project QadFinancials > class BBudget > method BudgetCheckInfoResolveReadDB


This submethod of method BudgetCheckInfoResolve will read all required budgets: result = tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus and return in case there are no budgets read.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBudget.BudgetCheckInfoResolve

program code (program8/bbudget.p)

    /* ===================================================================== */
    /* Return in case no info is passed of the system does not allow budgets */
    /* Empty output temp-table                                               */
    /* ===================================================================== */
    empty temp-table tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
    if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo) or 
       vlSysPropertyIsWithBudget = false     or
       (ilCalledFromBudgetCheck      = true  and 
        vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckGL  = false and 
        vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckPrj = false and 
        vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckCC  = false) 
    then do :
        assign oiReturnStatus = 0.
    end. /* if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo) */
    /* ============================================================= */
    /* Auto assign the BudgetCheckInfoID in case they are all empty  */
    /* ============================================================= */
    if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiBudgetCheckInfoID <> 0 and 
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiBudgetCheckInfoID <> ?)
    then for each tBudgetCheckInfo : 
             assign viCounter                            = viCounter + 1
                    tBudgetCheckInfo.tiBudgetCheckInfoID = viCounter.
         end. /* for each */
    /* ========================================================================================= */
    /* Read the budgets based on the system-settings for OL-check (if started from budget-check) */
    /* Read the budgets based on the input-table and on the existing budgets (all cases)         */
    /* ========================================================================================= */
    /* =========== */
    /* Global      */
    /* =========== */
    /* Set flag default true */
    assign vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = true.
    /* Turn flag off in case no ol-check is needed */
    if (ilCalledFromBudgetCheck     = true and 
        vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckGL = false) 
    then assign vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = false.
    /* Turn flag off in case there are no global budgets */
    if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = true
    then do :
        <Q-3 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (NoCache)
           (input ?, (BudgetID)
            input ?, (BudgetCode)
            input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus)
            input ?, (CompanyId)
            input ?, (ProjectCode)
            input ?, (CostCentreCode)
            input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine)
            input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine)
            input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp)
            input ?, (ProjectID)
            input ?, (CostCentreID)
            input {&BUDGETTYPE-GLOBAL}, (BudgetType)) in BBudget >
        if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
        then assign vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = false.
    end. /* if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = true */
    /* Action1: no global budgets are handled */
    if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = false
    then for each tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                  (tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID    = ? or 
                   tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID    = 0) and 
                  (tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID = ? or
                   tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID = 0) :
            delete tBudgetCheckInfo.
         end. /* for each */
    /* Action2: read all global budgets */
    else do :
        <Q-6 run BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (all) (Read) (NoCache)
           (input ?, (BudgetID)
            input ?, (BudgetCode)
            input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus)
            input ?, (CompanyId)
            input ?, (ProjectCode)
            input ?, (CostCentreCode)
            input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine)
            input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine)
            input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp)
            input ?, (ProjectID)
            input ?, (CostCentreID)
            input {&BUDGETTYPE-GLOBAL}, (BudgetType)
            output dataset tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus) in BBudget >
        for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus no-lock :
            /* Read the companies that are linked to the budget and only continue in case one of these linked companies matches one of the companies in the input temp-table (tBudgetCheckInfo) */
            assign vlLinkedCompanyFound = false.
            <Q-17 run BudgetCompanyByBudgetID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
               (input ?, (CompanyId)
                input tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.tiBudget_ID, (BudgetID)
                output dataset tqBudgetCompanyByBudgetID) in BBudget >
            for each tqBudgetCompanyByBudgetID :
                if can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                                   tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCompanyId = tqBudgetCompanyByBudgetID.tiCompany_ID)
                then do :
                    assign vlLinkedCompanyFound = true.
                end. /* if can-find (first tqBudgetCompanyByBudgetID where  */
            end. /* for each tqBudgetCompanyByBudgetID */
            if vlLinkedCompanyFound = false
            then next.
            /* Create a record in the resulting temp-table of this method */
            create tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
            buffer-copy tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus to tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
        end. /* for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus */
    end. /* if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = true */
    /* =========== */
    /* Project     */
    /* =========== */
    if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> 0 and 
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> ?)
    then assign vlIncludeProjectBudgets = false.
    else do :
        /* Set flag default true */
        assign vlIncludeProjectBudgets = true.
        /* Turn flag off in case no ol-check is needed */
        if (ilCalledFromBudgetCheck      = true and 
            vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckPrj = false) 
        then assign vlIncludeProjectBudgets = false.
        /* Turn flag off in case there are no Project budgets */
        if vlIncludeProjectBudgets = true
        then do :
            <Q-7 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (NoCache)  (input ?, (BudgetID) 
                                                                        input ?, (BudgetCode) 
                                                                        input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus) 
                                                                        input ?, (CompanyId) 
                                                                        input ?, (ProjectCode) 
                                                                        input ?, (CostCentreCode) 
                                                                        input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine) 
                                                                        input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine) 
                                                                        input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp) 
                                                                        input ?, (ProjectID) 
                                                                        input ?, (CostCentreID) 
                                                                        input {&BUDGETTYPE-PROJECT}, (BudgetType)) in BBudget >
            if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
            then assign vlIncludeProjectBudgets = false.
        end. /* if vlIncludeProjectBudgets = true */
        /* Action1: no Project budgets are handled */
        if vlIncludeProjectBudgets = false
        then do :
            if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = false /* only remove them in case they cannot be used for global-budgets as well */
            then for each tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                          tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> 0 and 
                          tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> ? :
                    delete tBudgetCheckInfo.
                 end. /* for each */
        end. /* if vlIncludeProjectBudgets = false */
        /* Action2: read all Project budgets */
        else do :
            /* For every project separately: Read the budget if it was not yet read */
            for each tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                     tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> 0  and 
                     tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID <> ?: 
                /* Avoid duplicates */
                if can-find (first tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus where 
                                   tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.tiProject_ID = tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID)
                then next.
                /* db-read */
                empty temp-table tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                <Q-8 run BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input ?, (BudgetID)
                    input ?, (BudgetCode)
                    input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus)
                    input ?, (CompanyId)
                    input ?, (ProjectCode)
                    input ?, (CostCentreCode)
                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine)
                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine)
                    input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp)
                    input tBudgetCheckInfo.tiProjectID, (ProjectID)
                    input ?, (CostCentreID)
                    input {&BUDGETTYPE-PROJECT}, (BudgetType)
                    output dataset tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus) in BBudget >
                /* tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus must contains all the read budgets */
                for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus no-lock :
                    create tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                    buffer-copy tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus to tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                end. /* for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus */
            end. /* for each tBudgetCheckInfo where */
        end. /* if vlIncludeProjectBudgets = true */
    end. /* Not if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where  */
    /* =========== */
    /* CostCentre  */
    /* =========== */
    if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> 0 and 
                           tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> ?)
    then assign vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = false.
    else do :
        /* Set flag default true */
        assign vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = true.
        /* Turn flag off in case no ol-check is needed */
        if (ilCalledFromBudgetCheck     = true and 
            vlSysPropertyIsBudOLCheckCC = false) 
        then assign vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = false.
        /* Turn flag off in case there are no CostCentre budgets */
        if vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = true
        then do :
            <Q-9 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (NoCache)  (input ?, (BudgetID) 
                                                                    input ?, (BudgetCode) 
                                                                    input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus) 
                                                                    input ?, (CompanyId) 
                                                                    input ?, (ProjectCode) 
                                                                    input ?, (CostCentreCode) 
                                                                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine) 
                                                                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine) 
                                                                    input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp) 
                                                                    input ?, (ProjectID) 
                                                                    input ?, (CostCentreID) 
                                                                    input {&BUDGETTYPE-COSTCENTRE}, (BudgetType)) in BBudget >
            if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
            then assign vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = false.
        end. /* if vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = true */
        /* Action1: no CostCentre budgets are handled */
        if vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = false
        then do :
            if vlIncludeGlobalBudgets = false /* only remove them in case they cannot be used for global-budgets as well */
            then for each tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                          tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> 0 and 
                          tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> ? :
                    delete tBudgetCheckInfo.
                 end. /* for each */
        end. /* if vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = false */
        /* Action2: read all CostCentre budgets */
        else do :
            /* For every Costcentre separately: Read the budget if it was not yet read */
            for each tBudgetCheckInfo where 
                     tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> 0 and 
                     tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID <> ? : 
                /* Avoid duplicates */
                if can-find (first tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus where 
                                   tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.tiCostCentre_ID = tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID)
                then next.
                /* db-read */
                empty temp-table tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                <Q-10 run BudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input ?, (BudgetID)
                    input ?, (BudgetCode)
                    input {&BUDGETSTATUS-OPERATIONAL}, (BudgetStatus)
                    input ?, (CompanyId)
                    input ?, (ProjectCode)
                    input ?, (CostCentreCode)
                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleActualOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckActualOnLine)
                    input (if ilCalledFromBudgetCheck = true and ilOnlyHandleCommitOnlineBudgets = true then true else ?), (BudgetIsCheckCommitOnLine)
                    input ?, (BudgetIsAutoRollUp)
                    input ?, (ProjectID)
                    input tBudgetCheckInfo.tiCostCentreID, (CostCentreID)
                    input {&BUDGETTYPE-COSTCENTRE}, (BudgetType)
                    output dataset tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus) in BBudget >
                /* tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus must contains all the read budgets */
                for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus no-lock :
                    create tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                    buffer-copy tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus to tBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus.
                end. /* for each tqBudgetByBudgetIDCodeStatus */
            end. /* for each tBudgetCheckInfo where */
        end. /* if vlIncludeCostCentreBudgets = true */
    end. /* Not if not can-find (first tBudgetCheckInfo where  */