project QadFinancials > class BBLWICountry > method DumpBLWICountryForConsolid


This method will load the BLWI Countries that need to be dumped and dump them in a XML file.


icBLWICountryIDListinputcharacterThe list of BLWICountry IDs of the records to be loaded.
icDumpFileinputcharacterName of the file that the dumped data will be saved to.
icConsolCompanyinputcharacterThis is the consolidated company which will appear in the xml document.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BConsolidDump.AdditionalUpdatesPostingSub

program code (program1/bblwicountry.p)

If oiReturnStatus = 0
Then Assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

<M-2 run DataLoad (input  ? (icRowids),
                   input  icBLWICountryIDList (icPkeys),
                   input  ? (icObjectIds),
                   input  ? (icFreeform),
                   input  false (ilKeepPrevious),
                   output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBLWICountry>
If viFcReturnSuper <> 0
Then Assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
If viFcReturnSuper < 0
Then Return.

For each tBLWICountry:

        tBLWICountry.BLWICountry_ID         = 0
        tBLWICountry.BLWICountryIsActive    = true.


<M-3 run DumpXmlRepresentation
   (input  icDumpFile (icFile),
    input  no (ilHeaderOnly),
    input  no (ilSuppressEmptyFields),
    input  0 (iiPriority),
    input  no (ilWriteXMLSchema),
    input  ? (icObjectRowId),
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBLWICountry>
If viFcReturnSuper <> 0
Then Assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
If viFcReturnSuper < 0
Then Return.

create X-DOCUMENT vhDoc in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create X-NODEREF vhRoot in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create X-NODEREF vhNode in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create X-NODEREF vhNode2 in widget-pool "non-persistent".
create X-NODEREF vhValue in widget-pool "non-persistent".

vhDoc:load ("FILE":U, icDumpFile, no) no-error.

do viCnt = 1 to vhDoc:num-children:
    if vhRoot:local-name = "object":U
    Then Leave.
do viCnt = 1 to vhRoot:num-children:
    if vhNode:local-name   = "CompanyCode":U and
       vhNode:num-children = 1
    then do:
        if vhValue:name = "#text":U
        then do:
            vhValue:node-value = icConsolCompany.

    if vhNode:local-name   = "classRepresentation":U
    Then Do:
        vhDoc:create-node-namespace (vhNode2, "com.softcell.componentbuilder.class":U, "priority":U, "element":U).
        vhNode2:namespace-prefix = "cb":U.
        vhRoot:insert-before (vhNode2, vhNode).

        vhDoc:CREATE-NODE (vhValue, "", "TEXT":U).
        vhValue:NODE-VALUE = "49":U.
        vhNode2:APPEND-CHILD (vhValue).

        /*this is a must otherwise crash*/
        Assign viCnt = viCnt + 1.

vhDoc:save ("file":U, icDumpFile) no-error.

delete object vhValue.
delete object vhNode2.
delete object vhNode.
delete object vhRoot.
delete object vhDoc.

<M-4 run ClearData (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBLWICountry>
If viFcReturnSuper <> 0
Then Assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
If viFcReturnSuper < 0
Then Return.

If oiReturnStatus = -98
Then Assign oiReturnStatus = 0.