project QadFinancials > class BBusinessRelation > method GetAddressWithType


When looking for an address of some type, a fallback mechanisme will be programmed:
for instance, when looking for a Reminder address, first the system looks if there is a reminder address. If that is not found, the program will look for an HeadOffice adress which is always there.


iiBusinessRelationIdinputintegerBusiness Relation ID
icBusinessRelationCodeinputcharacterBusiness Relation Code
iiAddressTypeIdinputintegerAddress Type ID
icAddressTypeCodeinputcharacterAddress Type Code
tAddressQueryoutputtemp-tableAll address information composed by query information
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BCreditor.ValCreditorIsSendRemittance
method BCreditorReport.CreditorAccountsHistory
method BCreditorReport.CreditorAgeingABackwards
method BCreditorReport.CreditorAgeingAnalysisCurrent
method BCreditorReport.CreditorOpenItems
method BDebtorReport.DebtorAccountsHistoryDet
method BDebtorReport.DebtorAccountState
method BDebtorReport.DebtorAgeingAnalysisCurrent
method BDebtorReport.DebtorOpenItemsQuick
method BDebtorReport.DebtorReminders

program code (program3/bbusinessrelation.p)

empty temp-table tAddressQuery.
    /* ==================================================== */
    /* Skip Unknown-values and Convert the Code into the ID */
    /* Filled but non-existing code -> Error                */
    /* ==================================================== */
    if icAddressTypeCode      = ? then assign icAddressTypeCode      = "":U.
    if iiAddressTypeId        = ? then assign iiAddressTypeId        = 0.
    if icBusinessRelationCode = ? then assign icBusinessRelationCode = "":U.
    if iiBusinessRelationId   = ? then assign iiBusinessRelationId   = 0.

    /* ========================================================================= */
    /* give an error when the id and the code of the Address Type are not filled */
    /* => not necessary, if not filled then we search for the headoffice address */
    /* ========================================================================= */
    if iiAddressTypeId = 0 and icAddressTypeCode = "":U
    then assign icAddressTypeCode = {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-HEADOFFICE}.
    /* =============================================================================== */
    /* give an error when the id and the code of the Business Relation are not filled  */
    /* => not necessary, you can get all delivery addresses for all business relations */
    /*    probably we not use it, but it should be possible                            */
    /* =============================================================================== */

    /* ====================================================== */
    /* Reset the code-parameter if the ID-parameter is filled */
    /* ====================================================== */
    if iiAddressTypeId      <> 0 then assign icAddressTypeCode      = "":U.
    if iiBusinessRelationId <> 0 then assign icBusinessRelationCode = "":U.

    /* =============================================== */    
    /* search the address with the giving address type */
    /* if not found, search the head office address    */
    /* => must always exist                            */
    /* =============================================== */
    <Q-2 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = AddressByAddressBusRelType (NoCache)
          (input iiAddressTypeId, (AddressTypeId)
           input (if iiAddressTypeId = 0 then icAddressTypeCode else '':U), (AddressTypeCode)
           input iiBusinessRelationId, (BusinessRelationId)
           input (if iiBusinessRelationId = 0 then icBusinessRelationCode else '':U), (BusinessRelationCode)
           input ?, (AddressId)) in BBusinessRelation >
    if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable
    then do:
        <Q-3 run AddressByAddressBusRelType (first) (Read) (NoCache)
          (input iiAddressTypeId, (AddressTypeId)
           input (if iiAddressTypeId = 0 then icAddressTypeCode else '':U), (AddressTypeCode)
           input iiBusinessRelationId, (BusinessRelationId)
           input (if iiBusinessRelationId = 0 then icBusinessRelationCode else '':U), (BusinessRelationCode)
           input ?, (AddressId)
           output dataset tqAddressByAddressBusRelType) in BBusinessRelation >
    else do:
        /* ============================== */
        /* search the head office address */
        /* ============================== */
        <Q-4 run AddressByAddressBusRelType (first) (Read) (NoCache)
          (input ?, (AddressTypeId)
           input 'HEADOFFICE':U, (AddressTypeCode)
           input iiBusinessRelationId, (BusinessRelationId)
           input (if iiBusinessRelationId = 0 then icBusinessRelationCode else '':U), (BusinessRelationCode)
           input ?, (AddressId)
           output dataset tqAddressByAddressBusRelType) in BBusinessRelation >

    find first tqAddressByAddressBusRelType 
         no-lock no-error.
    if available tqAddressByAddressBusRelType
    then buffer-copy tqAddressByAddressBusRelType to tAddressQuery.