This method is called by the report method DocumentBLWIReport. Since the report method is not used, this method is also obsolete.
ocMessage | output | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bblwireport.p)
/* ========================================================== */
/* Test if companycountry is Belgium */
/* ========================================================== */
<Q-1 run CompanyPropertyForBLWIReport (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
output dataset tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport) in BBLWIReport >
assign ocMessage = '':U.
find first tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport no-error.
if avail tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport
then if tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport.tcCountryCode <> "BE":U
then ocMessage = trim(#T-2'This report is only for Belgian entities.':255(419)T-2#).
else assign vcCountryCodeBE = tqCompanyPropertyForBLWIReport.tcCountryCode.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Validation on selection fields */
/* ========================================================== */
if viBWLIRepYearFilter = 0 or
viBWLIRepYearFilter = ?
then if ocMessage <> '':U
then assign ocMessage = ocMessage + " - ":U + trim(#T-3'You must enter a GL calendar year.':255(420)T-3#).
else assign ocMessage = trim(#T-4'You must enter a GL calendar year.':255(420)T-4#).
if viBWLIRepPeriodFilter = 0 or
viBWLIRepPeriodFilter = ?
then if ocMessage <> '':U
then assign ocMessage = ocMessage + " - ":U + trim(#T-5'You must enter a GL period.':255(421)T-5#).
else assign ocMessage = trim(#T-6'You must enter a GL period.':255(421)T-6#).