project QadFinancials > class BBudget > method BudgetVersionRollUpAmountsGLFig
This method is the submehtod of BudgetVersionRollUpAmounts because it could not hold all the code.
icBudgetVersionTcRowid | input | character | BudgetVersionTcRowid |
tNewBudgetVersionGLFig | input-output | temp-table | tNewBudgetVersionGLFig |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program6/bbudget.p)
/* ======================================================================================== */
/* Reset the amounts for nodes that do have childs */
/* ======================================================================================== */
assign vhtable = BUFFER tNewBudgetVersionGLFig:HANDLE.
for each tNewBudgetVersionGLFig where
tNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tc_ParentRowid = icBudgetVersionTcRowid and
tNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tc_status <> "D":U :
/* reset all values of nodes that are different than level defined on budget (for the specific type)*/
if tNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tiBudgetFDSSeq <> tBudget.BudgetInputLevelBudget and
can-find(first btNewBudgetVersionGLFig where btNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tc_ParentRowid = icBudgetVersionTcRowid and
btNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tc_status <> "D":U and
btNewBudgetVersionGLFig.tiParentBudgetWBS_ID = tNewBudgetVersionGLFig.BudgetWBS_ID)
then do viweeks = 1 TO 54: /* same fields only number is different */
assign vhtable:buffer-field("BudgetVersionGLFig":U + string(viweeks,"99":U) + "TC":U):buffer-value = 0
vhtable:buffer-field("BudgetVersionGLFig":U + string(viweeks,"99":U) + "QTY":U):buffer-value = 0
vhtable:buffer-field("BudgetVersionGLFig":U + string(viweeks,"99":U) + "EACTC":U):buffer-value = 0
vhtable:buffer-field("BudgetVersionGLFig":U + string(viweeks,"99":U) + "EACQTY":U):buffer-value = 0.
end. /* for each tNewBudgetVersionGLFig where */
delete object vhtable.
/* ======================================================================================== */
/* Go through all GL-Figures that are located on the bottom-nodes (they have no childs) */
/* and add the amount of these nodes to all parent-nodes of the bottom-node. */
/* ======================================================================================== */
/* Go though all parents of the bottom-node and update the figures of these nodes */
<M-2 run BudgetVersionRollUpAmountsGLFigSub (input icBudgetVersionTcRowid (icBudgetVersionTcRowid),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BBudget>