project QadFinancials > class BBudget > method GetBudgetUpperLimitLevels

function returns integer

Internal usage

method BBudget.GetLists
method BBudget.ValidateComponentValidateStruct

program code (program5/bbudget.p)

    /* ================================================================================================= */
    /* As the field for BudgetWBS.BudgetWBSSeq in Oracle is limited to hold only 38 digits and as every  */
    /* level uses 3 digits, we will limit the number of levels to 11 when working with an Oracle db      */
    /* When working on a Prorgess-db, we allow 15 levels as a decimal in Progress can hold 50 digits     */
    /* ================================================================================================= */
    if dbtype('qaddb':U) = 'ORACLE':U 
    then Return 11. 
    else Return 15.