project QadFinancials > class BBLWICountry > business logic query BLWICountryPrim


This query is used to convert the BLWI Country ID into the corresponding BLWI Country Code and vice-versa (Code is also a related-key-business-field in this query).


iiBLWICountryIdintegerBLWICountry ID is a related key buisness field of the BLWICountry Code. It is used to identify the BLWICountry and is only used in the business logic code and never on the UI (which displays the corresponding BLWICountry Code instead).
icBLWICountryCodecharacterBLWI Country Code is the BLWI Country Name. It is displayed on the UI as an identifier instead of the ID as it is more understandable to the end user.

query condition

  each BLWICountry where
BLWICountry.BLWICountry_ID = iiBLWICountryId AND
BLWICountry.BLWICountryCode = icBLWICountryCode

query sort order

BLWICountry.BLWICountryCode (ascending)

query resultset tqBLWICountryPrim

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tiBLWICountry_IDintegerBLWICountry.BLWICountry_IDRecord ID
tcBLWICountryCodecharacterBLWICountry.BLWICountryCodeBLWI Country Code

Internal usage

method BBLWICountry.ApiStdMaintainTT
method BCountry.ApiLoadCountryBLWCode
method BCountry.InitialValues
read related business field(s) on tCountry.BLWICountry_ID
validate related business field(s) on tCountry.BLWICountry_ID