iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcAddressCity | character | Address.AddressCity | City. The city for this address. This field can be used to decide the tax zone of the address. |
tcAddressEMail | character | Address.AddressEMail | E-Mail. This field indicates the e-mail address associated with this business relation. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressFax | character | Address.AddressFax | Fax. This field indicates the fax or telex number to use when sending documents to this address. This field can be balnk. |
tcAddressStreet1 | character | Address.AddressStreet1 | Address: Line one of address details. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressTelephone | character | Address.AddressTelephone | Telephone. The telephone number for calling this business relation address. This field can be blank. |
tiAddressType_ID | integer | Address.AddressType_ID | Address Type |
tcAddressTypeCode | character | AddressType.AddressTypeCode | Address Type |
tcAddressWebSite | character | Address.AddressWebSite | Internet. This field indicates the Web site of this business relation. This field can be blank. |
tcAddressZip | character | Address.AddressZip | Zip. The postal code or US zip code associated with this address. This field is used to decide the tax zone for the address. This field can be blank. |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationName1 | Name: The full name of the business relation. This field sets the default name for linked addresses such as customers and suppliers. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to the BusinessRelationCode. | ||
tcBusinessRelationOrgType | character | BusinessRelation.BusinessRelationOrgType | Organization Type |
tiCompany_ID | integer | Company.Company_ID | Record ID |
tcCountryDescription | character | Country.CountryDescription | Description |
tcCountyDescription | character | County.CountyDescription | Description |
tcLocalisationCode | character | Company.LocalisationCode | When running any business component of the application, the framework will always lookup the localisation code of current company and if filled, will look for a localisation of that type for the business component, and if found will run that localisation in stead of the standard version of the business component. |
tcStateDescription | character | State.StateDescription | Description |