo4 | character | |
tcCustomCombo5 | character | |
tcCustomCombo6 | character | |
tcCustomCombo7 | character | |
tcCustomCombo8 | character | |
tcCustomCombo9 | character | |
tcCustomLong0 | character | |
tcCustomLong1 | character | |
tcCustomNote | character | |
ttCustomDate0 | date | |
ttCustomDate1 | date | |
ttCustomDate2 | date | |
ttCustomDate3 | date | |
ttCustomDate4 | date | |
tiCustomInteger0 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger1 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger2 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger3 | integer | |
tiCustomInteger4 | integer | |
tdCustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
tdCustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |