project QadFinancials > class BBLWIReport > method ValidateSelections


This method is called by the report method DocumentBLWIReport. Since the report method is not used, this method is also obsolete.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBLWIReport.DocumentBLWIReport

program code (program5/bblwireport.p)

/* ========================================================== */ 
/* Test if companycountry is Belgium                          */
/* ========================================================== */ 
<Q-1 run CompanyPropertyForBLWIReport (all) (Read) (NoCache)
          (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
           output dataset tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport) in BBLWIReport >

assign ocMessage = '':U.
find first tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport no-error.
if avail tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport
then if tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport.tcCountryCode <> "BE":U
     then ocMessage = trim(#T-2'This report is only for Belgian entities.':255(419)T-2#).
     else assign vcCountryCodeBE = tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport.tcCountryCode.

/* ========================================================== */ 
/* Validation on selection fields                             */
/* ========================================================== */ 
if viBWLIRepYearFilter   = 0 or
   viBWLIRepYearFilter   = ? 
then if ocMessage <> '':U
     then assign ocMessage = ocMessage + " - ":U + trim(#T-3'You must enter a GL calendar year.':255(420)T-3#).
     else assign ocMessage = trim(#T-4'You must enter a GL calendar year.':255(420)T-4#).

if viBWLIRepPeriodFilter = 0 or
   viBWLIRepPeriodFilter = ?
then if ocMessage <> '':U
     then assign ocMessage = ocMessage + " - ":U + trim(#T-5'You must enter a GL period.':255(421)T-5#).
     else assign ocMessage = trim(#T-6'You must enter a GL period.':255(421)T-6#).