project QadFinancials > class BBusinessRelation > business logic query ContactByIDAllInfo



query condition

  each Contact where
Contact.BusinessRelation_ID = iiBusinessRelation_ID

query resultset tqContactByIDAllInfo

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tiAddress_IDintegerContact.Address_IDLink to Address
tiBusinessRelation_IDintegerContact.BusinessRelation_IDLink to BusinessRelation
tiContact_IDintegerContact.Contact_IDRecord ID
tcContactEmailcharacterContact.ContactEmailE-mail. The E-Mail address of the contact.
This field can be blank.
tcContactFaxcharacterContact.ContactFaxFax. The fax or telex number to use when sending documents to the contact.
This field can be blank.
tcContactFunctioncharacterContact.ContactFunctionFunction. The function of the contact to the address.
This field can be blank.
tcContactGendercharacterContact.ContactGenderGender. indicates whether the contact is male or femail.
This field is mandatory
tcContactInitialscharacterContact.ContactInitialsInitials. The initials of the contact.
This field can be blank.
tlContactIsPrimarylogicalContact.ContactIsPrimaryPrimary Contact. This field indicates if the contact is the primary contact of the address.
Only one primary contact per address type is allowed.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false
tlContactIsSecondarylogicalContact.ContactIsSecondarySecondary Contact. This field indicates if the contact is the primary contact of the address.
Only one secondary contact per address type is allowed.
api annotation:PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false
tcContactMobilePhonecharacterContact.ContactMobilePhoneMobile. The mobile phone number of the contact.
This field can be blank.
tcContactNamecharacterContact.ContactNameName. The full name of the contact.
This field is mandatory.
tcContactTelephonecharacterContact.ContactTelephoneTelephone. The telephone number of the contact.
This field can be blank.
tcContactTitlecharacterContact.ContactTitleTitle. Title of the contact.
This field can be blank.
ttLastModifiedDatedateContact.LastModifiedDateLast Modified Date
tiLastModifiedTimeintegerContact.LastModifiedTimeLast Modified Time
tcLastModifiedUsercharacterContact.LastModifiedUserLast Modified User
tiLng_IDintegerContact.Lng_IDLanguage Code
ti_sequenceintegercalculatedprimary index
tc_rowidcharactercalculated = rowid(Contact)

Internal usage

method BAccountingInterface.FillProDsEntity
method BDCollection.FillProDataSetDocument
method BDCollection.FillProDataSetGL
method BPaymentSelection.FillProDataSetGL
method BPaymentSelection.FillProdataSetPaymentBankNumber