Releases the old voucher and gets a new voucher for the new year/journal code.
iiCompanyId | input | integer | Company id |
iiPostingID | input | integer | |
iiNewPostingYear | input | integer | New Year |
icNewJournalCode | input | character | New Journal |
oiNewVoucher | output | integer | New Voucher |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bcashbox.p)
do on error undo, leave:
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
viLocalReturn = 0.
if viBJournalEntryBEID = ? or
viBJournalEntryBEID = 0
then leave MAIN_BLOCK.
/* ================================================================= */
/* Execute method in BJournalEntry component to supply new posting */
/* daybook */
/* ================================================================= */
if not valid-handle(vhBJournalEntryBEInst)
then do:
<I-24 {bFcOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalEntry"}>
<M-55 run UpdateYearJournal
(input iiPostingID (iiPostingID),
input ? (icPostingRowId),
input iiNewPostingYear (iiNewPostingYear),
input icNewJournalCode (icNewJournalCode),
input true (ilIsReleaseOriginalVoucher),
output oiNewVoucher (oiNewVoucherNumber),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BJournalEntry>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viFcReturnSuper > 0 and viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
if viLocalReturn < 0 then leave MAIN_BLOCK.
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */
/* Close communication with openeed components */
if valid-handle(vhBJournalEntryBEInst)
then do:
<I-56 {bFcCloseInstance
&CLASS = "BJournalEntry"}>
/* Return values */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturn.